stepmania 5 how to construct course

by Prof. Gideon Goldner 6 min read

How to play StepMania 5 without the Tools menu?

If the structure of your course file is correct, another issue that you might have is that you picked a song that happens to exist in multiple locations in your StepMania songs folder. In this case, StepMania doesn't know which song to pick -- you'll need to specify the song folder that it …

How do I make a song in StepMania?

Jan 21, 2013 · Tutorial How to make a course in stepmania. Step 1:Open wordpad. Step 2:In the wordpad you can use this example to put on wordpad: #COURSE:Name of Course Here; #SONG:Name of song here; #SONG:Same as above; You can ... Step 3:Save the text as a CRS file. Step 4:Put the course in the Courses folder. ...

What is the use of StepMania?

Jet again another tutorial made by moi (=me) =====Additonal info:Tutorial about how to make a .smzip to publish your song.http:...

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There are Sim files from other packs (Example: Apearsons; retrieved from the stepmania online repository) that will not show up in Endless mode or 'randomly populated' courses in Oni or Extended, but are playable in Normal mode (Run the Place Red is an example from Apearsons). I've tried pulling a Sim file I've generated into the Stepmania ...

How do I create a course in stepmania?

NOTE: The quickest way to do this would be to make sure your StepMania is NOT on fast load. Then, when in edit mode, press the 'C' key and choose the course you selected for that song. This allows changes to your .Sep 23, 2009

How do you make custom stepmania songs?

Community Q&A
  1. Go to the Stepmania installation folder. ...
  2. Open the songs folder.
  3. Create a new folder, specifying the group that you want the song to be in.
  4. Open the created folder and create a folder called the name of your song.
  5. In that folder, you can put in your mp3 or ogg file.
  6. You must also put in a "your song name".

Can you add your own songs to stepmania?

When you download new songs, all you have to do is to drag the song folders (not the . zip/. rar file, but each song separately) in the "songs/Stepmania 5" folder. Finally, just boot up the game again (your game should be turned off all this time), and you're ready!Dec 12, 2015

How do you add a background in stepmania?

Just add . png and reload songs. Another way is to just add the "-bg" suffix to the background filename (not "_bg") and StepMania will recognize it automatically as a background.Jul 16, 2016


Make sure you have StepMania in the first place! Now open up the StepMania Tools Main Menu that comes with StepMania, and click on the very last option that says "Create Song". Find the music file that you want to be your new dance song and select it! It should say "Success. Created song <file location>"

Community Q&A

There is no Stepmania tools menu. Where on my computer can I locate this item?


Make an appropriate BPM for the music. Listed in the related wikiHows is an article that's a good way to calculate the BPM

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 14 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 58,220 times.

Barless play is superior, change my mind

I’ve been a barless player for a while. I think the point of the game is to get you moving and dancing, but people that play with bars make the game look so boring to me. They look like they are tip toeing rythmically. So boring.

Almost ready to give up : (

Hey everyone - I have tried everything. After upgrading my Mac OS about a year ago I have been unable to open Stepmania. I am not very tech-savvy; downloading new songs for Stepmania was always maxing out my abilities/knowledge.

The Friday Night Funkin' B-Side smfile Pack

So, since I couldn't really find much of the B-Side I decided to make it myself...I have no Stepmania Editor or Arrow Vortex. I had to use a txt file and a chart just to make these patterns, it was a pain... So I hope you enjoy it I'll just post the mediafire link here. (Beta? It's incomplete, just the normal mode)

Confused About .sm Format

Background info: I'm trying to make a LSTM that'll auto-generate simfiles for songs. (It's likely going to be pretty awful, but a fun little side project regardless).
