what is the stand alone course

by Dr. Tito Russel 7 min read

Stand-alone course means a course that is primarily dedicated to addressing the learning standards of a single subject area.

Other Words from stand-alone

But now it is all paying off. His European growth is remarkable, both in department stores and standalones. — Jim Cramer This book is a companion to last year's Five Midnights, though it can be read as a standalone. — Dahlia Adler The system operates … as a standalone or within any graphics application, and supports most popular file formats.

First Known Use of stand-alone

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Origin of The Cheese Stands Alone

This idiom comes from a children’s song. The song comes together with a game. All the children stand in a circle, with one child in the center who plays the farmer.

Examples of The Cheese Stands Alone

In the dialogue below, two men use the idiom while discussing a party that a third friend invited them both to.

More Examples

This excerpt is from a photo caption. It is a play on words. The turkey’s name is Cheese, and he is alone in the picture, because his friend, Mac, is not with him.


The phrase the cheese stands alone is the last line of a popular game and children’s song. People often use it as an uncommon way to describe someone who is all alone.
