sql query of students who have taken only course taught

by Katheryn Johnston 4 min read

How to get the Count of a course in SQL?

Apr 28, 2014 · Students, Courses and Registration. Students has id, name columns Courses has also course.id, course.name. and there is third table joining the Students and Courses table. Registration : stu_id, course_id. One Student can take one or many courses. I would like to find the name of Students registered in only one course. mysql sql.

How to find the top 2 students who have taken the most courses?

write SQL query for: Find all students who have taken all courses taken by instructor 'Srinivasan'. (This is the division operation of relational algebra.) You can implement it by counting the number of courses taught by Srinivasan, and for each student (i.e. group by student), find the number of courses taken by that student, which were taught by

What are the three parts of the student table in SQL?

Sep 05, 2014 · Select all courses from your course Table, join the enrolment table and group by your course id. With count () you can select the number of Students. SELECT MAX (t_course.NAME) AS Course_name, COUNT (t_enrolment.student_fk) AS Count_students FROM t_course LEFT JOIN t_enrolment ON t_enrolment.course_fk = t_course.course_id GROUP BY …

How to group all students of a course in a course?

Apr 17, 2017 · And I am trying to get display all the students that have had the same teacher in two courses (removing duplicates). My query is not returning exactly what I am looking for: SELECT DISTINCT E.Fname, E.Lname FROM STUDENT E WHERE EXISTS (SELECT COUNT(A.TEACHER) FROM COURSE A, COURSE B WHERE A.Teacher = B.Teacher GROUP BY …

What will be the query to display the courses in which number of students enrolled is more than 5?

To get the students who are registered for more than 5 courses you do this... SELECT CAMPUS, STUDENT_ID FROM REGISTRATION WHERE SEMESTER = 'GIVEN SEMESTER' GROUP BY CAMPUS, STUDENT_ID HAVING COUNT(*) > 5; To get the number of students who are registered for more than 5 courses you do this...Dec 25, 2012

How do I create a SQL database for students?

SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create table in a database. If you want to create a table, you should name the table and define its column and each column's data type....SQL CREATE TABLEcreate table "tablename"("column1" "data type","column2" "data type","column3" "data type",..."columnN" "data type");

What courses teach you SQL?

10 Best Online SQL Courses in 2022Analyzing Big Data with SQL. ... The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert. ... Excel to MySQL: Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization. ... The Complete SQL Bootcamp 2020: Go from Zero to Hero. ... SQL for Data Science. ... SQL - MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence.More items...•Feb 23, 2022

What is the query to find the total grade point?

Here's how you calculate GPA: Get the average grade for each course. Multiply each average by the number of credit hours in said course. Add the results from 2.Jul 3, 2014

How do I create a new SQL database?

Using SQL Server Management Studio :Connect to an SQL instance of the SQL Server Database Engine then expand that instance.Right-click Databases, and then click New Database.Enter a database name.To create the database by with default values, click OK.Aug 28, 2020

What is SQL define SQL commands with their syntax?

SQL commands are instructions. It is used to communicate with the database. It is also used to perform specific tasks, functions, and queries of data. SQL can perform various tasks like create a table, add data to tables, drop the table, modify the table, set permission for users.

What are the basic queries in SQL?

Some of The Most Important SQL CommandsSELECT - extracts data from a database.UPDATE - updates data in a database.DELETE - deletes data from a database.INSERT INTO - inserts new data into a database.CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database.ALTER DATABASE - modifies a database.CREATE TABLE - creates a new table.More items...

Can I learn SQL without any programming knowledge?

While there are many programming languages that developers can learn, SQL doesn't require prior programming skills. However, SQL developers can benefit from having experience with JavaScript, PHP and C#.Sep 23, 2019

Which SQL to learn for beginners?

Different SQL dialects Popular dialects include MySQL, SQLite, and SQL Server, but we recommend starting with PostgreSQL—it's the closest to standard SQL syntax so it's easily adapted to other dialects.Sep 7, 2020

Is a 3.5 GPA good?

Anything above a 2.0 indicates good academic progress. But, a grade point average of 3.5 and above is good in college. 3.5 GPA students normally qualify for the dean's list and honors programs. The average GPA in four-year undergraduate courses in U.S. colleges is 3.15.Feb 23, 2022

What's the highest GPA you can get?

No matter what kind of coursework a student takes, the highest possible GPA in an unweighted system is a 4.3. NOTE: some schools do not differentiate between an A (5.0 weighted, 4.0 unweighted) and an A+ (5.3 weighted, 4.3 unweighted). Your school office can confirm what the highest GPA possible is for you!Jan 2, 2022

How can I get name and marks of top three students using SQL?

SELECT statement is used to get name and marks of top three students.SQL query is. SELECT Name, Marks FROM Student s1 where 3 <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Students s2 WHERE s1.marks = s2.marks)SQL (Structured Query Language) ... Functions of SQL (Structured Query Language)Nov 21, 2019