simon sinek why discovery course

by Dr. Alford Brekke DDS 9 min read

Simon Sinek – WHY Discovery Course

WHY Discovery Course uses Simon Sinek’s proven process, based in biology, to help you find clarity, meaning and fulfillment. Through a series of videos, the co-authors of Find Your Why will guide you step-by-step to find your WHY and live in alignment with your purpose.

Your Instructors

Peter retired from the Royal Air Force and wanted to continue a life of service. Since joining the Start With Why team in 2011, he has combined Simon’s ideas with the work he was already doing to amplify its impact. Peter coauthored Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team.

Who is Simon Sinek?

Simon Sinek is a bestselling author, speaker and an expert on leadership.

How I earn 6 figure income this 2021

The reason why you do the things you do is very important. However, the reason is not enough, you need to have skills that can pay the bills.
