queensbrough how to file an appeal to the commitie of course and standing

by Dejah Cole 9 min read

How long does it take to respond to a Committee's decision?

In most cases a written response with the Committee's decision will be sent within 15 business days. Where do you send your appeal?

How do I write a letter of appeal to an academic committee?

The following steps are a general guideline to follow when writing a letter of appeal to an Academic Committee: Carefully complete the Appeal Cover Sheet: Make sure that you state the exact course and section numbers of the course (s) in question, as well as the semester (s) in which you took them, and the name (s) of the instructor (s).

How do I appeal to the CCS?

It is important to remember that students do not meet face to face with the CCS. Your written statement will be the only appeal presented to the Committee, therefore it is crucial to make your case clearly and to demonstrate that you have made significant efforts to change any unsatisfactory behavior.

How do I appeal a Grade?

If necessary, you can appeal the grade to the dean of the division. If these steps fail to resolve the issue, the final step would be to prepare a written appeal to the appropriate Committee on Course and Standing (see explanation of appeals processes below).

What happens if you fail to meet the GPA probation?

Students who fail to meet the terms of GPA Probation or Rate of Progress Probation will be dismissed at the end of the Academic Semester. Dismissal from the College is permanent unless a written reinstatement appeal, made to one of the four Committee on Academic Standing, is successful.

Can I go back to Baruch College if I was dismissed?

If you are dismissed, you may not enroll in courses at Baruch College unless you are reinstated. You will not be allowed to attend school for at least one semester. In order to return to Baruch College, your appeal for reinstatement must be approved by one of the four Committees on Academic Standing.

What are the errors in an appeal letter?

Errors may create the impression that you are careless and are not taking the appeal seriously, or does have significant academic weaknesses. Avoid displaying emotions such as anger. Use this letter to convince the Academic committee of the merits of your request/case.

Do students meet face to face with the CCS?

It is important to remember that students do not meet face to face with the CCS. Your written statement will be the only appeal presented to the Committee, therefore it is crucial to make your case clearly and to demonstrate that you have made significant efforts to change any unsatisfactory behavior.
