philosophy course - "philosophers who happen to be catholic"

by Luther Reichel 6 min read

Who is the greatest Catholic philosopher?

A Doctor of the Church, Thomas Aquinas is considered one of the Catholic Church's greatest theologians and philosophers.

Can Catholics study philosophy?

Philosophy, as a discipline, searches for truth and makes arguments based on the light of natural reason. In doing this, we follow the great Catholic tradition asserting the goodness of the human mind and the importance of forming it through philosophical study.

Are there philosophers who believe in God?

Some philosophers – not most but a significant minority, including members of the Society of Christian Philosophers – believe in God.

Do philosophers believe in religion?

For philosophers there are no ideas to be accepted on faith. Philosophy of Religion is rational thought about religious issues and concerns without a presumption of the existence of a deity or reliance on acts of faith.

What philosophy does the Catholic Church believe?

The chief teachings of the Catholic church are: God's objective existence; God's interest in individual human beings, who can enter into relations with God (through prayer); the Trinity; the divinity of Jesus; the immortality of the soul of each human being, each one being accountable at death for his or her actions in ...

What is Thomistic theology?

Thomist philosophy holds that we can know about God through his creation (general revelation), but only in an analogous manner. For instance, we can speak of God's goodness only by understanding that goodness as applied to humans is similar to, but not identical with, the goodness of God.

Does Plato believe in God?

To Plato, God is transcendent-the highest and most perfect being-and one who uses eternal forms, or archetypes, to fashion a universe that is eternal and uncreated. The order and purpose he gives the universe is limited by the imperfections inherent in material.

Does Socrates believe in God?

Socrates also believes in deity, but his conception is completely different from the typical Athenians. While to the Athenians gods are human-like and confused, Socrates believes god to be perfectly good and perfectly wise. His god is rationally moral. His god also has a purpose.

What philosophers were religious?

This is a list of philosophers of religion.Jesus.Aristotle.Peter Abelard.Jacob Abendana.Joseph ben Abraham.Isaac Alfasi.Jacob Anatoli.Anselm of Canterbury.More items...

Which philosopher does not believe in God?

Diagoras of Melos (5th century BC): Ancient Greek poet and sophist known as the Atheist of Milos, who declared that there were no Gods.

What is Plato's religion?

Religion is the practise of belief, in most cases identifying to the existence of a divine, transcendent being or beings. The proposals of Plato selected to be discussed will adhere to a general definition that religion is “a strong belief in a supernatural power that control human destiny”.

Do philosophy students believe in God?

“To be honest, most of philosophy isn't concerned in any direct sense with God or God's existence,” Jensen said. “It is one part of philosophy that we study, but we're not obsessed with it.