osha 10 hour general industry training course where i can find id number

by Urban Mayer 3 min read

ID numbers are given to trainers who have conducted an outreach training class and received student course completion cards. It is usually provided on the letter that is sent with the student completion cards. If you are submitting your first card request, you must include a copy of your OSHA trainer card.

What is the OSHA 10-hour online general industry training course?

Course Details for OSHA 10-Hour Online General Industry Training: 1 Workers' Rights to Know the Chemical Makeup of Materials Found in Their Workplace 2 Difference Between Chronic and Acute Health Ailments 3 Hazards of Spray Finishing, Dipping/Coating, Combustible Liquids and Compressed Gases 4 Dangers of Unguarded Equipment

What is the OSHA limit for training contact hours?

OSHA limits training contact hours to 7½ hours per day. A trainer is allowed to add additional time for breaks and lunch that would increase the overall time to more than 7 ½ hours. May an authorizing training organization charge fees for student course completion cards?

What is OSHA 10 and how do I take it?

OSHA 10 is a 10-hour safety course designed by OSHA to cover safety basics for workers in high-risk industries. The point is to make workers aware of common safety and health hazards they may find on the job, as well as their right to work in a safe and "healthful" environment. OSHA 10 is part of what OSHA calls its Outreach Training Program.

Where can I take an OSHA course?

The OSHA courses listed above are only offered by authorized OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Centers located throughout the United States. For a complete list of all the OTI Education Centers and their approved courses, please visit the OTI Education Center Locations page.

Do OSHA 10 certifications expire?

Does OSHA 10 Expire? OSHA doesn't put an expiration date on DOL cards. As far as they're concerned, there's no OSHA 10 expiration. The parties that require an OSHA 10 card – including state and local governments or employers – will usually also specify how often the training needs to be renewed.

Where are OSHA general industry standards found?

OSHA standards for construction and general industry are located in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, with general industry standards detailed in Part 1910, sections 1910.1 through 1910.1450.

Does OSHA 511 expire?

If your card has expired, you will need to meet all prerequisites requirements to attend the initial Trainer course (e.g. OSHA 500, 501, etc.) again, including having successfully completed the OSHA Standards course (e.g. OSHA 510, 511, etc.) within the last 7 calendar years. Extensions will not be granted.

What are OSHA credentials?

OSHA certification is an official certificate of competency issued in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and represents the achievement of outcomes stipulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

What is the difference between OSHA 10 construction and general industry?

OSHA defines "construction work" as work for construction, alteration and/or repair, including painting and decorating. General Industry refers to any industry not included in construction, maritime or agriculture. It includes (but is not limited to): health care, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution and retail.

What is OSHA General industry?

OSHA uses the term "general industry" to refer to all industries not included in agriculture, construction or maritime. General industries are regulated by OSHA's general industry standards, directives, and standard interpretations.

What is an OSHA 10 card good for?

OSHA 10 Card Benefits An OSHA 10 card proves to employers that you completed 10 hours of OSHA-authorized training on critical workplace safety topics. Entry-level workers with this credential have industry-specific knowledge and skills that help prevent injuries and keep workplaces safe and productive.

What is the highest OSHA certification?

At the top of the hierarchy are the trainer cards which reflect the highest level of achievement and proficiency. Trainer card. Signifies authority to teach 10- and 30-hour outreach courses and receive OSHA student completion cards.

What is the difference between OSHA 10 and OSHA 30?

While the OSHA 10 hour course is aimed at employees and is not as in-depth as the OSHA 30 certification course, the OSHA 30 certification is made for supervisors and safety directors. Both safety certification courses deal with construction, general industry, or maritime safety and health hazards.

How do I put OSHA certification on my resume?

Instead of writing "OSHA certified" in your qualifications section, include the full titles of the training courses you've completed and any certificates, cards or credentials you have earned.

How do I verify my OSHA 30 card?

Most cards issued after March 2016 (plastic cards) will have a QR code on the backside that can be scanned to verify authenticity. Paper cards can be verified by contacting the outreach trainer who issued the card.

How many modules are in OSHA 10 general industry?

Online OSHA 10-hour General Industry Course Outline Module 1: Introduction to OSHA. Module 2: Walking & Working Surfaces, including Fall Protection. Module 3: Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans and Fire Protection. Module 4: Electrical.