online any where anytime's online defensive driving course

by Moshe McKenzie 7 min read

What to expect from a defensive driving course?

defensive driving a secure and better option for the drivers to learn this skill for the better and safer experience behind the wheel. This type of training encourages the driver to expect unexpected things and act according to that. This training has helped many drivers to drive safer than before, and become more proactive.

Who should take a defensive driving course?

  • Save you money on your auto insurance
  • Dismiss a traffic ticket
  • Remove points from your driving record

What's covered in a defensive driving course?

What is Covered in a Defensive Driving Course?

  • Basic traffic laws
  • Tips to recognize potential dangers
  • Statistics about distracted driving and driving while intoxicated
  • Instruction on how to control your vehicle in inclement weather and road conditions
  • Railroad crossings
  • Basic vehicle maintenance
  • Attitude and awareness. ...

What can a defensive driving course do for You?

  • SAVE MONEY. Many states support safe driver incentives that could reduce your insurance premium by as much as 10% for completing a defensive driving course.

What is the best defensive driving course to take online?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•

What is the easiest defensive driving course online?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

What is the easiest defensive driving course online AZ?

Full List Of All Online Defensive Driving Courses In ArizonaI Drive Safely(800) 723-1955Easy Peasy Defensive Driving ONLINE(480) 442-9567National Traffic Safety Institute(800) 726-6874RIGHT TURN Easy Online Traffic School(602) 883-8894Roadrunner Traffic School(623) 398-6590205 more rows

What is the fastest online traffic school in Arizona?

Fastest Arizona Online Traffic School: Go To Traffic School.

Which online traffic school is the fastest?

Fastest Online Traffic School #1 – iDriveSafely Online Traffic School. The iDriveSafely online traffic school program has been around for literally decades and they have it down to a science. This is the fastest online traffic school you can take and it has made this list every year including now in 2019.

Is TrafficSchool com legit?

Verified Student Reviews Since 1994, has been striving to exceed the expectations of our students. No matter where you look, you'll see that has earned a 5-star reputation.

How long is Arizona defensive driving school online?

4 to 4 1/2 hoursOnline Defensive Driving Course The course is timed and will take 4 to 4 1/2 hours to complete and can be taken from the leisure of your home or office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What is the best online traffic school in AZ?

Top 4 Arizona Online Traffic Traffic School.iDriveSafely.

How long is Arizona defensive driving school?

4.5 hourPROGRAM INFORMATION The Arizona Defensive Driving School Program is a 4.5 hour course and it must be completed at least seven days prior to your court date in order for your ticket dismissal.

How do you get points off your license in Arizona?

How can I get points off my license in Arizona? You can get points off your license in Arizona by waiting for them to expire. In Arizona, points stop counting towards a suspension after 12 months, and you cannot do anything to remove points otherwise.

Can you do traffic survival school online in Arizona?

Traffic Survival School or TSS, is an eight-hour class that is monitored by Arizona's Motor Vehicle Department (MVD) and must be taken in person—there isn't an online option.

How much is a speeding ticket in a school zone in Arizona?

Penalties for Speeding in a School Zone in Arizona For instance, if you are caught driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit, the fine is usually $250. If you are caught driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit in a school zone, the fine amount automatically doubles, and you will owe $500.

Eligibility Requirements

You have not attended a defensive driving course for a citation within the last year (12 months).

Refund Policy

You can cancel your order for a full refund until you begin the course. Once you have started the course there are no refunds.

What is a behavioral driven course?

Behavioral-driven course designed to change drivers' attitudes associated with distracted driving and using a cell phone and other electronic devices while driving. A self-assessment evaluates participants driving habits and defines content specific to their risk level.

What is the most important job for a driver?

The most important job of any driver is safety. The National Safety Council, together with SafetyServe, offers the nation's most respected and highly rated online defensive driving course.


Most drivers use the 1-hour version to get their defensive driving discount.

Need to Train Employees?

DriveSafe Online offers fleet defensive driving solutions for organizations of all sizes.

Aggressive drivers. Extreme weather. Roadway obstacles. Mechanical malfunctions

Each of these hazards can jeopardize the safety of you and your passengers. Whether you are a new or experienced driver, you must be prepared to respond to driving hazards or know how to avoid them altogether.

25 Years Experience

We’re experts in online training. We’ve been doing it for more than two decades and counting. Millions of people around the world view our programs, which have earned industry awards for BEST CONTENT, BEST ADVANCE IN TECHNOLOGY and BEST INNOVATION.

Your Road to Savings

Defensive driver education can reduce your insurance premium up to 10%. Are you ready to save money?

How many hours per day is online school?

COURSE SCHEDULE: The ONLINE COURSE shall generally be accessible and available to STUDENT twenty-four (24) hours per day following receipt of payment for the ONLINE COURSE ("COURSE START"). STUDENT’s access to and use of the ONLINE COURSE shall be subject to the license granted herein.

How long does it take to get a duplicate DDO certificate?

If the STUDENT requests a duplicate within thirty (30) days of the date of issue of the original certificate because the original was not received or was damaged so as to be unusable or was issued with errors due to no fault of the student, DDO will issue a duplicate at no cost to the student.

Why DriveSafe

Our online defensive driving course is fully narrated, providing an easier user-experience than other courses that require reading through content or which charge an additional fee for narration.

Car Insurance Discounts

Most insurance companies offer great discounts, if you take an online driver safety course.

Ticket Dismissal

Get tickets dismissed by taking an online driver safety course.

Point Reduction Class

Get points reduced from your driver’s license by taking an online driver safety course.

Defensive Driving

Don’t become a statistic. Thousands die on our roads each year. Become a better, safer driver (at any age) by taking an online driver safety course.

What is an approved defensive driving course?

Approved Course. Approved Course is a Houston-based online defensive driving course in Texas. This is by far one of the easiest online defensive driving courses you can sign up for in Texas for 2021. I’m not sure exactly what it is about Approved Course that makes it so easy, but this course is simple to pass.

How long does defensive driving school last?

Make sure you read the fine print for whatever defensive driving course you sign up for, but in general, online defensive driving school will expire 90 days after you first start the coursework. Once 90 days is up, you will be locked out of the course and you will need to pay for another one.

How much does a defensive driving course cost in Texas?

The state of Texas regulates pricing for online defensive driving schools by setting a minimum price they are allowed to charge. That price is $25. The vast majority of Texas state-approved online defensive driving schools sell their course at the state-minimium, but you may find a few that charge more than $25.

How far ahead of time do you have to take defensive driving?

All you need to do is either complete your defensive driving course at least 2 weeks ahead of your due date or call the court clerk’s office in the district you received your traffic ticket to get an extension. In most cases, all you have to do is ask and they give you one with no problems.

What is a go to traffic school?

Go To Traffic School is a defensive driving course in Texas that has been around since literally the 1990’s. They first started by offering home-based defensive driving programs that were sent through the mail using VHS tapes and booklets. As time progressed, they began to change their business model, and in the early 2000’s they began offering their home-based defensive driving course online in Texas.

Is iDriveSafely a good online defensive driving course?

You can either take the traditional text-based course, or you can opt for the video-based course. If you want a legitimate Texas online defensive driving course that has proven themselves over a 20-year history, then iDriveSafely is a safe bet. In fact, they guarantee you’ll be satisfied or you get your money back.

Is defensive driving a small business?

Unlike most online defensive driving courses that are run by giant corporations, Approved Course is operated by a small business. If you call customer service, there’s a good chance you’ll get the actual owner of the company or one of the family members that help to run it.