what is the name of the course where they teach you and prepare you for adult life

by Rhoda Koch DDS 9 min read

What is adult learning theory in education?

Adult learning theory is rooted in andragogy, the practice of teaching adults, as opposed to pedagogy, the practice of teaching children. Adult learning theories have expanded to include an array of options since 1980 when educator Malcolm Knowles introduced the concept of andragogy.

Is adult education available for learning?

…quality adult education is readily available for learning. You just know how to “teach it” the right way. There’s just one problem: Most so-called “learning experts” and adult educators don’t know what they’re doing, and they have the results (or lack of results) to prove it. That’s where you come in.

Why do people take classes?

They are there to learn something new or become certified in a particular field. This principle is not about why adults are sitting in your class looking to feed off of your knowledge, but rather why each component of the class you’re teaching is an important part of the learning process.

What is your learning style as an adult?

Adults have the freedom to learn in their own way. Many adults can remember having only one type of learning style growing up; this is mainly determined by their teachers’ preferred method of instruction. However, as an adult you may learn that you prefer a different learning style, or a combination of all three.

What is taught in a life skills class?

Life Skills is designed to increase student knowledge and skills necessary for everyday living. The course emphasizes goal-setting, decision making and problem solving, communication, healthy lifestyles and relationships, nutrition, personal safety, citizenship and consumerism.

What are Adulting skills?

Adulting classes often teach relationship skills, including:Listening and communication skills.Knowing how and where to meet other people.Resolving conflicts.Putting forward your best self on social media.Making meaningful connections with others in real life.Increasing emotional intelligence and soft skills.

What classes should everyone take?

9 Essential Courses Every College Student Should TakePublic Speaking. ... Media Literacy. ... Cross-Cultural Communication. ... Human Health Science. ... Physical Education or Self-Defense. ... Personal Finance & Business. ... Professional Writing. ... Inter-Disciplinary Capstones.More items...•

Is BLS the same as first aid?

Should You Get Certified in Both? While CPR and First Aid are designed for non-medical personnel, and BLS for people in a medical setting, anyone can take BLS if they'd like to go through more advanced medical training.

What do Adulting classes teach?

Life skills aka “Adulting” lessons for teensmeal planning and preparation,learning how to use online bill pay,understanding how insurance works (home, car, health),cleaning a house properly,yard maintenance,laundry lessons,debt and how to stay out of it,budgeting,More items...•

How can I become a adult?

You don't just become an adult when you turn 18....But here are some definitions of what I believe adulting looks like today:Don't be a jerk. ... Take full responsibility for where you're at in your life. ... Love hard and responsibly. ... Stop lying. ... Check your ego. ... Call people back. ... Take care of your own stuff. ... Be grateful.

What is HRM course?

Answer: Human Resource Management, or HRM, is a business specialization that focuses on workforce staffing, training, and maintenance strategies and practices.

What are the 4 years courses?

Four-Year Undergraduate DegreesBachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.)Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs (B.S.P.A)Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)Bachelor of Philosophy (B. Phil.)Bachelor of Architecture Degree (B. Arch.)Bachelor of Design (B.

What is an educational course?

Based on 9 documents. 9. Educational Course means any University graduate level course of a kind normally taken by an individual pursuing a program leading to a law, business, medical, or other advanced academic or professional degree.

Is BLS Certification hard?

The short answer? No, the class is not generally considered difficult – however, compared to lay rescuer CPR & First Aid classes, there is a greater amount of information covered and the skill requirements are slightly more technical.

What is ACLS certification?

The AHA's ACLS course builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR. Reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC).

Is BLS better than CPR?

What is BLS? Basic life support (BLS) includes CPR but is an overall higher level of medical care typically administered by public safety professionals, first responders, paramedics, healthcare providers, and qualified bystanders.

How long does it take to complete the final exam?

Once the Final Exam has been released, you will have 2 weeks plus 10 days to complete the Final and finish any remaining lessons in your course. No further extensions can be provided beyond these 10 days. Self-Paced: Because this course is self-paced, no extensions will be granted after the start of your enrollment.

Who is Annemarie Thompson?

Annemarie Thompson is an award winning learning designer with over 15 years of experience in the distance learning industry. She produces courses on key teacher development topics including Differentiated Instruction, Classroom Discipline, and Classroom Management.


Download the Foundation Workbook that accompanies this course so that you can follow along perfectly with what is being said.


These Are the Most Comprehensive Easy-To-Understand Adult Education Techniques We’ve Ever Created…

Who this course is for

Training Professionals & Teachers: Grow in your career, and make training fun with engaging learning techniques that guide people through a learning process that sticks.


Best Selling Author, YouTuber, TEDx Speaker, International Public Speaking, Financial and Executive Coach, Trainer of Trainers and Founder of Rule the Room, Jason Teteak has taught more than one million people personal development, public speaking, presentation skills, financial training, train the trainer, and communication skills.

And they're some of the most important college classes you can take

Creating a college class schedule is probably one of the most clunky and frustrating things we as college students do. We spend hours researching professors for a class we need, and find that none of the times that professor teaches work in our schedules. Regardless, we beat on against the academic current.

Microeconomic Theory

I am a little biased here, being an Economics major, but I firmly believe that this one class is one of the most important courses anyone can take, ever. Macroeconomics is important, but all of the theory behind macroeconomics stems from microeconomics.

Intro to Statistics

I have never underestimated a class as much as I did statistics. This class will help you easily see through so much of the media bias today, and how easily information can be skewed to fit an agenda.


Initially, I thought philosophy would be a kumbaya where we all sit around and discuss the world Socratic seminar style. Philosophy is actually a class that teaches you about logical thinking and how equivalencies (and subsequently their inverse), truths, and fallacies are formed in rhetoric.


If you somehow find yourself in a degree plan that does not require you to take math through Calc 1, suck it up and take Calc 1 anyway. Math is the language of the universe, and one of the few concrete things that do not change with time. The theorems behind it might, but the laws which numbers abide by are everlasting.

At a glance

Adult learning theory is rooted in andragogy, the practice of teaching adults, as opposed to pedagogy, the practice of teaching children.

What is Adult Learning Theory?

Adult learning theories trace their roots back to Malcolm Knowles, an adult educator who developed the concept of andragogy. Andragogy is the “art and science of teaching adults.” This is intentionally different from pedagogy, which is the practice of teaching children.

Adult learning and neuroplasticity

Because adult brains are different from children’s brains, it follows that their learning styles will differ. But how are their brains different? In part, it comes down to wiring.

Why are adult learning theories important?

For aspiring educators and adult students, the question of why adult learning theories are important is an easy one. As the researcher Patricia A.

Challenges of adult learning

Adult learning may be possible, but is it easy? Not always. Some common obstacles to adult learning, whether in the classroom or on the job, include:

What are adult learning principles?

Adult learners who do commit to going back to school often benefit from a curriculum based on seven key adult learning principles. These principles are largely informed by the theory of andragogy and can help a school, training program, or other types of educational organization solidify and execute its educational mission.

What are the 7 learning principles?

When you get down to it, there are seven main principles of teaching adults. Learning how these core adult learning principles work can improve your own education, boost your organization’s performance and training, and bolster your ability to educate others.

What are activities in a class?

Activities can be personal assessments or reflections that are worked on quietly and independently. Alternatively, they can be games, role play, or small-group discussions. Choose your activity based on what you know about your students and on the content of your class.

Who is Deb Peterson?

Deb Peterson is a writer and a learning and development consultant who has created corporate training programs for firms of all sizes. It's not difficult to design lesson plans for adult education. Every good course design begins with a needs assessment.

What is the most appropriate way to teach adult learners?

Sometimes using acronyms and buzzwords is the most appropriate way of teaching—it can quickly convey your experience and authority within your field, and reassure learners that you know what you’re talking ...

Why is teaching adult learners important?

Teaching adult learners has many potential advantages over teaching younger students. For one, your learners have much more life experience, and this experience can be leveraged as part of the knowledge that is shared among the participants in your class. Also, leaving aside situations where workers are required to take mandatory training (e.g., ...

How can storytelling help adults?

Adult learners are often more emotionally driven, and storytelling can harness their emotions and help them retain your lessons. Tie storytelling into your real-world examples by talking about a time your lesson helped someone, or could have helped them.

Why is it important to include real world applications in your lessons?

Including real-world applications or outcomes of your lessons when teaching adult learners is important so your students can understand and visualize how to apply what you teach. Use examples of times when people should follow your teaching in their everyday lives, or of the pitfalls that can befall them if they fail to do so.

Do adult learners have to be kept to a rigid schedule?

Unlike kids, adult learners don’t have to be kept to a rigid schedule to keep learning . Structuring your courses is a great idea, both to keep you on track and to help frame your lessons in a logical, progressive way. However you can afford to allow short breaks and discussions without your learners losing track of what you were teaching.

Do adult learners need to continue education?

Also, leaving aside situations where workers are required to take mandatory training (e.g., to comply with industry regulations), adult learners typically choose to continue their education, and thus likely to value your teaching—and your time—far more than students who are required to be in your class. However, while you may not need ...

Do you need to put effort into engaging your class?

However, while you may not need to put the same effort into engaging your class that a school teacher would, you still need to build a rapport with your learners and develop a teaching strategy that maximizes their learning outcomes.

Why are adult students special?

Adult students are special because they step foot into a classroom with the desire to learn. They are there to learn something new or become certified in a particular field.

Who popularized the concept of five teaching strategies for adults?

The motivations to learn evolve as you become older; and for an adult educator, teaching can be even more difficult without a basic understanding of adult learning theory. Malcolm Knowles, a pioneer in adult education, popularized the concept of five teaching strategies for adults, which states that students learn best when:

What is visual learning?

Visual learners prefer to be shown a lesson through graphs, diagrams, and illustrations. They rely on what the instructor is doing and often sit in the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions. The best form of communication is providing worksheets, white boarding, and leveraging phrases such as, “Do you see how this works?”

How to identify the type of learner in a classroom?

The type of learner that makes up your classroom can easily be identified by conducting a short learning style assessment at the beginning of class . This assessment will benefit you and the students and will allow you and your students to be successful. This information will be as valuable to the student as it is to you.

What is the motto of a tactile learner?

Tactile learners need to physically do something to understand it. Their motto is “Let me do it.”. They trust their feelings and emotions about what they’re learning and how you’re teaching it. Tactile learners are those students who will get up and assist instructors with role playing in the classroom.

What are some examples of learning activities?

Examples of learning activities include small group discussions, experiments, role playing, skits, building something at their table or desk, or writing/drawing something specific.

Is learning experiential?

Learning is experiential. The time is right for them to learn. The education process is positive and encouraging. This post breaks down each principle outlined above, and details why it’s an important method of teaching adults effectively.
