ohio nurses how many ce's does a college course equal

by Jasper McDermott 7 min read

A: Each person licensed as an RN or LPN

Licensed practical nurse

A licensed practical nurse, in much of the United States and Canada, is a nurse who cares for people who are sick, injured, convalescent, or disabled. In the United States, LPNs work under the direction of physicians. In Canada, LPNs/RPNs work autonomously similar to the registered nurs…

in Ohio must complete twenty-four (24) contact hours of CE during each licensure period to renew a license. A nurse who has been licensed by endorsement for less than or equal to one (1) year must complete twelve (12) contact hours. At least one (1) of the required contact hours must be Category A.

Full Answer

How many CE hours do you need to be a nurse?

CE Requirements for RNs. Each person licensed as a registered nurse (RN) in Ohio must complete twenty-four (24) contact hours of continuing education during each licensure period. At least one (1) of the required contact hours must be related to Chapter 4723 of the Ohio nurse practice code and rules (Category A).

What is 1 CEU equivalent to in nursing?

One CEU is equivalent to 10 contact hours. Most nursing continuing education courses and activities are measured by CEUs to make it easier for students to determine what they need and how much a particular activity or class is worth. How do nurses earn continuing education (CE) credits?

How do I contact ce4nurses in Ohio?

CE4Nurses is operated by the Ohio Nurses Association. [/accordion-item] [accordion-item title=” Q: I have questions about CE requirements in Ohio. “] A: You can contact the Ohio Nurses Association at 614-237-5414 and ask to speak with the Continuing Education Department, or you can contact the Ohio Board of Nursing.

How do nurses earn continuing education credits?

How do nurses earn continuing education (CE) credits? Nurses seeking to earn CE credits can do so by attending certain designated events, such as conferences, seminars and workshops. You may also earn CE credits by enrolling in online continuing education courses as well as various online nursing programs.

How many contact hours equal a credit hour in Ohio?

10 contact hoursTypically, 1 CEU equals 10 contact hours, 3 CEUs equal 1 semester hour and 30 contact hours equal 1 semester hour.

What are nursing CE credits?

CNE is Continuing Nursing Education and refers to courses specifically for nursing professionals. CEUS or Continuing Education Units are also known as Continuing Education Credits. They reflect the time spent participating in educational courses or approved activities. One CEU is equal to 10 hours of instruction.

What qualifies as a CEU Ohio?

A CEU is defined as ten contact hours of participation in an organized noncredit continuing education activity under (1) responsible, competent sponsorship, (2) capable academic direction, and (3) qualified instruction. A program must meet these three criteria to be considered for CEU certification.

What is a Category A CE for Ohio nurses?

Category A is defined as training related to the rules of the Ohio Nurse Practice Act, as described in rule 4723 of the Ohio Revised Code and is approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing, an OBN approver, or is offered by an OBN approved provider.

How many CEUs equal a college credit?

CEUs are most commonly converted via a formula that considers at least ten (10) CEUs to equal a single academic credit hour. The most authoritative U.S. guide to CEUs is provided by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

What is the difference between a CE and a CEU?

CE is just the abbreviation for continuing education, so it's really more of a generic term. On the other hand, CEU (a continuing education unit) refers to a unit of credit equal to 10 hours of participation in an educational course or approved activity. The key here is choosing approved or accredited programs.

How many CEUs do I need to renew my Ohio nursing license?

twenty-four contact hours(A) A nurse applying to renew an active license to practice nursing as a licensed practical nurse or registered nurse in Ohio must complete twenty-four contact hours of continuing education during the renewal period, unless an exception applies, and at least one of the required hours needs to be in category A ...

How long do you keep nursing CEUs in Ohio?

A: You are required to maintain CE documentation for six years. Each licensee and certificate holder are responsible for keeping track of their CE records for submission to the Board upon its request or audit. Additional questions? Email [email protected].

How many hours of continuing education are required for license renewal in Ohio?

30 hoursThe state of Ohio requires 30 hours of continuing education to be completed every three years by the licensee's birthday. The first continuing education due date for a new licensee is three years after the licensee's first birthday following licensure.

How many CEU are in Ohio?

24“] A: Each person licensed as an RN or LPN in Ohio must complete twenty-four (24) contact hours of CE during each licensure period to renew a license.

Can you practice nursing in Ohio without a license?

The practice of nursing without a valid license is a criminal offense and grounds for possible disciplinary action. You must submit a new application and pass the NCLEX to receive a new Ohio license.

Can an LPN discontinue a PICC line?

A LPN can discontinue a peripherally inserted central catheter. FALSE: A LPN cannot discontinue a PICC line, they can discontinue a peripheral venous infusion site. A LPN may "push" medications through an IV as long as a doctor is on site, and ordered the medication.

How many CE hours are required for RN in Virginia?

Thirty (30) contact hours of continuing education relevant to the practice of nursing.

Are CNE and CEU the same?

CEU. The ANCC Accreditation Program does not utilize the term CEU (continuing education unit) when referring to the CNE (continuing nursing education) unit of measurement. The CEU is an educational measurement utilizing criteria of the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).

How many units of continuing education units a nurse should have in 3 years?

Every nurse or midwife is expected to earn a minimum of 6.0 CEU which is equivalent to 60 continuing education credit/contact hours within each three-year cycle of licensure.

How many CEUS do I need to renew my RN license in Illinois?

Illinois RN Continuing Education Re-licensure FAQs APRN licensure renewal: 80 hours of approved Continuing Education will be required for the June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2022 license renewal cycle.

How many contact hours are required for RN license in Ohio?

RNs and LPNs are required 24 contact hours every two years, 1 of which must be directly related to the laws and rules of the Ohio Nurse Practice Act (Category A). APRNs CE contact hours must be obtained between November 1, 2019 and October 31, 2021 in order to renew your APRN license by October 31, 2021.

How to contact Ohio Board of Nursing?

Please contact the Ohio Board of Nursing at (614) 466-3947, or visit their website at http://www.nursing.ohio.gov.

How to contact NetCE?

As always, please email [email protected] or call us at (800) 232-4238 with questions or concerns regarding your continuing education. We encourage you to take advantage of our FREE online , two-hour course The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic.


In support of improving patient care, NetCE is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Does Ohio Board of Nursing accept ANCC?

The Ohio Board of Nursing accepts courses from any provider who is ANCC accredited.

Is NetCE a trusted source?

NetCE is honored to be your trusted source for CE/CME/CEUs and we are committed to supporting you and your selfless service to your patients as we navigate these difficult times together.

How many hours of CE do you need for a nurse license in Ohio?

Other than the first renewal immediately following licensure by exam, nurses must complete at least 24 contact hours of CE that includes at least one contact hour of Category

What is CE in health care?

CE is defined as a learning activity that builds upon a prelicensure or precertification education program and enables a licensee or certificate holder to acquire or improve knowledge or skills that promote professional or technical development to enhance the licensee’s or certificate holder’s contribution to quality health care and pursuit of health care career goals. Rule 4723-14-01(J) OAC.

How long do you have to keep CE records?

A: You are required to maintain CE documentation for six years. Each licensee and certificate holder are responsible for keeping track of their CE records for submission to the Board upon its request or audit.

How many hours of volunteer service for RN?

A: An RN or LPN who serves as a volunteer for indigent and uninsured persons, without compensation, may use up to 8 hours of the volunteer service towards their CE requirement. One hour of CE may be awarded for each

What is a CE waiver?

A: A waiver is a one-time opportunity to opt out of the CE requirements for one renewal period for RNs, LPNs, OCDTs and CHWs. A waiver may only be used one time, and once you request it on the renewal application, the request cannot be withdrawn.

How many contact hours do you need for a nursing certificate?

Volunteer Nursing Certificate holder must complete at least 24 contact hours of CE in specified content areas during each certificate period. At least two of the 24 contact hours must be Category A.

What proof is needed for OAC?

A: Rule 4723-14-06(A), OAC, specifies the proof needed. An acceptable CE document must contain your name; title of the program; date of program completion; number of contact hours; the OBN Approver name and number, or name of the provider and the name of the authorized approver or the name of the approval body. For academic credit, a school transcript or grade report must include your name, the name of the school, and the dates attended, and credit hours awarded. The transcript may be unofficial.

What is CE in Ohio?

Continuing Education (CE) is required to maintain your license or certificate in Ohio. Detailed CE information is included below.

What is Ohio eLicense?

The Board is part of a comprehensive professional licensing system , known as Ohio eLicense, used by most of Ohio’s licensing boards. The system includes features to better serve our licensees and the public.

How many hours of continuing education do you need to be a registered nurse in Ohio?

Each person licensed as a registered nurse (RN) in Ohio must complete twenty-four (24) contact hours of continuing education during each licensure period. At least one (1) of the required contact hours must be related to Chapter 4723 of the Ohio nurse practice code and rules (Category A).

How many hours of continuing education is required for RN?

To be licensed by endorsement, an RN must complete two (2) contact hours of continuing education directly related to Chapter 4723, ORC and the rules of the Board (Category A).

How many contact hours are required for a LPN in Ohio?

At least one (1) of the required contact hours must be, related to Chapter 4723 of the Ohio nurse practice code and rules (Category A). The LPN licensure period is two (2) years through October 31 of the following even numbered year. To be licensed by endorsement, an LPN must complete two (2) contact hours of continuing education directly related ...

How to contact Ohio Board of Nursing?

A: You can contact the Ohio Nurses Association at 614-969-3800 and ask to speak with the Continuing Education Department, or you can contact the Ohio Board of Nursing. Q: You didn’t answer my question.

When is the RN licensure period?

At least one (1) of the required contact hours must be Category A. The RN licensure period is from November 1 of odd numbered years through October 31 of the following odd numbered year. The LPN licensure period is from November 1 of even numbered years through October 31 of the following even numbered year. Q.

What is ONA nursing?

ONA is the largest approver unit of continuing education in the country, accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. We are also a top-notch provider of educational programs, with all programs recognized by the Ohio Board of Nursing for re-licensure. ONA members have access to most courses ...

How long do you keep CE certificates?

If audited, you will be required to send photocopies of documents (i.e. certificate) that contain all of the following information: • name; • title of the program; • date of program completion; • name of the provider; • number of contact hours; • OBN Approver number or the name of the authorized provider or the name of the approval body. All records should be kept for 6 years.

How often do ONA courses renew?

The contact hours accumulated through the free studies are enough for license renewal every 2 years.

Can a CE4Nurses be audited?

The time period for which you are being audited will be stated in the “CE Audit” letter. If audited, an individual will be asked to send photocopies of CE certificates or school transcripts to the Board. You should keep a copy of your CE4Nurses certificate should you be audited.

Is ONA a continuing education program?

All of ONA’s continuing education programs are recognized by the Ohio Board of Nursing for re-licensure.

How do nurses earn continuing education (CE) credits?

Nurses seeking to earn CE credits can do so by attending certain designated events, such as conferences, seminars and workshops.

What CE programs are approved by state boards of nursing?

Most state nursing boards will accept a broad spectrum of continuing education activities in satisfaction of CE requirements.

What are contact hours and continuing education units (CEUs)?

A contact hour consists of 50 or 60 minutes of instruction in a continuing education class or activity that is board-approved.

What are class credits and CE requirements?

In many cases, college classes count toward a nurse’s continuing education CE requirements.

What do I do once I complete CEUs?

It’s not necessary to send CE records to the board of nursing, but since you will be required to do so if you ever get audited, it’s a wise idea to keep accurate records of any CE completion for at least two nursing license registration periods.

Can nurses get CE credits?

Most state boards will allow nurses to complete and receive CE credits for courses that are designed for other health care professionals.

Do you report CE activities to the state board of nursing?

CE activities are typically only reported to the state board of nursing at the time of license renewal.

What is RN.com CEU?

RN.com’s online nursing CEU courses are developed using evidence based research and nursing best practices. This ensures that you are able to maintain your nursing license with CEUs and deliver the best nursing care possible. State-required CNE courses are included.

How many hours do you need to renew your nursing license?

Every 2 years: two of the following three are required for license renewal: 30 contact hours, OR 30 hours professional nursing activities, OR 320 hours nursing employment.

How many hours of pain management CE is required in Oregon?

Once this requirement is fulfilled, there is no additional CE requirements for renewal. One-time requirement for 7 hours of pain management-related CE. One hour must be a course to be provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission .

Is RN.com a continuing education provider?

RN.com is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.