of course i remember who you are just not at this moment line

by Bernadette Hartmann PhD 5 min read

How do you Remember Yourself?

How to identify your core beliefs?

Who said nothing in life is guaranteed?

Jessica PrinceQuote by Jessica Prince: “Nothing in life is guaranteed.

Who said it's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember?

Quote by Sujish Kandampully: “It's hard to forget someone who gave you so muc...”

Why else are we here if not living?

blydesmit “Why else are we here if not to live with unreasonable passion for things.”- butterflies rising...

When you don't know where life is taking you quotes?

You never know where life is going to take you. So everything I do, I just take it one day at a time, and it always leads you to the right place.

Can you forget someone you truly love?

You may never totally forget about the person you love, but that's not a bad thing. Eventually, with time and healing, you'll be able to appreciate the good parts of the relationship without feeling pain.

How can I forget about someone and move on?

Things to Do:Take a minute to breathe. ... Keep a diary. ... Talk to someone and ask for help if you need it. ... Exercise! ... Don't dwell too much. ... Don't go to the places you used to go to together that have special memories.Unfollow them on social media. ... If you're the type to look back on old photos and texts then delete it all.More items...

What do you say when life is hard?

Ideas to consider include:“Thank you for all you do for us, but now is a time to take care of yourself as well.” ... “I'm proud of you.” ... “I hate that you're going through this, but I know that you've got this.” ... “Remember when you were there for me? ... “Here's how we're going to take care of your work while you're away.”More items...•

Do you want your life to be better worse or stay the same?

“Do you want your life to be better, worse, or to stay the same?" Michael Scott.

What is unreasonable passion?

Hume: Unreasonable Passions ( Treatise 2.3.3. 6) Passions can be contrary to reason only in so far as they are accompanied with some judgment or opinion. Two ways a passion may be called unreasonable: The passion is founded on the supposition of the existence of objects which really do not exist.

What is the best motto in life?

Everyone has a different muse, but here are some universal phrases of hope and inspiration."We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated." ( Maya Angelou)"Be yourself. ... “One person can make a difference.”"Keep your eyes on the prize."“Every day is a second chance.”"Tomorrow is another day."

What is the best saying in life?

Famous Quotes About LifeYou will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated. - ... The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - ... In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. ... Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. -More items...•

What are some powerful quotes about life?

Life Quotes " The purpose of our lives is to be happy." — Dalai Lama. " Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." — John Lennon. " Get busy living or get busy dying." — Stephen King. " You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." — Mae West. " ... " ... " ... "More items...•

When is Remember Who You Are a Powerful Lesson?

Remember Who You Are, is a Powerful Lesson. February 25, 2020. The Lion King was my son’s favorite movie when he was three. He watched it over and over again to the point he was reciting the lines. It, too, is my all-time favorite Disney movie due to it’s a powerful message, “ Remember Who You Are. ” I believe that the Universe uses everyday things ...

What is the universal expression of the soul that could only be you?

The universal expression of the soul that could only be you has a purpose and a reason for being here at this moment. We get bewildered at the idea of a grand purpose, but all of us are here to be happy and love one another; it’s that simple. How you choose to show love to those who come into your life is up to you based on your skills and talents.

Who Are We?

The heart’s voice, or our soul, is the part of us that is connected to Source or Spirit at all times. It’s the part of us that always was, always is, and always will be. We are energy which can’t be created nor destroyed, only transformed, and we are currently being expressed in the form of an individual human being.

What does it mean to move past ego reality?

By moving past the ego reality, we free ourselves from old habits and concepts that cause us to be fearful. Your job on Earth, therefore, is not to learn (because you already know), but to remember Who You Are.

What does Rafiki say in the final scene?

In the final scene by the water, Rafiki says a profound statement, “ He lives in you .”. This declaration is insightful because who we are is always in us. Our soul, connected to Spirit, has always been with us throughout our lives, whether or not we realized it. Understanding that we are never alone is empowering.

How to live authentically?

To live authentically, you must remember who you are. Authenticity is the first step in awakening pure consciousness and to live an authentic life.

Why is it painful to recognize who you are?

Once we recognize who we are, our genuine self emerges, but this can be painful due to the changes that must occur. Remember that the changes that will happen are useful as they allow you to become your authentic self.


SO WHO ARE YOU? You are a child of God. This is your eternal identity. You are the son or daughter of a King. And not just of any King but of the King of Kings who wants to crown you with his glory. You are of royal lineage. Be loyal to the royal within you.


ALSO REMEMBER WHOSE YOU ARE! You are the Lord’s not only by birthright but by covenant. The Savior “has purchased you with his own blood” (Acts 20:28). He says to his people: “Fear not: for I have redeemed thee . thou art mine” (Is. 43:1).


Last, I invite to remember who and whose others are. Your neighbor is also a child of God. Jesus atoned for them just as he did for you. I hope that you have learned at BYU–Hawaii to love and esteem others as your brothers and sisters, no matter their ethnicity, nationality, social status, or language.

What is Tammi's word for 2015?

Tammi's drawing of her 2015 word: Shed.

What is not your broken heart?

You are not the frustration of your job. You are not your broken heart. You are not what you have lost. You are also not a Yoga Teacher or a Lawyer or a Single Father or a Divorced Person or an Alcoholic. You may have experienced all those things, and still be experiencing them, but they are not who you are.

How do you Remember Yourself?

Our authentic selves often get lost among life’s ever-changing circumstances. We often live in the midst of confusion.

How to identify your core beliefs?

To identify your core beliefs, pay attention to your thoughts and how you speak to yourself. You can write these thoughts down on a piece of paper, and review them when you have time.
