of course i know what the world revolves around john me sherlock

by Mrs. Oleta Balistreri 6 min read

How did Sherlock deduce that Sherlock had been abroad?

He was tanned but not above the wrists, so Sherlock was able to deduce that he had been abroad and not sunbathing. In addition to this, he had a limp but he didn’t ask for a chair and chose to stand, as if he had forgotten about it.

Is Sherlock Holmes a real person?

Bell is said to have outstanding observational skills, being able to observe a stranger and deduce their occupation and recent activities. As we all know, this deduction acumen later became Sherlock’s calling card. So, yes, while Sherlock Holmes is fictional, these 7 habits are more or less grounded in reality.

Is Sherlock Holmes’ observation style inspired by Joseph Bell?

As mentioned before, this characteristic is inspired by Dr. Joseph Bell — although, for the sake of entertainment, Sherlock’s version is a bit more exaggerated, making his observation skills almost superhuman.

Was Watson the only one not in the know about Sherlock’s plan?

Now, while it may be tempting to assume that Watson was the only person on that street not in the know about the plan and therefore it was all part of Sherlock’s grand plan to convince Watson of his death, we don’t actually know that for sure.

What is Sherlock quoting in Season 4 Episode 2?

Once it's over, it's not you who'll miss it. Your own death is something that happens to everyone else. Your life is not your own, keep your hands off it.

Is Sherlock in love with John?

Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, co-creators of the BBC hit, have something to tell you: John Watson and Sherlock Holmes are not, and will never be, in love. That's right, Johnlock shippers, you're out of luck. And not only are Sherlock and John never getting together, Gatiss and Moffat are sick of even talking about it.

What did Sherlock say to Watson when they met?

Not in the real world, anyway. You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive. Those were the 'deathless words', spoken by Sherlock Holmes to Dr Watson upon their first encounter on 1 January 1881.

Who is John texting in Sherlock?

One element that has got the whole Sherlock fandom talking is E, the mystery woman whom John flirts with via text in 'The Six Thatchers. ' At first, fans were outraged that the usually loyal John Watson would emotionally cheat on his wife Mary.

Does Sherlock kiss John?

Sherlock began legitimately kissing John, cupping his face with his right hand and applying a bit more pressure than he had on the first kiss. John began returning the kiss after a few seconds of hesitation.

Who is Sherlock's girlfriend?

Irene AdlerSherlock Holmes characterFirst appearance"A Scandal in Bohemia"Created bySir Arthur Conan DoyleIn-universe information5 more rows

What does Sherlock say to John at the wedding?

Sherlock Holmes: Of course one should, but not at John's wedding! We wouldn't do that, would we, you and me? We would *never* do that to John Watson.

How does Sherlock Holmes know so much about Watson?

he knew people who trained at Bart's could be army doctors. so when he heard it he could identify the possibility. then he mentions "his haircut and the way he holds himself" which fall in line with the normal behavioral patterns of ex and current military.

Why did Holmes beat corpses with a stick?

He says that he once saw Holmes beating corpses in the dissecting room with a stick in order to see how long after death bruises could be produced. Stamford and Watson find Sherlock Holmes in a state of great excitement.

Why does John blame Sherlock for Mary's death?

Knowing that he was not going to be able to fix his relationship with Mary anymore and that he had made a mistake, along with grief, drove John to put the blame on Sherlock.

Who is Sherlock's sister?

Eurus Holmes is the younger sister of Mycroft Holmes and Sherlock Holmes who was completely unknown to Sherlock until her reveal in "The Lying Detective". She is the person behind Jim Moriarty's "Did You Miss Me?" propaganda.

Does Watson forgive Sherlock?

So, the TLDR of it all; Nonny, John has forgiven Sherlock, do not fret. John ALWAYS forgives Sherlock. But he is now more careful about giving Sherlock back his trust. John feels dumb for giving his trust to not one but two people he thought loved him back in some way, so he guards his trust in people in S3.

Chapter 1: A Study in Pansies

Sherlock was intrigued by John Watson. The doctor wasn’t like the countless ex-soldiers that he had come across before. He quickly glanced at the shorter man as he sent a quick text- brother’s phone? Divorced recently- estranged, possibly because alcohol? Could be, seems deeper than that, not enough data - and handed the phone back.


Short one from the POV of Mycroft because I'm a gay bastard and I love him.

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