when two companies in entirely different industries combine, it is known as a ________. course hero

by Prof. Luciano Feest I 6 min read

What are the different types of mergers and acquisitions?

There are four main types of mergers and acquisitions – they are: horizontal, vertical, conglomerate, and concentric. A horizontal merger or acquisition is where the two joining companies operate in the same market, selling similar products. For instance, if KFC and McDonalds were subject to a merger or acquisition, it would be known as horizontal.

What is a horizontal merger or acquisition?

A horizontal merger or acquisition is where the two joining companies operate in the same market, selling similar products. For instance, if KFC and McDonalds were subject to a merger or acquisition, it would be known as horizontal.

What happens when a company sells its business model to another company?

e. a company decides to sell its business model to another company. A company takes advantage of another company it does business with after the other company has made an substantial investment in assets to meet the needs of the company

How does a company decide to expand into new industries?

Choosing corporate-level strategies When a company decides to expand into new industries, it must: a. develop "multibusiness model" that justifies its entry into different businesses.

What is it called when two or more companies join together to control a whole industry?

A merger is the voluntary fusion of two companies on broadly equal terms into one new legal entity. The five major types of mergers are conglomerate, congeneric, market extension, horizontal, and vertical.

What is it called when two or more companies join together and form an entirely new company quizlet?

A consolidation. occurs when two or more companies join together and form an entirely new company.

What is corporate merger?

Merger: A contractual and statutory process by which one corporation (the surviving corporation) acquires all of the assets and liabilities of another corporation (the merged corporation), causing the merged corporation to become defunct.

What is the difference of merger and consolidation?

During a merger, essentially other corporate entities become a part of an existing entity. This can be useful for smaller companies merging into larger companies that have greater brand recognition and market traction. Conversely, a consolidation is when multiple companies join to form a new entity.

When two or more company come together to form a new company is called?

A merger occurs when two companies combine to form a new company. This involves consolidating finances, assets, and debts to allow the business to work together efficiently. When a merger occurs, the shares of each unique company are brought together to form new shares in the name of the new entity.

Which is a process of combining two or more organization together?

Overview. The process of combining two or more organizations into a single organization involves several organizational systems, such as assets, people, resources, tasks, and the supporting information technology. The process of combining these systems is known as 'integration'.

Why would two companies merge?

Companies merge to expand their market share, diversify products, reduce risk and competition, and increase profits. Common types of company mergers include conglomerates, horizontal mergers, vertical mergers, market extensions and product extensions.

What is a subsidiary merger?

A subsidiary merger is a type of merger that occurs when the acquiring company uses its subsidiary company to acquire a target company. The acquirer may create a subsidiary company or use one of its existing subsidiary companies to execute the merger and acquisition transaction.

What is business consolidation?

What Is Business Consolidation? The term business consolidation refers to the combination of different business units or companies into a single, larger organization. Business consolidation is a legal strategy that is often initiated to improve operational efficiency by reducing redundant personnel and processes.

What is a consolidated industry?

Industry consolidation is a situation in which separate companies become one. It is sometimes described as a merger, although technically these are two different situations.

What is meant by merger and acquisition?

A merger occurs when two separate entities combine forces to create a new, joint organization. An acquisition refers to the takeover of one entity by another.

What is consolidation definition?

Definition of consolidation 1 : the act or process of consolidating : the state of being consolidated. 2 : the process of uniting : the quality or state of being united specifically : the unification of two or more corporations by dissolution of existing ones and creation of a single new corporation.

What is an industry that requires a large capital investment and that produces items used in other industries called?

an industry that requires a large capital investment and that produces items used in other industries is called. heavy industry . An economic system in which a central authority is in command of the economy is called a. Command economy. The level of economic prosperity is called. The standard of living.

What is the struggle among producers for the dollars of consumers called?

an incentive. the struggle among producers for the dollars of consumers is called. competition . an economic system in which the central government makes all decisions on the production and consumption of goods and services is called. centrally planned economy.

What is the level of economic prosperity called?

Command economy. The level of economic prosperity is called. The standard of living. An economic system in which decisions on production and consumption of goods and services are based on voluntary exchange in markets is called a. Market economy.

What is a market based economic system with limited government involvement called?

A market-based economic system with limited government involvement is called a. Mixed economy. The market in which households purchase the goods and services that firms produce is called the. Product market. Market in which firms purchase the factors of production from households is called the. Factor market.


Types of Mergers and Acquisitions

Advantages of Mergers and Acquisitions

  • 1. Access to Talent
    In industries such as engineering, construction, software engineering, and programming, there is a shortage of workers. As such, it is difficult for firms to find new, trained, and talented employees to fill vacant positions. This provides a huge benefit to a merger and acquisition because it provi…
  • 2. Cost Benefits
    For companies looking to expand their operations, it is often easier and cheaper to integrate with an existing firm. Instead of having to look for suitable store locations, negotiate on a rent agreement, and find new staff – it can save both time and effort by integrating with an existing fi…
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Disadvantages of Mergers and Acquisitions

  • 1. Conflict of Culture
    When two firms join in a merger and acquisition, the cultures of them join too. For example, one firm may be very strict and regimented, requiring workers to work overtime hours. However, the other firm may be quite flexible and allow employees to work the hours they choose. Furtheremo…
  • 2. Diseconomies of Scale
    The main aim of a merger is to benefit from synergies and economies of scale. However, this does not always pan out in the real world. Firms can actually become too large and cumbersome, where they actually start to become less efficient. For instance, the merger of K-Mart and Sears i…
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Mergers and Acquisitions Examples

  • Facebook and Instagram
    In 2012, Facebook acquired Instagram and its 13 employees in a deal worth $1 billion. Facebook was struggling to target mobile users and was well aware of the competitive environment it was in. The firm didn’t want to become the next MySpace, so decided to diversify and capture Instagr…
  • Amazon and Whole Foods
    In 2017, Amazon acquired Whole Foods in a deal worth $13.4 billion. It gave Amazon the physical presence across America that it wanted in order to expand in the grocery market. It now allows customers to order online and come and collect from the comfort of their car. This presents sig…
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