moodle technical issues why aren't they seeing my course

by Savanah Frami 6 min read

There may be several reasons why students cannot access their courses on Moodle. The two most frequent reasons for this are: 1) The instructor has not made the course visible

Full Answer

Why can't my users see the courses in Moodle?

Feb 07, 2017 · please go to any course and then click on :-Course administration > users > enrollment methods. Please check whether manual enrollment in enabled or not. If not, then please click on the eye to enable it and then users will be able to see the courses. Also, check whether users are assigned with proper roles or not.

How do I control the visibility of grade items in Moodle?

Sep 10, 2019 · If the course is in Bionic, but not Moodle, it was probably created after we last synced data about new courses with Moodle. Please email [email protected] and let us know which course is missing so we can upload it into Moodle. If the course is not yet in Bionic, then it needs to be created there first.

Is Turnitin having issues with Moodle?

If students report they can see some grades for your course, but not a particular graded activity, check to see if the activity is hidden from students. Hiding a graded activity on your course page also hides its grade from students. On your course page, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon , top right). Editing links and icons appear on ...

Why is my course not showing up on my account?

Jun 11, 2014 · Well, they have undergone this many times before so they endure.” This is a quote from Do you recognise the 4 early warning signs of poor Moodle course design? and I think it backs up what I was on my soapbox about in the last paragraph.

Why is my course not showing on Moodle?

Courses may not be visible in Moodle until after the course has started. If you're currently enrolled in a course that has started and don't see it in the course list on your Moodle dashboard, please contact your instructor. Especially if it's early in the term, the course may not have been made visible yet.

How do I make my course visible on Moodle?

The Course Management panel will open. On the Course Management panel, under Course Settings, select Edit course settings. The Edit course settings page will open. On the Edit course settings page, under General, for Course visibility, select Hide or Show.

How long does it take for a class to show up on Moodle?

Students are automatically enrolled in course sites they've registered for, but it may take up to 24 hours before you actually gain access to course sites in Moodle. If you need immediate access, ask your instructor to enroll you.Sep 18, 2020

What are the problems with Moodle?

Moodle Main Complaints Main complaints include having too many e-mails, difficulty deleting news forums, and lack of flexibility with the software. Some users find Moodle to be too tech heavy, while others think that the interface is a little clunky.Aug 6, 2013

How do you unhide a Moodle course?

Locate the course you need to unhide and click the “. . .” icon. From the menu that appears, select Show this Course. It will now appear in the applicable categories.Aug 14, 2019

How do you change from hidden to students in Moodle?

GuideClick Turn editing on at the top right of the page .Select Edit next to the name of the activity or resource. ... Once the Hide option is selected, Hidden from students appear below the activity.More items...•Dec 20, 2019

Can you leave a class on Moodle?

A Moodle Administrator, either one person or a group of authorized persons are the only ones who can delete a course on Moodle.Oct 14, 2014

How can I improve my Moodle?

Note: The fastest and most effective change that you can make to improve performance is to increase the amount of RAM on your web server - get as much as possible (e.g. 4GB or more). Increasing primary memory will reduce the need for processes to swap to disk and will enable your server to handle more users.Feb 15, 2022

Is Moodle a good website?

We all know and probably every Moodler can vouch for this – Moodle is hands down, one of the ablest learning platforms in the world. It can single-handedly help you ace your LMS game with its modular design and high scope for customization.Sep 22, 2020

Is Moodle a good LMS?

But Moodle is not the world's best LMS just because it's so widely used—Moodle is the world's best LMS because it is user-friendly, highly-configurable (flexible), and feature-rich.Apr 29, 2018

Academic Courses

Academic courses are created in Bionic, and data from Bionic about new courses is periodically uploaded to Moodle to create new course sites. If you aren’t seeing an academic course, please use the following troubleshooting steps to narrow down the problem:

Non-Course Sites

Many departments on campus use Moodle for things other than academic courses that you register for in Bionic — for example, for placement tests, orientation “courses,” programs, and advising. These courses are created manually and in most cases enrollment is controlled by the person with the Teacher role who manages the site.

Classes Missing in Your Moodle Account?

If you do not see a current course under the 'Current Courses' tab shown on the right hand side of the Moodle page, your instructor may not have opened the course yet. If the course has been opened, please contact the [email protected].

Moodle Mobile Apps

The question is often get asked if there is a mobile app available for our LMS which is provided by Open LMS and runs on Moodle.

Moodle Upgrade

On December 30, 2020, A-B Tech's Moodle site will be unavailable as it goes through an upgrade. The site will be unavailable from Dec 30, 2020 - January 3, 2021.