moodle 2 how to add a course student

by Mohamed Schumm 9 min read

How to Add a Student to Moodle Course.

  • Step 1: Log in to your dashboard. Sign in to your Moodle account to the dashboard. And then go to the Site Administration. It will be on the under the ...
  • Step 2: Go to ‘Manage courses and categories’. From Users under the Site Administration, click on ‘ Manage courses and categories ’ to find the ...
  • Step 3: Select the course. From the list of courses, select the course to which you like to enrol a student from the list of users in your Moodle.
  • Step 4: Click on ‘Enrolled users’. From the row of the tabs, you can see above, click on ‘Enrolled users’ to assign students.

How to Add a Student to Moodle Course
  1. Step 2: Go to 'Manage courses and categories' ...
  2. Step 3: Select the course. ...
  3. Step 4: Click on 'Enrolled users' ...
  4. Step 5: Click on 'Gear icon' to find 'Enrolment methods' ...
  5. Step 6: Add 'Manual enrolment' details. ...
  6. Step 7: Click on 'Enrol users' ...
  7. Step 8: You can see the enrolled users.
Apr 27, 2020

Full Answer

How do I add a course to Moodle?

To add a new course to Moodle, you need to have either Administrator, Course Creator or Manager rights.To add a course: From the Site administration link, click Courses>Manage courses and categories

How do I add a teaching assistant to a Moodle course?

Enter your course in Moodle (instructors only). On the Participants page, click on one of the “ Enroll users ” buttons. Select Teaching Assistant from the Assign roles drop down menu. Type the name of the person that you would like to add into the Search box.

How do I create a user account in Moodle?

If user accounts are created by a Moodle administrator, the “Manual Accounts” method will be used. If users created their own accounts (using the email sign up method), the email based self-registration method will be used.

What are the student and instructor roles in Moodle?

The Student and Instructor roles are only added to Moodle by Banner. However, you can add Student View, Teaching Assistant and other support role users to your Moodle course as needed. Instructors can assign the following roles in a course:

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How do I add a student to a Moodle course?

Add teachers and studentsLog in with your administrator account and go to the course where you want to add teachers and students.From the left panel (Navigation drawer) click Participants.Click Enrol users.From the dropdowns, select the users you want and the role you want to give them:

How do I share a course with students on Moodle?

You can display a link to your course on to Course administration > Share (only available to users with the capability moodle/course:publish)Click the button 'Share this course for people to join'Enter information about the course.Click the 'Share this course' button.

How do I import a user to a course in Moodle?

Upload user processCreate file for uploading.Go to Site administration > Users > Accounts > Upload users.Add file to upload.Upload users preview - check settings and default user profile settings.Upload users preview - click "Upload users"More items...•

How do I enroll multiple students in Moodle?

Enrol the Students In the Settings block on your course, under Course administration, click Users > Bulk enrolments. Select Choose a file and upload your CSV file. Make sure Role to assign is left as student.

How do I make my Moodle course public?

Courses that are available to students are listed in red and courses that are unavailable to students are listed in grey in your course listing. To make a course available, go to Gear Icon (top right of page) → Edit settings. In the top section labeled General, switch Course Visibility to "Show".

What are the different roles in Moodle?

Roles in MoodleTeacher.Non-editing teacher.TA - Manage gradebook.Course Designer.Student.Student - Unlimited quiz time.Student - with Incomplete.Access Quickmail Block.More items...

How do I add participants to LMS?

Add participantsGo to the menu on your left side and click on Users, the choose the Users list sub menu.Click on the box to the left for additional options.Chose the course and the schedule and then save.You have successfully added the participants.The groups submenu will allow you to enroll groups of participants.More items...

How do I add a user to my Moodle database?

As an administrator, you can add users one at a time from Site administration > Users > Accounts > Add a new user. See the documentation Add a new user for more details. You can also upload users in batches with a CSV file from Site Administration > Users > Accounts > Upload users.

How do I move Users in Moodle?

Go to Settings>Site administration>Users>Accounts>Bulk user actions and select the users you wish to export. From the dropdown "With selected users", choose "download" and choose the type of file you wish to download from text, ODS or Excel.

What is mean by enrolled?

1 : to insert, register, or enter in a list, catalog, or roll the school enrolls about 800 pupils. 2 : to prepare a final perfect copy of (a bill passed by a legislature) in written or printed form. 3 : to roll or wrap up.

Is it Enrol or enroll?

The verb meaning to sign up or to register is spelled enroll in the U.S. Enrol, with one l, is the preferred spelling outside North America. The more American spelling is now preferred in Canadian news publications, but enrol was traditionally more common and still appears in many contexts.

What is student enrollment number?

In Graduation, the registration number is a Unique College Student ID, which is generated for college purpose , whereas the enrollment number is given by the University, and is used in examination or result purpose only.

How to see if a student is assigned to a course in Moodle?

To see whether a student is manually assigned to a Moodle course or not, cross-check a student’s dashboard by logging into his account. Thus, you can cross-check whether the student you added to the Moodle course is taken place or not.

How to get to the site admin in Moodle?

Step 1: Log in to your dashboard. Sign in to your Moodle account to the dashboard. And then go to the Site Administration. It will be on the under the left-side menu if you’re using the plain Moodle. Dashboard -> Site Administration.

Moodle User Account Information To Consider

Input users first name, last name, and email address. The first and last name will be displayed whenever the user writes in forums, and when the user is included in lists or reports. Moodle users can also update their city/town, country, timezone, and preferred language.

How To Enroll Students In A Moodle Course

Once you have created your Moodle course, the next step is to enroll your learners into that course. The following instructions are for manual Moodle enrollments:

Add student to new course?

I'm sorry. I thought of myself as an accomplished Moodler. Then I tried to add a student who has taken Basic and Intermediate to the Advanced course. No way!

Re: Add student to new course?

Course administration > users > enrolled users > enroll users > enter user name in text box (but also check role at the top) > search > if successful, click the enrol button.

Re: Add student to new course?

I didn't mention what version of Moodle I'm using because nowhere, on any page is the Moodle version shown. There is no "About This Moodle." There is no Moodle Version menu item.

Re: Add student to new course?

Ask your site administrator Sherman to find out your version of Moodle. This is a very important piece of information. Even 1.9 VS 2.x

Re: Add student to new course?

I am the one and only Admin. I even added a second Admin account (according to the Moodle documentation) in case either fails.

Re: Add student to new course?

The Moodle version is found in Site administration ... Notifications. I believe it has been there for quite a while.

Re: Add student to new course?

If you go to a page as a teacher (say a course page) and scroll down to the bottom you should see a link Moodle docs for this page.Click on it and it will take you to the documentation for this page and top right in big will be a number - -eg 2.8 - which will be the number of your Moodle version.

How to add a course to Moodle?

To add a new course to Moodle, you need to have either Administrator, Course Creator or Manager rights.To add a course: From the Site administration link, click Courses>Manage courses and categories. Click on the category where you want your course to be. For more information see Course categories.

How long does it take to delete a course on moodle?

users with a role for which the capability moodle/course:delete is allowed) can delete courses and course creators can delete courses they have created themselves, but only within 24 hours of creating the course.

Can a teacher add a course to Moodle?

By default a regular teacher can't add a new course. To add a new course to Moodle, you need to have either Administrator, Course Creator or Manager rights.To add a course:

Can admins set default category for course requests?

An admin can set the default category for course requests, whether users can select a category when requesting a course, and who can receive notification of course requests (from a list of users with the capability moodle/site:approvecourse ). A 'Request a new course' button will then appear on the 'All courses' page.

How to add a course to a course?

Adding a course. To add a course: Go to Settings>Site Administration>Courses>Add/edit courses. Choose the category where you want your course to be. For more information see Course categories. Click the "Add a new course" button . Enter the course settings, then click the "Save changes" button.

Can a teacher add a course to Moodle?

By default a regular teacher can't add a new course. To add a new course to Moodle you need to have either Adminstrator, Course Creator or Manager rights.

Can a teacher delete a course?

A regular teacher can't delete a course. Administrators and managers (i.e. users with a role for which the capability moodle/course:delete is allowed) can deleted courses. A Course creator can delete courses they have created themselves. To delete a course (as an administrator or manager):

Adding a course

Click on the category where you want your course to be. For more information see Course categories

Deleting a course (s)

A regular teacher can't delete a course. Administrators and managers (i.e. users with a role for which the capability moodle/course:delete is allowed) can delete courses. A Course creator can delete courses they have created themselves.

Course requests

The course request feature can be enabled by an administrator in Settings > Site administration > Courses > Course request .

Course templates

It is possible, from Administration>Site Administration>Courses>Upload courses to specify a course and settings to use as template for future courses:


Adding A Course

  • By default a regular teacher can't add a new course. To add a new course to Moodle, you need to have either Administrator, Course Creator or Managerrights.To add a course: 1. From the Site administration link, click Courses>Manage courses and categories 1. Click on the category where you want your course to be. For more information see Course categ...
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Deleting A Course

  • Teachers cannot delete courses. Managers (i.e. users with a role for which the capability moodle/course:delete is allowed) can delete courses and course creatorscan delete courses they have created themselves, but only within 24 hours of creating the course. This is so that courses created by mistake may be deleted without needing to ask an administrator. Administrators can …
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Sorting Courses

  • Courses may be sorted by an admin or manager from Administration>Site administration>Courses>Manage courses and categories. Courses may be sorted by ascending/descending and by time created.
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Course Requests

  • The course request feature can be enabled by an administrator in Administration > Site administration > Courses > Course request. An admin can set the default category for course requests, whether users can select a category when requesting a course, and who can receive notification of course requests (from a list of users with the capability moodle/site:approvecour…
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Bulk Course Creation

  • For full details on how to bulk create courses and use course templates, see Upload courses. 1. Go to Administration > Site Administration > Courses > Upload courses. 2. Upload a CSV file either by dragging and dropping or using the button to select from the File picker. 3. Select your import options and click Preview. If the settings are acceptable, click Upload.
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Course Templates

  • It is possible, from Administration>Site Administration>Courses>Upload coursesto specify a course and settings to use as template for future courses. Default blocks for new courses can also be configured in config.php.
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See Also

  • Screencasts
    1. Bulk course creation
  • Forum discussions
    1. Using Moodle Hide Courses from some users or studentsforum discussion
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