how long to complete a dui course

by Catharine Kertzmann 7 min read

How long are DUI programs? DUI programs run anywhere from 12 hours to 30 months in California. The duration of your participation will depend upon the nature of your driving offense, your Blood Alcohol Content, and which county you are arrested and subsequently convicted in.

Full Answer

How long does it take to complete a DUI/alcohol/drug course?

How long does it take to complete a DUI, Alcohol, or Drug Use Risk Reduction course? The time it takes to complete a course depends on a variety of factors. But, in most cases, the entire 20-hour course roughly takes less than a week.

How long does the DUI education program last?

Many people are unaware that the length of the education program depends on whether the conviction is a minor under 21 with DUI charge, wet reckless charge, or misdemeanor driving under the influence charge. The length of the program also depends on the blood alcohol content alleged in the complaint as well as whether it is a first-time offense.

When will I receive a completion report for DUI school?

Florida Safety Council's, DUI Program issues completion reports to the Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles. Reports of successful completion of DUI school are submitted electronically the day after the final service is provided. Unsuccessful completions are reported 90 days after enrollment, per FS 322.291 .

Do I have to complete a DUI alcohol/drug education program?

It has become common practice for the court to require someone convicted of driving under the influence to attend and successfully complete a DUI alcohol/drug education program.

How much are DUI classes in CA?

COSTS IN CALIFORNIA First-Time Offenders - three-month, 30-hour alcohol and drug education and counseling program costs approximately $600. Second Time Offender 18 month DUI class (SB 38) - cost is approximately $1,800 - $1,900.

How long are DUI classes in WV?

18 hours of DUI education.

How long is DUI school in Florida?

12 hoursThe Level I course involves a minimum of 12 hours of classroom instruction incorporating informative and interactive educational techniques. The Level II course involves a minimum of 21 hours of classroom time using primarily interactive educational techniques in a group setting.

How long is DUI school in Georgia?

20-hourThe time it takes to complete a course depends on a variety of factors. But, in most cases, the entire 20-hour course roughly takes less than a week. It is best to discuss course schedules and any specific needs or concerns you may have with the school you choose to attend. 8.

How much does DUI classes cost in WV?

A: The in-state program is approximately $400-$450 to enroll based on provider and location. Additional fees may be required based on prescribed levels of treatment.

Does WV accept online DUI classes?

West Virginia prohibits online classes for DUI education and will not accept a certificate of completion from an online course. If you received a DUI in the State of West Virginia but live out of state, you may be able to take an online class to meet court requirements.

Can you take a DUI class online in Florida?

The state of Florida does not recognize or approve any “online” DUI class as a means for any person who received a DUI in the state of Florida to satisfy the state requirement to complete a DUI class.

What is DUI school like in Florida?

For first-time DUI offenders, you may need to complete a 12-hour course that is taught by a state-certified DUI Level 1 Instructor. For a repeat offender, Florida requires a 21-hour class. The class follows a similar structure like any school with handouts, discussions, videos and lectures.

What happens when you get a DUI for the first-time in Florida?

Criminal Penalties You May Face for a First-Time DUI Conviction. A conviction for a first-time DUI offense in the state of Florida could cost you as much as $1,000, up to six months in jail, the possibility of losing your driver's licenses for up to six months, and fifty hours of community service.

How do I get my license back after a DUI in Georgia?

Reinstatement FAQs - Driving Under The Influence (DUI) (First Offense) Drivers Age 21 And OverSuspended for 120 days.Present a Certificate of Completion of a DDS approved DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program. ... Submit payment by mail or in person, select for details of Reinstatement Fees and Payment Options.

How much does it cost to get license reinstated in GA?

The registration reinstatement fee is $60 for your first or second offense and $160 for your third or subsequent reinstatements. You may pay all lapse and reinstatement fees online or at your local county tag office.

How do I start a DUI school in Georgia?

In order to open a DUI school, you must license your business through the state and have your business approved with the Driver Services division to operate it legally in Georgia.

How long is license suspended for DUI WV?

With a non-aggravated DUI, you can choose six months of no driving or 140 days having an interlock device in your vehicle. With an aggravated DUI, you can choose either a suspension of your license for one year or ten and one-half months with the interlock device.

How do I get my license back after a DUI in WV?

The Safety and Treatment Program requires revoked DUI offenders participate in DUI education and treatment prior to license reinstatement. All DUI offenders must complete an educational component and a substance abuse evaluation/​assessment in order to have their license reinstated.

How long do you lose your license for DUI in WV?

The driver's license revocation period is six months. A person who commits a second DUI within 10 years of the first offense faces six months to one year in jail and a fine of $1,000 to $3,000. The driver's license revocation period is 10 years.

Can you get a DUI expunged in WV?

West Virginia DUI Expungement After one year from the date of dismissal by the Court, you must present motion to the same trial court for an Order Expunging your arrest from all official records related to your arrest. The prosecuting authority has 30 days from receipt of the expunction motion to object in writing.

What are the penalties for a DWI?

Most drivers are aware that DUI or DWI convictions carry a host of penalties, such as expensive fines, ignition interlock devices (which also carry out-of-pocket expenses) license suspension or revocation, and sometimes even jail time .

What is mandatory drunk driving school?

Mandatory drunk driving schools must typically be structured to fit the state's requirements as well as provide a curriculum that offers counseling, assessment, and risk reduction .

How to help a drunk driver?

Teach the offending driver the dangers of drunk driving. Provide counseling to those with alcohol addictions. Often, this counseling is mandatory, but for drivers with alcohol addictions, counselors might provide additional therapy or referrals.

Should I hire a DUI attorney?

Due to the seriousness of DUI charges and convictions, it's always wise to hire a DUI attorney if you can afford one.

Can every offender go to DUI school?

Not every offender is eligible for a DUI school.

How Long Are DUI Classes?

How long you have to take DUI classes will depend on three main factors.

Why Are DUI Classes Required?

In many states, DUI classes are an alternative to harsher sentences because they teach the safety risks of driving under the influence. When the court offers DUI classes instead of conviction, you are also being given an opportunity to learn how to control your substance abuse.

How long does it take to complete a 20 hour course?

The time it takes to complete a course depends on a variety of factors; but, in most cases, the entire 20-hour course roughly takes less than a week. It is best to discuss course schedules and any specific needs or concerns you may have with the school you choose to attend. 8.

What is a DUI?

DUI, Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction is an intervention program mandated by law. It is for people convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI), possession of illegal drugs, underage possession of alcohol while operating a motor vehicle, or Boating Under the Influence (BUI). It consists of two components: an assessment component ...

How many students are required to attend a DDS course?

DDS rules and regulations require programs to have a minimum of 5 paid contracts for students planning to attend a scheduled course. The Intervention Component requires a great deal of group interaction. According to the Prevention Research Institute, this is difficult to achieve if fewer than 5 students are present. However, be mindful that there are occasions when students may fail to appear for a scheduled course. The rules give programs the discretion to cancel, reschedule, or proceed with a course if fewer than 5 students are present.

How to get a replacement DUI certificate?

Replacement certificates may be obtained from the school where you completed the DUI, Alcohol, or Drug Use Risk Reduction course for a fee of up to $20.00. If the school has closed, you will need to contact the DDS at (678) 413-8745 to obtain a replacement certificate. When requesting a replacement certificate from the DDS, please reference the name of the school you attended and the dates of the course. Please note that DDS rules and regulations only require schools to maintain student records for a period of five (5) years.

How to get DDS approval?

Approval can be obtained by contacting the DDS at (678) 413-8745 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. Once approval has been granted by the DDS, complete the Authorization for the Transfer and/or Release of Assessment Results form. 14.

How long is the intervention component?

The Intervention Component is administered after completion of the Assessment Component. It is a 20-hour course comprised of several sessions. Several days of lessons take place in a group environment. The Intervention Component offers therapeutic education and peer group counseling.

Can I get a Georgia driver's license if I have a DUI?

If your driving privileges are currently under suspension in another state or commonwealth based on a DUI conviction, you will be unable to obtain a Georgia license until all reinstatement requirements have been met and the suspension has been reinstated. Visit DUI School Guidelines for Other States and select your state.

What are the requirements for a DUI?

If you’ve been convicted of a DUI, you may need to or be required to take defensive driving or alcohol education courses. They may be part of your sentencing or probation and may help you have your driving privileges restored. In many states, alcohol education is required before your license can be returned. Some of the reasons students take DUI or drunk driving education courses include: 1 Suspended sentencing arrangements or court orders 2 Conditions of probation 3 Reduction or elimination of DUI penalties 4 Overturn license suspension 5 Avoid jail time 6 Reduce court fines

How long is the alcohol course for a first time offenders?

This course is about 12 hours or two days long and primarily discusses the effects of alcohol and vehicle safety.

What is drunk driving education?

Drunk driving courses are designed to educate the offender to become a more safe, responsible driver and to reduce the likelihood that the driver will attempt drunk driving or impaired driving again in the future.

What is the purpose of DUI school?

If you’ve been convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), you may need to complete drunk driving education courses, also known as DUI school or alcohol education programs. Similar to defensive driving courses, drunk driving education is most often used to reduce an offender’s sentencing or penalties.

Why do you need to take alcohol education?

Some of the reasons students take DUI or drunk driving education courses include: Suspended sentencing arrangements or court orders. Conditions of probation. Reduction or elimination of DUI penalties. Overturn license suspension.

What is the minimum alcohol level for a 20 year old?

A 20-year-old first time offender with a blood alcohol content of .085 is likely to have a shorter educational requirement than an offender with multiple DUIs and/or a serious accident. Drunk driving course levels typically include:

What do you learn in drunk driving classes?

What You’ll Learn in Drunk Driving Education Courses. Often, drunk driving courses include both an assessment and intervention. In the assessment, you will be screened to evaluate your alcohol use and its impact on your driving. In intervention, you will receive group education and counseling about alcohol and drug use and how it affects driving.

What happens if you fail to complete DUI school?

When you fail to do so or fail to complete DUI school, you can be taken back to court where a judge will decide whether or not your original sentence – which likely included jail time – is a suitable punishment for violating your probation.

Are You Facing a DUI Conviction?

If you’ve been arrested for a DUI or have been ordered to appear in court for failing to complete your DUI education program, it’s important to have an experienced DUI attorney on your side. The DUI Queen at the Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry, Inc. has more than 30 years of experience helping clients like you contest DUI charges and represent them in proceedings related to their DUI.

What is a DUI program?

DUI programs are non-profit organizations required to provide drug and alcohol education to DUI offenders to satisfy judicial and driver licensing requirements . There are two types of educational courses offered: Level I for first-time offenders and Level II for persons with multiple offenses.

How many hours of class time is required for a level 1 class?

The Level II course involves a minimum of 21 hours of classroom time using primarily interactive educational techniques in a group setting. The average class size may not exceed 15 students for Level II.
