• in what ways has your self-esteem been affected over the course of your life?

by Orpha Pfannerstill 6 min read

There are multiple factors that can have an effect on your self-esteem. Your childhood, society, the media, and people in your life can all add or take away from how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown that people who have an unhealthy self-esteem are more likely to experience fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

Full Answer

How does self-esteem affect your life?

 · My self - esteem has been affected in many ways throughout life . I have gone from having extremely low self - esteem from negative childhood experiences , to having low self - esteem in my romantic relationships . Luckily , therapy has been a huge help in reducing the low self - esteem . Lately , I have learned how to be more self - compassionate and to be …

What happens when you have low self esteem?

 · The investigators discovered that self-esteem tended to rise slightly from ages 4 to 11, remain stagnant from 11 to 15, increase markedly from 15 to 30, and subtly improve until peaking at 60. It ...

How can I improve my self esteem?

 · Think about the conditions or situations that seem to deflate your self-esteem. Common triggers might include: A work or school presentation; A crisis at work or home; A challenge with a spouse, loved one, co-worker or other close contact; A change in roles or life circumstances, such as a job loss or a child leaving home

How does self-esteem change with age?

There are multiple factors that can have an effect on your self-esteem. Your childhood, society, the media, and people in your life can all add or take away from how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown that people who have an unhealthy self-esteem are more likely to experience fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

Identify Troubling Conditions Or Situations

Think about the conditions or situations that seem to deflate your self-esteem. Common triggers might include: 1. A work or school presentation 2....

Become Aware of Thoughts and Beliefs

Once you've identified troubling situations, pay attention to your thoughts about them. This includes what you tell yourself (self-talk) and your i...

Challenge Negative Or Inaccurate Thinking

Your initial thoughts might not be the only way to view a situation — so test the accuracy of your thoughts. Ask yourself whether your view is cons...

Adjust Your Thoughts and Beliefs

Now replace negative or inaccurate thoughts with accurate, constructive thoughts. Try these strategies: 1. Use hopeful statements. Treat yourself w...

Step Back from Your Thoughts

Repeat your negative thoughts many times or write them down in an unusual way, such as with your nondominant hand. Imagine seeing your negative tho...

How many studies are there on self esteem?

Self-Esteem and Good Relationships: 53 Studies, 13 Nations

When does self esteem peak?

Self-esteem builds over the lifespan and peaks at age 60.

Why is it important to take care of the elderly?

Despite the challenges of aging, such as retirement, physical health problems, reduced social mobility, and loss of family and friends, the elderly can maintain relatively high levels of self-esteem. “It’s important to take care of the elderly and help them maintain high self-esteem, ” Orth says. “It would be desirable for everyone ...

Why does social media affect adolescents?

As far as environmental influences, social media has a huge impact on the self-esteem of others because of the standards and expectations created by society.

Is low self esteem a risk factor for depression?

Evidence suggests that low self-esteem is a risk factor for developing depression, he adds, so addressing self-esteem could potentially help improve health and well-being for seniors. Robins has observed the relationship between age and self-esteem firsthand.

Does self respect rise or fall?

Positive self-regard varies from person to person, but research shows that this psychological resource rises and falls in systematic ways across the lifespan.

Does self esteem drop with age?

Past studies also suggested that older folks experience a notable drop in self-esteem, Orth says. The review demonstrated a more benign decrease through age 70 and a stark change only at age 90. Despite the challenges of aging, such as retirement, physical health problems, reduced social mobility, and loss of family and friends, the elderly can maintain relatively high levels of self-esteem. “It’s important to take care of the elderly and help them maintain high self-esteem,” Orth says. “It would be desirable for everyone to be satisfied with themselves when they look back on their life.” Evidence suggests that low self-esteem is a risk factor for developing depression, he adds, so addressing self-esteem could potentially help improve health and well-being for seniors.

How does our early environment affect our self-esteem?

This impacts our lives as the issues that stem from it follow us into our adulthoods and sometimes last a lifetime.

What is self esteem?

Self-esteem is one of the core concepts in regard to our self-perception, self-worth, and self-understanding. Self-esteem is something that people refer to all the time, be it a mental health professional, a regular person, and everyone in between.

What is self reflection?

Self-reflection is something a child starts developing as they become self-aware and develop a stronger sense of self. In order for a child to develop a healthy and accurate self-esteem, they need mirroring, attunement, and validation from the caregiver. If the child doesnt get enough of it, their ability to self-assess is stunted or even damaged.

Why do people underestimate themselves?

People who tend to underestimate themselves often suffer from poor self-care because they lacked love and care growing up. As I write in my book Human Development and Trauma: How Our Childhood Shapes Us Into Who We Are as Adults, Children who were not properly cared for and didnt have good examples of self-loving, self-responsible, healthy caregivers often grow up into adults who have difficulties taking care of themselves.

What is the second category of self overestimation?

The second category is self-overestimation, which refers to a persons tendency to see themselves as better than they actually are. Examples would be shallowness, false self-confidence, fakeness, fixation on social status, and so on. Below, we will explore five common self-esteem issues people have.

What is self overestimation?

The first one is self-underestimation, which means that a person sees themselves as worse than they actually are. It relates to low self-worth, a lack of self-confidence, self-doubt, etc. The second category is self-overestimation, which refers to a persons tendency to see themselves ...

Why are people raised to take care of others?

Many people are raised to take care of others and undermine their own needs, wants, preferences, emotions, and goals. Many caregivers wittingly or unwittingly see their child as someone who supposed to meet many of their needs ( role reversal ).

What happens when you have low self esteem?

When you have low self-esteem, you’re not very confident. This can make it harder for you to approach other people, and for other people to approach you. What happens then?

How does low self esteem affect perception?

Low self-esteem can make your perception of the world around you way off. If you feel poorly about yourself, you may start to believe other people feel poorly about you as well. Learn to accept what the people around you say, and believe them for what it’s worth.

Why is building up confidence important?

Building up your confidence will allow you to correct misunderstandings before they cause rifts in your relationships.

What happens when you work on feeling better about yourself?

When you work on feeling better about yourself and having more confidence, your relationships will branch out. You’ll have more friends and work relationships, as well as romantic ones.

What happens when you don't have confidence?

Misunderstandings arise in relationships. When you lack self-esteem, you lack confidence, and without confidence, you may be prone to more misunderstandings in your relationships.

Why do people take you for granted?

You’re constantly taken for granted. When you have low self-esteem, people tend to take you for granted. This is because your low self-esteem makes it harder for you to stand up for yourself. Learn how to say “No” and assert your boundaries.

Does low self esteem affect relationships?

You may feel like your self-esteem only affects you. After all, it is called self-esteem! But the fact of the matter is, your self-esteem can affect your relationships with other people.

How does low self esteem affect your life?

But you can boost your self-esteem by taking cues from types of mental health counseling.

What are the triggers of low self esteem?

Common triggers might include: A work or school presentation. A crisis at work or home. A challenge with a spouse, loved one, co-worker or other close contact. A change in roles or life circumstances, such as a job loss or a child leaving home.

How to deal with negative thoughts?

Relabel upsetting thoughts. You don't need to react negatively to negative thoughts. Instead, think of negative thoughts as signals to try new, healthy patterns. Ask yourself, "What can I think and do to make this less stressful?"

What is the meaning of "I feel like a failure"?

Mistaking feelings for facts . You confuse feelings or beliefs with facts. For example, "I feel like a failure, so I must be a failure."

How to cope with a difficult situation?

Focus on the positive. Think about the parts of your life that work well. Consider the skills you've used to cope with challenging situations.

What is a negative conclusion?

Jumping to negative conclusions. You reach a negative conclusion when little or no evidence supports it. For example, "My friend hasn't replied to my email, so I must have done something to make her angry."

How to turn positives into negatives?

Converting positives into negatives. You reject your achievements and other positive experiences by insisting that they don't count. For example, "I only did well on that test because it was so easy."

How to improve self esteem?

If you remember many negative influences, take the time to let it go. Put your past in perspective and put it behind you. Draw a line between your past and your present and know that moving forward. YOU are in control of how you feel about yourself. Decide that now you are in the driver seat of what influences your self-esteem.

What are the factors that affect self confidence?

Your childhood, society, the media, and people in your life can all add or take away from how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown that people who have an unhealthy self-esteem are more likely to experience fatigue, anxiety, ...

How to help people with negative influence?

If the people in your life have a negative influence, communicate to them how they could be more supportive and set healthy boundaries. Let them know that you want to be in supportive relationships with people who uplift you. Make an effort to start seeking friendships and relationships with people that are positive and supportive.

Why is it important to understand what factors influence your self worth?

It’s incredibly important, too, to understand what factors influence your self-worth. Why? Because these factors can drastically improve or harm your self-confidence. Having low self-esteem can prevent you from doing such things as building healthy relationships, rising in your career, or achieving your goals.

What happens if you allow others to dictate who you are and how you live your life?

If you allow other people’s rules and expectations to dictate who you are and how you live your life, put simply, you will never be happy. Look instead within yourself to come up with how you should live and who you should be. You know best when it comes to knowing what (and when) is right for you.

Why do we look to those around us when we are kids?

Because of this, we also tend to look to those around us, to try and gage how we should act, and if we’re “fitting in.” All of this has a huge impact on our self-esteem.

What are unrealistic expectations?

There are many unrealistic expectations that society puts on us. Societal expectations that are unrealistic can include anything like what job you should have (and at what point in your life,) when you should be married (and who and what they should look like,) what kind of clothes you should wear, and how much money you should make.

Why do people with condition-based low self-esteem rely on their work?

People with condition-based low self-esteem rely on their work to make them feel good and significant. They are afraid of letting others know they aren’t good enough. So they are perfectionists at work, avoiding making mistakes to cover their defects.

What are the consequences of low self esteem?

Here Are 7 Consequences of Low Self-Esteem: 1. It can cause you to spend too much time at work. Yes, it is true that some employers give their employees too much work to do and set unrealistic deadlines. However, sometimes spending too much time at work could be a result of our low self-esteem. Ask yourself:

What if procrastination is just another problem caused by low self-esteem?

That’s because procrastinating less doesn’t help us to feel more worthy of ourselves.

What are the disadvantages of hiding your authentic self?

The disadvantage of hiding your authentic self is it makes you feel disconnected from other people. People don’t get to know the real you and that’s why no one understands you. You can be in a crowded place, a party or with a group of friends and yet still feel very lonely.

Why do we procrastinate?

However, on a subconscious level, we don’t believe we deserve to be worthy and successful, so we sabotage ourselves by procrastinating.

What happens when you believe you aren't worthy of love?

When we believe we aren’t worthy of love, our mind will look for evidence to reaffirm that belief. No matter how loving our partner is , we will still be able to find small, little things where they aren’t loving enough. For example, not taking out the trash bag, not knowing what we want or not remembering the details, etc.

What does it mean to help others?

Helping others makes you feel needed and worthy.
