in star wars a new hope what does luke need to learn course hero

by Dr. Wilber Lockman 10 min read

Who is the hero in Star Wars IV a new hope?

Jul 22, 2014 · George Lucas’s 1977 film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hopein Harrison Ford’s view fulfilled “the human need to have the human condition expressed in mythic terms” (Pfeiffer 73). This film closely followed Joseph Campbell’s A Hero With a Thousand Faces.In this way, the protagonist, Luke Skywalker, exhibits all of the criteria that Campbell considers to be the …

What is Luke Skywalker's reward in a new hope?

When Luke returns to Kenobi, he pledges to go with him to Alderaan and learn the ways of the Force like his father before him. Tests, Allies, and Enemies After Luke, Kenobi, and the droids hire Han Solo and Chewbacca to transport them off of Tatooine and onto Alderaan, Kenobi begins Luke’s training in the ways of the Force.

How does Luke Skywalker’s character development relate to the hero’s journey?

Rey, an idealistic Force User eager to learn the ways of the Force from the messianic legend Luke Skywalker, and Yoda, who teaches Luke the truth about his weakness and failure. They remind Luke both who he once was, and what he can be. These …

How many stages are in Star Wars a new hope?

Aug 08, 2016 · Long shots are great in films to show the viewer a wide shot of the background and surroundings, just like in this film it gives the viewer a better idea of where the character is and possibilities of what is to come. Medium shots is the kind of shot that is primarily used throughout the whole film and all films with that matter. It’s the shot that gives you just enough …

What does Luke want in a new hope?

I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father." Luke has agreed to accept Obi-Wan as a mentor who will guide him on the next stage on his journey.

How did Luke learn to be a Jedi?

In Return of the Jedi, Yoda explained to Luke that to complete his training he must confront Vader. Based on how Obi-wan completed his training, on the surface level, you would think that the vanquishing of a Sith would grant Luke the rank of Jedi Knight.Sep 6, 2015

What did Luke do in a new hope?

Throughout A New Hope, Luke is another of the group's gun-wielders, engaging in numerous firefights with stormtroopers. While he draws his blaster three times in The Empire Strikes Back, he never once fires it. Instead, when he engages an AT-AT, a vision of Vader, or Vader himself, he wields his lightsaber.Sep 12, 2021

Who taught Luke to use a lightsaber?

After dueling his former apprentice on Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi took Anakin's lightsaber and kept it on Tatooine for nearly two decades. He gave it to Luke Skywalker, who lost it when Darth Vader struck off his son's hand in Cloud City.

Did Luke ever complete his training?

Luke Skywalker has certainly completed his training with the most powerful Jedi Master Yoda, becoming a Jedi Knight. A year after he left Dagobah, he returned to his master Yoda who told him that his training was over.Nov 28, 2020

How did Luke learn the Force?

The majority of Luke's formal Jedi training came from the 900-year old Jedi Master Yoda. In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke Skywalker's Jedi training took place on Dagobah, learning more advanced lightsaber techniques and strengthening his connection to the Force during the ancient Jedi's training courses.Jan 2, 2021

Who is older Luke or Leia?

LONDON: Star Wars twins Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia would actually be different ages due to Einstein's theory of relativity, with Luke being 1.75 years younger than Leia, researchers, including one of Indian-origin, have discovered.Aug 24, 2015

Who was born first Luke or Leia?

Luke SkywalkerThe son of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala, Luke Skywalker was born along with his twin sister, Leia, in 19 BBY.

How did Luke complete his training?

Luke completed his training himself. With the aid of written materials in Obi Wan's hut on Tatooine. Luke is a Force savant. His affinity with the Force and abbreviated training with the best Jedi Master ever elevated him to a Jedi Knight.May 27, 2013

How did Luke get a green Kyber crystal?

It was modeled after the third lightsaber of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, it's Kyber crystal produced a green plasma blade. What is this? Skywalker lost his father's lightsaber in a fight with the Sith Lord Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back, for those who don't remember.Jun 16, 2021

Who did Luke learn from?

In episode 4, Ben (Obi wan) kenobi trained luke forms.

Did Luke get Yoda's lightsaber?

This brings us to the other explanation for Luke having Yoda's little saber in Boba Fett: Yoda built a second lightsaber after his duel with Palpatine and kept it hidden on Dagobah. Then, after Yoda gave up the Force ghost, Luke would have gone through his stuff and found it.Feb 3, 2022

What does Luke do when he discovers that the stormtroopers searching for the droids would

When Luke discovers that the stormtroopers searching for the droids would track them to his farm, he rushes to warn his Aunt and Uncle, only to discover them dead by the hands of the Empire.

Where does Luke take Kenobi?

Luke refuses Kenobi, telling him that he can take Kenobi and the droids as far as Mos Eisley Spaceport — but he can’t possibly leave his Aunt and Uncle behind for some space adventure.

Why does the hero refuse the call?

Refusal of the Call: The hero initially refuses the adventure because of hesitation, fears, insecurity, or any other number of issues. Meeting the Mentor: The hero encounters a mentor that can give them advice, wisdom, information, or items that ready them for the journey ahead. Crossing the Threshold: The hero leaves their ordinary world for ...

What is the reward after the ordeal?

The Reward: After surviving The Ordeal, the hero seizes the sword — a reward that they’ve earned that allows them to take on the biggest conflict. It may be a physical item or piece of knowledge or wisdom that will help them persevere.

Who did Luke and Kenobi hire?

After Luke, Kenobi, and the droids hire Han Solo and Chewbacca to transport them off of Tatooine and onto Alderaan, Kenobi begins Luke’s training in the ways of the Force.

Why did Kenobi deactivate the tractor beam?

As Kenobi goes off to deactivate the tractor beam so they can escape, Luke, Han, and Chewbacca discover that Princess Leia is being held on the Death Star with them. They rescue her and escape to the Millennium Falcon, hoping that Kenobi has successfully deactivated the tractor beam.

Who are the droids in the Death Star?

Luke , Leia, Han, Chewbacca, and the droids are headed to the hidden Rebellion base with the Death Star plans. They are suddenly pursued by incoming TIE-Fighters, forcing Han and Luke to take action to defend the ship and escape with their lives — and the plans.

What did Luke do to save Han?

To save Han (and then the rest of his gang), Luke concocted a brilliant but patient plan to retrieve his friends from Jabba the Hutt 's deadly palace. To his credit, Luke didn't go in with all guns blazing; he only fought when he had to. He did this like a true hero.

Why did Luke give his life?

As mentioned earlier, Luke gave his very life to protect the vulnerable Resistance from the First Order's forces on Crait. Luke wasn't even there in person; he created a convincing replica of himself via the Force, and held Kylo Ren at bay.

What is the Star Wars saga?

The Star Wars franchise is a fairytale-style science-fiction saga, depicting the eternal clash of light and darkness in the Force. Jedi Knights uphold law and order via the Light Side, and the Sith Lords represent the chaos and cruelty of the Dark Side. Darth Vader may have fallen to the Dark Side, but his son Luke remained a follower ...

Is Han a hero or a villain?

Either a hero or a villain could be an ace pilot in the Star Wars universe, or anything in between. Han is a rogue pilot, while Poe Dameron is a hero pilot and Kylo Ren is an expert pilot of special TIE interceptors. If Luke turned evil, he'd be a real headache for the Rebellion when flying his X-wing.

Did Luke save in Empire Strikes Back?

Luke needed rescue during the Death Star run in A New Hope, and he needed saving twice in The Empire Strikes Back. But by the time Return of the Jedi came around, Luke was doing the rescuing, and he did it in marvelous style.

Is the ending of the Star Wars movie a happy ending?

While the Star Wars movies have their funny moments, this story is ultimately a tragedy with a happy ending, where Anakin was used and turned to the Dark Side, only for Luke to redeem him. But there are ways to subvert that.

Why did Anakin turn to the dark side?

Anakin Skywalker turned to the Dark Side because Darth Sidious manipulated him and forced him to accept Dark powers in order to save the one he loved: Padmé Amidala. Suppose something like that happened to Luke, too?

Where does Luke start his journey?

The Hero’s Journey of Luke Skywalker.  Call to Adventure: Luke starts off on Tatooine, the planet farthest from the bright center of the universe. He’s bored, restless, but is forced to stay with his uncle and aunt to help with the harvest. He stares at the twin suns with eager anxiousness to explore the larger galaxy.

What does Old Ben say to Luke?

Old Ben encourages him to travel to Alderaan with him at the Princess’s request. Refusal of the Call: Luke is baffled. “I can’t go to Alderaan,” he insists. Luke, while longing to explore the galaxy, still clings to the life he has, perhaps out of fear or obligation.

Who is Rey in The Force?

Rey, an idealistic Force User eager to learn the ways of the Force from the messianic legend Luke Skywalker, and Yoda, who teaches Luke the truth about his weakness and failure. They remind Luke both who he once was, and what he can be. These two encourage the apathetic Luke to end his seclusion.

Where does Luke live?

He hoards his knowledge of the Force and the Jedi (the ultimate boon) from the rest of the galaxy. He lives in the ancient Jedi Temple on Ahch-To, his whereabouts unknown to the rest of the galaxy (most simply regard him as a myth). Rescue From Without: Luke has two rescuers.

Is Luke Skywalker a Jedi?

Luke Skywalker is not a perfect Jedi all of the time. He makes mistakes all the time, but it’s never something that totally fails to resonate with me. When he rushes off to save his friends in ESB, I get both why he did it and why it was a bad decision.

What is Luke's reward in A New Hope?

The reward in A New Hope is the acceptance of the rebels. Luke's reward is getting more allies, who are vital to the success of the death of the Death Star.

What does Luke find out about R2-D2?

After picking out droids to help around at the Lars Homestead, Luke finds out that R2-D2 has a secret message that is for him. He sees a beautiful lady (which is his sister, but he doesn't know), Princess Leia who tells Obi-Wan that she needs help. However, Luke gets the message and goes to find Obi-Wan .

What does Luke realize about Obi-Wan?

Luke realizes that he is a big factor in the rebel's succeeding and that he could be a huge factor in the fall of the Empire. He sees it before and after Obi-Wan's death.