in general, why is it becoming harder for us as marketers to communicate our message? course hero

by Antonette Gulgowski 4 min read

Why is communication so difficult?

But here is another reason why communication is so difficult. People automatically view a new idea with skepticism when we communicate in a way that is hard for someone to understand. The person receiving the message might even think what you’re talking about is dangerous or unsound. It’s a shortcut that we developed over time.

Why do we talk so hardly about what we talk about?

Here’s why: The subjects modern humans talk about are extraordinarily complicated and unnatural. We respond to things that appear complicated with a fight or flight physiological response. Words mean different things to different people who have diverse expertise. Communicating Started When We Were Born

Are our minds hardwired to communicate?

Our minds are hardwired to communicate. Our natural ability to express ideas allows us to persuade another person. It’s our evolutionary trait. We cannot NOT communicate, even if we choose to say nothing or do nothing. It’s what separates us from other animals.

1. Marketing channels must work together

The traditional business structure of marketing ‘channel owners’ and the way that media players are inevitably keen to shout about the success of their advertising vehicle have resulted in a competitive relationship.

3. Know your short-term needs but plan for the future

The last 15 years have seen a huge shift in consumer behaviour and media consumption. The ‘consumer age’, which was typified in the first 90 years of the last century, created perfect conditions for the birth of corporate brands. During this period, brands were able to reach a large-scale audience through one-way communication.

Three things you should definitely do

In the backdrop of marketing budgets being scrutinised and investments having to work harder than ever, marketers now have an unprecedented ability to measure and optimise their work to deliver powerful campaigns. This blog outlines the three crucial rules to bear in mind when measuring marketing effectiveness:
