why you may be asking for the glory of satan of course

by Briana King I 5 min read

How do Christians worship and glorify Satan?

For the glory of Satan, of course! WeLcOMe tO ThE HoUSe Of fUN! Don't worry, it's going to fall straight down to hell soon. I see you're a man of culture as well.

Does Satan’s existence magnify the glory of Christ?

Jun 26, 2012 · "Why? For The Glory of Satan Of Course!" On December 24th, 2011, FunnyJunk user gedmpbass submitted a two-panel comic of Kumamon standing in front of a bonfire and the caption “Why? For the Glory of Satan of course!” In January 2012, the same image was reposted to Tumblr and eBaum’s World, although they didn't receive much attention until it was …

What happens when you mimic Satan?

Sep 03, 2019 · But this is not the only way we Christians worship and glorify Satan. 2. Christians Worship and Glorify Satan When We Accept Satanic Offerings. In Luke 4 and Matthew 4, Satan comes to tempt Jesus, and in the process, offers three things to …

Can Satan harm anyone without God’s permission?

Oct 19, 2016 · bear demon devil evil flame jap japan japanese kumamon mascot satan shipoji fire

How can I overcome Satan temptation?

Instead of choosing to sin, resolve to implement the following strategies to overcome temptation in your life.Be Reconciled to God. ... Meditate on God's Word. ... Deny Ungodliness and Cultivate Godliness. ... Avoid Tempting Situations. ... Be Transparent to God and Others.Jun 3, 2019

What does glory mean spiritually?

The most common use of the word "glory" in the Bible is to describe the splendor, holiness and majesty of God. Glory, in this sense, is often associated with a person experiencing God's presence in a tangible way. When used this way, the word glory conveys a sense of heavy dignity.

What does it mean when God shows you his glory?

Glory is feeling the whole weight (the splendor, riches, dignity, reputation,) of who God really is. When Moses asked God in Exodus 33:18 “Show me Your glory” he wasn't asking for a glimpse of the vault of heaven or to hear God's credentials read aloud to him.Mar 4, 2021

What is Satan's goal in Paradise Lost?

Satan's existence in the story involves his rebellion against God, and his determination to corrupt the beings which God creates, in order to perpetuate evil so that there can be a discernible balance and justice for both himself and his fallen angels.

What is the full meaning of glory?

praise, honor, or distinction1a : praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent : renown. b : worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving giving glory to God. 2a : something that secures praise or renown the glory of a brilliant career.

How do you explain glory to a child?

5:0310:37God's Glory Illustrated — for Kids - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd you might see a tower in the distance. And ask your child how big it is tell him to hold up hisMoreAnd you might see a tower in the distance. And ask your child how big it is tell him to hold up his fingers. His pointing finger at the top of the tower. And his thumb at the bottom of the tower.

How do I bring God's glory down?

6 Ways You Can Put God's Glory on DisplayConfess sin. When we confess sin, we are putting on display His glory by declaring His righteousness. ... Forgive others. Our God is a forgiving God (Ps 130:3-4; Mic 7:18-19). ... Trust God. ... Produce fruit. ... Give thanks. ... Pray.Jan 15, 2018

How do we bring glory to God?

Scripture says God created us for His glory (Isa....Here are 10 scriptural ways we can glorify God:Praise Him with your lips. “My lips will glorify you” (Ps 63:3). ... Obey His Word. ... Pray in Jesus' name. ... Produce spiritual fruit. ... Remain sexual pure. ... Seek the good of others. ... Give generously. ... Live honorably among unbelievers.More items...•Mar 5, 2018

How are we changed from glory to glory?

The goodness of God is a manifestation of His glory. To go from glory to glory, we need to be increasing in what makes up His glory. We need to be increasing in compassion, graciousness, patience, love, faithfulness, forgiveness. Increasing in these things is what will take you from glory to glory.Dec 30, 2011


Kumamon [1] is a cartoon character of a rosy-cheeked brown bear designated as the official mascot of the Kumamoto prefecture in Japan.


Kumamon was designed by the Kumamoto government and unveiled to the public on March 12th, 2010 in an effort to promote tourism in the region.


In November 2011, Kumamon was voted the most popular mascot in Japan with more than 287,000 votes in an online poll for the annual Yuru-Kyara Grand Prix.

Notable Examples

On December 24th, 2011, FunnyJunk [16] user gedmpbass submitted a two-panel comic of Kumamon standing in front of a bonfire and the caption “Why? For the Glory of Satan of course!” In January 2012, the same image was reposted to Tumblr [17] and eBaum’s World [18], although they didn't receive much attention until it was submitted to the /r/WTF [19] subreddit on February 13th, 2012.

What did Satan offer Jesus?

The three things Satan offers to Jesus were riches, control, and fame, and Jesus rejected all three. Yet within 300 years of Jesus’ death and resurrection, the church had accepted and embraced all three as tools ...

Why did Satan keep her car from starting on Sunday morning?

To give Satan credit for keeping her car from starting on Sunday morning was to give glory to Satan that he did not deserve. Make sure that as you go through life, you don’t give credit and glory to Satan for things he has nothing to do with.

What do Christians worship?

1. Christians Worship and Glorify Satan When We Give Credit to Satan. Christians often say that one of Satan’s biggest deceptions is convincing people that he doesn’t exist. This may be true, but I sometimes think that an even bigger deception of Satan is convincing people that he does exist, and that he is more powerful than he really is.

What did Jesus want to show?

Jesus wanted to show that God didn’t punish sinners with demon possession, nor was demon possession an indication of God’s punishment or of that person’s sinfulness. The so-called “demon possessed” person was just as loved and accepted by God as anyone else. 1. 2.

Why do Christians chase after riches?

Whenever Christians today chase after riches as a means to spread the Gospel, control over others as a means to manage sin, and fame or glory as a way of gaining the world’s attention, we have sacrificed the Gospel on the altar of Satanic offerings.

What does it mean when you get sick in Jesus' day?

In Jesus’ day (as in ours, though to a lesser degree), people associated sickness with sin. People believed that if you sinned, one way God might punish you is by sending a sickness upon you. Therefore, if a person got sick, this was taken as an indication that the person had sinned and God was punishing them.

Is Satan a fallen being?

Satan is a created (but fallen) being, just like you and me. He cannot be everywhere at once, and so it is nearly certain that none of us will ever have a personal encounter with Satan in our entire life. He has (in his mind) better things to do than give you bad dreams or tempt you to look at porn.

How does Satan destroy saints?

When Satan wants to destroy a saint, he must get permission before he touches him. So he comes to God and says, “Job only worships you because he’s rich. If I take his camels, donkeys, servants, he’ll curse you” (see Job 1:9–11 ). And God gives him permission, but he puts a limit. “Don’t you touch his body” (see Job 1:12 ). So he kills them all. Job falls on his face: “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away” ( Job 1:21 ). Satan has to get permission to go after his body, and he gets it. But God says, “Don’t you kill him” (see Job 2:6 ). Isn’t that remarkable? So Satan does harm to us, but not without God’s say.

What does Satan say about the lion?

Satan is described as a roaring lion, prowling and seeking to devour people. And Peter says in 1 Peter 5:9, Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. In other words, the jaws of the lion are suffering. Resist.

What does 2 Corinthians 4:4 mean?

Second Corinthians 4:4: “The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.”. Satan is a great blinder. Some of you in this room right now are spiritually blind, meaning that you’re listening to me, and this message right now means nothing to you.

Does God have sway over angels?

No, God holds sway over the wills of his angels. He commands evil spirits, and they obey him. Therefore, if they disobey, he ordained that they disobey — he permitted them to disobey. If God permits Satan’s fall, it isn’t because he’s helpless; it’s because he’s got a purpose for it.

Is Satan the god of this world?

From which I infer: Yes, Satan is the god of this world and the ruler of this age, but not ultimately. He is a lackey with a leash underneath this great God who decides who kings are and when they’re done. 2. Unclean spirits obey Jesus.

What is spiritual warfare?

Instead, spiritual warfare is first and foremost a story about Christ and his all-surpassing glory over and above the kingdom of darkness.

What did Jesus do to the captives?

The short answer is this: for our joy and his glory. Jesus Christ came “to proclaim liberty to the captives” ( Luke 4:18 ). Through his death, he destroyed “the one who has the power of death , that is, the devil” ( Hebrews 2:14 ). What a Savior!

Did Jesus create all things?

Answer: True. By [Jesus] all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things were created through him and for him. ( Colossians 1:16) Christ spun forth galaxies with a word.

Did Jesus win the battle against demons?

Not only did Jesus win, but when the ordeal was over he said, “Be gone Satan,” and the evil one immediately obeyed ( Matthew 4:10–11 ). Christ was also victorious over demons. Even by the thousands they were clearly no match for him ( Mark 1:23–27, 5:9–13 ). He cast out demons “by the finger of God” ( Luke 11:20 ).

Does Satan magnify the glory of Christ?

Thus the very existence of Satan ultimately magnifies the glory of Christ. And this type of glory would not be possible were Satan not allowed to range throughout the earth. And we have at least three more ways to see these truths in the Bible. 1. Satan and Demons Obey Christ.

What did Satan offer Jesus?

The three things Satan offers to Jesus were riches, control, and fame, and Jesus rejected all three.

What is the most Satanic thing Christians do?

The most Satanic thing Christians do, however, is committing violence in the name of God. If one person murders another, this is evil. But it is infinitely more evil when one person murders another in the name of Jesus Christ.

What does Satan accuse God of?

He accuses God of withholding something good from Adam and Eve (Genesis 3), and he accuses God of showing favoritism to Job (Job 1).

What is the biggest deception of Satan?

1. We Give Credit to Satan. Christians often say that one of Satan’s biggest deceptions is convincing people that he doesn’t exist. This may be true, but I sometimes think that an even bigger deception of Satan is convincing people that he does exist, and that he is more powerful than he really is.

Why do Christians chase after riches?

Whenever Christians today chase after riches as a means to spread the Gospel, control over others as a means to manage sin, and fame or glory as a way of gaining the world’s attention, we have sacrificed the Gospel on the altar of Satanic offerings.

What does the word "devil" mean in Greek?

The word “devil” in Greek is diabolos. It is built upon the Greek words dia, meaning across,and bollo, meaning to cast or throw. The devil is one who casts or throws across something. In the various contexts of diabolos, it refers to one who maligns, slanders, or sows discord and division. The word “satan” is similar.

What does it mean when you get sick in Jesus' day?

In Jesus’ day (as in ours, though to a lesser degree), people associated sickness with sin. People believed that if you sinned, one way God might punish you is by sending a sickness upon you. Therefore, if a person got sick, this was taken as an indication that the person had sinned and God was punishing them.
