sahami, mehran what books he used for his course

by Ms. Jennie Parisian 5 min read

Who is Mehran Sahami?

Mehran Sahami is the James and Ellenor Chesebrough Professor in the School of Engineering, and Professor (Teaching) and Associate Chair for Education in the Computer Science department at Stanford University. He is also the Robert and Ruth Halperin University Fellow in Undergraduate Education.

Who is Sam Sahami?

Sahami earned his BS and PhD from Stanford University under the supervision of Daphne Koller. Prior to joining the Stanford faculty, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Google, Inc. as well as a Senior Engineering Manager at Epiphany, Inc.. Sahami teaches the introductory computer science sequence at Stanford.

What awards has Hasan Sahami won?

In 2014, Sahami received the ACM Presidential Award for "outstanding leadership of, and commitment to, the three-year ACM/IEEE-CS effort to produce CS2013, a comprehensive revision of the curricular guidelines for undergraduate programs in computer science". ^ Mehran Sahami.

Who is Rishi Sahami?

He is also the Robert and Ruth Halperin University Fellow in Undergraduate Education. Sahami earned his BS and PhD from Stanford University under the supervision of Daphne Koller.

Take charge of your future

To illustrate his point, Sahami shared an experience from his early days at Google.

Use your 'superpower'

Graduating from Stanford turns you into a superhero, Sahami told the students. "Your education is a superpower. It's the power to potentially change the world with your mind."