Some online classes at PCC may require students take proctored exams. The instructor will list any proctoring requirements on the course details page in the online schedule. Proctoring requirements are also listed in the syllabus once the class begins.
Proctored exams are timed exams that you take while proctoring software monitors your computer's desktop, webcam video and audio. The data recorded by the proctoring software is transferred to a proctoring service for review. Proctored exams may or may not be required for your course and enrollment track.
Check the OL course listing (select Summer, Fall or Spring course list) to verify which type of proctoring applies to which course. OL lists proctored exam dates in the welcome letter sent to students one week before the course start date.
If the exam is online, the proctor will need to have access to a computer at the exam location. The proctor must provide a professional email address that includes part of their name or position and physical work address to verify the proctor's title. No Yahoo, Hotmail, MSN, Gmail or other general email account addresses may be used.
After you've been accepted by a college, you may need to take placement tests. Colleges use placement tests in subjects like math and English to check the academic skill levels of entering students. Then the college can place each student in classes at the right level.
The PERT is an entry-level placement test required of all degree seeking students in the Florida College System (FCS) according to Florida Statutes, Section 1008.30, Rule 6A-10.0315. This test will determine your initial placement in English, reading and mathematics courses.
Definition of placement test : a test usually given to a student entering an educational institution to determine specific knowledge or proficiency in various subjects for the purpose of assignment to appropriate courses or classes.
Foreign LanguagesFrench.Italian.Japanese.Sign Language.Spanish.Spanish for Law Enforcement.Spanish for Medical Professionals.
Dixon Hendry CampusStudents can take the P.E.R.T. at the Dixon Hendry Campus on a walk-in basis without an appointment. Students can start the P.E.R.T. Monday through Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Each section of the P.E.R.T.
How hard is the PERT test? The PERT test can be hard, so it's important to prepare. Although it's not a pass/fail test, students who do well can skip remedial courses and save money and time, so the stakes are high. Scores range from 50 to 150, and math is generally considered to be the hardest section of the test.
You cannot fail a placement test. The test determines what courses you will be placed in when you begin at college. Depending on your score, you may need to take extra developmental courses or you may be able to start regular college courses right away.
Given that, our general advice is that you should aim for a score at least a 237 or higher.
The test for college placement has five parts: English - reading; English - writing; arithmetic; quantitative reasoning, algebra & statistics; and advanced algebra & functions. Many students do not need to take the advanced math section, which was formerly called callege-level math.
Broward College offers a wide range of degrees and certificates with day, evening, and online classes.
Broward College is a public college in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It is part of the Florida College System. It was established in 1959 as part of a move to broaden Florida's two-year colleges.
bachelor's degreeDesigned to be completed in 4 years, bachelor's degree programs provide in-depth knowledge and skills across a wide variety of career paths to help you stand out in today's competitive job market. Bachelor's degrees are in high demand.
At the start of the proctored exam, you must again verify your identity by taking a webcam photo of your face, your photo ID, and anything else the software needs to verify the exam environment.
While you take the exam, the proctoring software monitors your computer, including any software that is running, and streams the exam data to the proctoring software via the cloud. The software also records video and audio from your webcam.
If you're required to take a proctored exam for your course: 1 You cannot take proctored exams using the edX mobile app. 2 You'll need to install the proctoring software on your computer when you take the proctored exam. 3 Before taking a graded proctored exam, you must have approved ID verification photos. You can submit ID verification photos on our secure verification page here. 4 At the start of the proctored exam, you must again verify your identity by taking a webcam photo of your face, your photo ID, and anything else the software needs to verify the exam environment. 5 While you take the exam, you must follow edX's proctoring rules and requirements. If your course exam has different rules, instructions will be posted in your course. 6 While you take the exam, the proctoring software monitors your computer, including any software that is running, and streams the exam data to the proctoring software via the cloud. The software also records video and audio from your webcam.
To be eligible for course credit (where applicable), you must pass the exam and also receive a Satisfactory result for the proctoring review.
Testing fee charged; (please note that all testing fees are the responsibility of the student) Students have access to Blackboard; Students with disabilities can be accommodated; Schedule testing date (s) per test provider’s requirements, typically two to seven days in advance.
Proctored Exams. A proctored exam is an exam that is monitored and/or supervised by an approved process , which ensures the identity of the test taker and the integrity of the test taking environment.
Why use proctored exams? To verify student identity, provide exam security, and ensure academic honesty and integrity during the course of the exam .
What does a proctor do? The proctor or proctoring system authenticates the student prior to the exam to ensure the student taking the exam is the student enrolled in the course. The proctor or proctoring system also observes the student taking the exam to ensure that the student only uses the resources allowed during the course of the exam.
You will only need to identify a proctor once, unless you need to change proctors.
All proctor requests must be verified by Online Learning.
Your exam proctor will be responsible for initiating the timer at the beginning of your exam as well as notifying you when your time is up.
Your proctor will guide you through the exam process from start to finish, and provide you with the necessary testing materials at the exam time. There will be a limit to what you may bring with you to the testing site, and there won't be any breaks throughout the duration of the exam, so it's important for you to plan accordingly.
A proctored exam is a supervised test. An instructor or an approved proctor monitor the student during the test. The proctor ensures that the rules and requirements of the exam are followed.
A proctor is a person that will supervise you while taking an exam. Proctors ensure academic integrity during the exam. It is your responsibility to find and/or schedule your proctor in a timely fashion to take your exam.
Some online classes at PCC may require students take proctored exams. The instructor will list any proctoring requirements on the course details page in the online schedule. Proctoring requirements are also listed in the syllabus once the class begins. Students who cannot attend the instructor’s exam session will be offered alternative arrangements. Instructors must offer students at least one proctoring alternative that is not at a PCC campus location.
To take a CLEP exam with remote proctoring, you’ll need to do the following: 1 Review the remote proctoring equipment and environment requirements to make sure you can take a CLEP exam with remote proctoring. 2 Register for your remote-proctored exam on the CLEP My Account Registration Portal. 3 Schedule your exam with Proctortrack. 4 Download and install ETS Online Test application. You'll need this on test day so that the proctor can log you in to the Unify Test Launcher to start your exam. 5 Review what to expect for exam day. Make sure you have everything you need for test day and that your equipment and software are working as they should. 6 Take your exam. Sign in at your scheduled appointment time and have your government-issued ID ready to show to your proctor.
Remote proctoring is provided by a third-party company called Verificient Technologies, Inc., which operates Proctortrack by Verificient, an identity verification and remote proctoring system.
We recommend submitting your accommodations request two months in advance of when you're planning to test. If College Board has not yet approved your accommodations, you won't be able to complete your exam registration with remote proctoring. Once approved, you can log back in to the CLEP My Account Registration Portal to finish where you left off.
If you have a learning or physical disability that would prevent you from taking a remote-proctored CLEP exam under standard conditions, you may request accommodations through College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).
Approved accommodations that don't impact the CLEP testing platform, such as permission for food, drinks, or medication and permission to test blood sugar, can also be used with remote-proctored CLEP exams as long as the test taker stays within view of the proctor.
Students enrolled in online or video streaming courses have several options for exam proctoring.
To advance the mission of The University of Alabama, UA Online Testing Services provides quality proctored testing services for UA students and faculty while adhering to the professional standards and guidelines established by the National College Testing Association.
Students taking online or off-campus proctored tests are held to the same student code of conduct as students testing on the UA campus.
The College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) has been a widely trusted credit-by-examination program for over 50 years, accepted by 2,900 colleges and universities and administered in more than 1,800 test centers. This program allows students from a wide range of ages and backgrounds to demonstrate their mastery of introductory college-level material and earn college credit. Students can earn credit for what they already know by getting qualifying scores on most CLEP examinations. Visit the Broward College CLEP Equivalencies webpage for specific details on which examinations the College accepts as well as the specified credit equivalencies.
The Broward College Testing and Assessment Centers deliver most current DSST exams.
On average, students save an average of 2.5 to 13.9 months of time while attaining their degree!
Non-Broward College veterans may be eligible for reimbursement from the VA.
Research shows that adult students who utilize acceleration mechanisms like credit-by-exam outperform their peers, graduate at higher rates, and save money and time towards their degree.