how to change course instructor on connect

by Esta Borer 3 min read

Click the Change Instructor button. Clicking the Change Instructor button will advance you to the select instructor screen. Select the new instructor from the list.

Full Answer

What do I do if my instructor is not using connect?

If you are not sure how to register and you know your instructor is using Connect, please check with your instructor for instructions. If your instructor is not using Connect, you may still access various Connect disciplines as self study.

How do I change the instructor on my packet?

When you download your updated packet, your new instructor’s name will be listed on the bottom right of your packet! If you do not see a change, follow up with TDLR over email OR give them a call at 800-803-9202. It’s important that only the name of the new instructor be present on the packet.

How do I register for my instructor's course?

The web address will enable you to register for your instructor's course using a registration code. If you do not have a registration code, you'll also have an option to purchase access online with a credit card. Please contact your instructor if you do not have the course web address.

How do I change the instructor on my ptde program guide?

Email TDLR with the new instructor information. Their email is [email protected]. PTDE program guide receipt number (found on the first page of your packet – optional, but will help them find your info quickly) TDLR will reply back to let you know that the change has been made.

Who can invite and remove members?

Someone who is a Course Host can also invite and remove members, designate someone as a Course Moderator or Instructor, and moderate all the content and activity in the Course Activity Feed.

Can a course host invite a member?

Course Moderators can invite members to the Course and Network, including uploading a CSV and importing contacts. They can invite members as Course Moderators but not as Course Hosts, and they cannot invite members as Network Moderators.

Can a course moderator see invites?

Course Moderators can view sent invites for the Course, send other people's invite reminders and revoke other people's invites. They cannot see email addresses of invites they didn't send. At this time, course moderators can't schedule posts like course hosts can.

Can a course moderator edit a course?

Course Moderators cannot access the General or Course Content Settings for the Course nor can they download the Course member list. They have the same privileges with regard to editing and deleting posts and comments inside the Course as Network Moderators. By default, they do not have the ability to edit the Course Overview or any of the Sections or Lessons in the Course. However, they can edit and change the visibility of Sections or Lessons assigned to them. For Sections or Lessons assigned to someone else, they can view the content but cannot edit or change the visibility.

Can a course instructor edit lessons?

Note that a Course Instructor will only be able to edit the Lessons they have been assigned. They will be able to populate the Lesson, make the Lesson visible, and turn comments on or off. The Instructors of a Section will reflect the Instructors of the Lessons that are inside of that Section. If all of the Lessons inside a Section have ...

Can instructors edit course overview?

The Instructors of a Course will reflect anyone who is an Instructor of a Lesson inside of that Course. Instructors are not able to edit the Course Overview or individual Sections within a Course.

Instructor Overview

The primary instructor of a course is the user that creates the course.

Add New Instructor

STEP 1: Click on the LifterLMS rocket icon in the top right of the Course in the WordPress view.

What is Connect Insight?

Connect Insight™ reports allow you to quickly assess your progress within a course, with visual data providing at-a-glance information about how you are performing. You can easily switch between Connect courses to view your results for that course, or filter by assignment type and date range to customize your view.

What to do if you can't finish an assignment?

If you can’t finish your assignment in one sitting, use the Save & Exit button. Your work is saved and will not count as an attempt until you click the Submit Assignment button.

How to access Smartbook?

To access SmartBook, login to Connect and proceed to your course. Next, click on the SmartBook adaptive assignment within your Connect course’s homepage. A sidebar will load on the right-hand side of your screen with details of the SmartBook assignment. Click Begin to load SmartBook and start your assignment.

Do you have to create a new account if you have the same username?

As long as you use the same username (e-mail) as the previous semester, you will not be required to create a new account. If the Connect access from your previous registration has not yet expired, you will not be asked to purchase access or enter a code.

Do you need to register for a course on Connect?

If your instructor is using Connect, you should have received registration instructions for your course. If your school is using a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Blackboard, D2L, Angel, and others, you may be required to register through your school's website. You may also receive a course specific web address (URL) from your instructor.
