how will you practice writing with integrity in this course

by Ottilie Jast 10 min read

What does it mean to write with integrity?

Writing with integrity requires more than just frequent source citations; it also requires writing in a way that clearly, consistently, and honestly distinguishes between your own writing and the original source. Using distinctive language from the source without acknowledgement, even if it is not an exact quotation.

What does academic integrity mean?

However, most definitions found in the literature and across higher education institutions consider academic integrity to entail honesty, responsibility, and openness to both scholarship and scholarly activity.

What is the greatest challenge of all in academic writing?

his may be the greatest challenge of all in academic writing. Once you have done substantial reading and taken notes on your sources, you need to stand back and decide what you want to say. Even if you are presenting the results of other scholars’ research, you need to tell the story from your own point of view.

How can learning environments improve academic integrity and success?

Learning environments that reduce the incentive and opportunity for students to cheat can also increase their motivation and mastery of course material. Many times, academic integrity and success are the result of careful planning, preparation, and awareness of resources on the part of the student.

How do you practice writing with integrity?

Writing With Integrity: Paraphrasing and Giving Credit The goal is to provide a scholarly discussion of other writer's ideas, provide the original author with credit, and to summarize, synthesize, or expand on the point in an original work.

How will integrity be integrated in this kind of writing?

Writing with integrity requires finding your own authorial voice, and maintaining a clear and consistent distinction between this voice and the voices of the authors you are using as sources.

How can you show integrity in writing literature review?

Give yourself plenty of time to write and revise. ... Take careful and systematic notes. ... Find your own voice. ... Avoid cutting and pasting. ... Review your entire paper and all your source citations before you submit it. ... Quotations must be clearly identified. ... Quotations must be accurate.More items...

How can you show integrity as a student?

Integrity for Studentsconsistently and accurately citing the work of others in their assignments.keeping academic materials and instructor's intellectual property private (e.g., class slides, assignments, tests, etc.), and not sharing these without the instructor's permission.

What is academic integrity in writing?

Academic Integrity in Your Writing This means you have to do research and/or read existing work on a subject, and then you have to build on it to form your own argument and conclusions. When you write your assignment, you have to acknowledge when ideas or information come from someone else.

Why is academic integrity important in academic writing?

Academic integrity allows students and staff the freedom to build new ideas, knowledge and creative works while respecting and acknowledging the work of others. The University will respond to academic misconduct in a fair, consistent, transparent and timely manner.

What is integrity in literature?

Integrity. Integrity is the basing of one's actions on an internally consistent framework of principles. Meaning, one who has integrity bases their actions on a moral code of honor, character, strength, and courage.

What is the importance of integrity in research?

The report argues that research integrity is vital because it creates trust, and trust is at the heart of the research process. Researchers must be able to trust each other's work, and "they must also be trusted by society since they provide scientific expertise that may impact people's lives".

How can you display integrity in conducting research?

INTEGRITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL SCIENTISTIntellectual Honesty in Proposing, Performing, and Reporting Research. ... Accuracy in Representing Contributions to Research Proposals and Reports. ... Fairness in Peer Review. ... Collegiality in Scientific Interactions, Including Communications and Sharing of Resources.More items...

What academic integrity means to you as a student?

Integrity means living your life with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility, through good times and bad. Academic integrity is applying those same values to all academic pursuits, even in the face of challenge.

What is integrity Why is it important in the life of a student?

A person who has integrity is someone who is honest and trustworthy. For students, your personal morals and values reflect your character and credibility. At university, maintaining academic integrity while earning your degree represents your true academic accomplishments.

What is integrity in writing?

Writing with integrity requires creating an original piece of writing while discussing the original ideas of others and properly integrating and documenting these research-based ideas in your writing.

What does integrity mean in academic writing?

Writing with integrity in the context of academic research and professional writing means being honest with your reader and yourself. Know when and how to use APA or the required documentation style for your class or course of study, and be sure to accurately implement it. TOC.

What is an in-text citation?

In-text citations are notations in the narrative of the paper where research is being used. In APA style, these notations provide author-date information and in the instance of quotes, also the page number. In-text citations take two common forms: as a narrative citation before the cited material or as a parenthetical citation at the end ...

Why does plagiarism matter?

Plagiarism compromises a writer’s integrity and reputation and usually results in serious consequences, both within the university and in the world of work. Fortunately, guidelines have been established to help you with academic and career-related writing.

What are the elements of APA format?

There are three major elements in an APA-formatted paper: manuscript format (header, margins, font, spacing, etc.); in-text citations, formatted as narrative or parenthetical citations; and. reference list entries with the bibliographic information needed to retrieve the sources cited in text.

What is research based writing?

Research-based writing does not simply report others’ ideas and words, but instead builds on them to demonstrate a writer’s understanding and credibility as an ethical researcher, effective communicator, and critical thinker.

How to integrate research in writing?

Quoting: Using a source without altering it in any way—the work is used word for word. It is critical that quotation marks enclose all directly quoted passages.

What does it mean to write with integrity?

Writing with integrity is about rephrasing ideas in the author’s own words and understanding, while also providing credit to the original source.

What is successful paraphrasing?

As we describe in other pages on paraphrasing, successful paraphrasing is the writer’s own explanation or interpretation of another person's ideas or synthesis of other ideas. The goal is to provide a scholarly discussion of other writer’s ideas, provide the original author with credit, and to summarize, synthesize, ...

Can you quote a page in APA format?

Yes, this would be correct APA formatting to use quotations, if a passage is word-for-word, and provide a citation including the page number. However, at the graduate level of writing and academics, writers should generally avoid quoting and opt for paraphrasing.


Research builds on and refines previous knowledge, which is heavily dependent on the quality and integrity of previous work.


With competing commitments and responsibilities, it can feel like you’re often pressed for time. It may be tempting to reuse our existing content in a grant application, to rely on an abstract when citing the full published article or to paraphrase published reviews instead of reviewing the literature.


Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (2018). About Copyright. Ottawa, ON: Government of Canada. Retrieved from:

How is Academic Integrity Defined at UC Berkeley?

There is no single agreed upon definition of academic integrity at UC Berkeley. However, most definitions found in the literature and across higher education institutions consider academic integrity to entail honesty, responsibility, and openness to both scholarship and scholarly activity.

What does Academic Integrity Look Like?

There are countless examples of what academic misconduct and dishonesty look like, and how to avoid them, but too rarely are we given examples (or provide students with examples) of academic integrity, and how to ensure it.

Academic Integrity Through Course Design

Learning environments that reduce the incentive and opportunity for students to cheat can also increase their motivation and mastery of course material. Many times, academic integrity and success are the result of careful planning, preparation, and awareness of resources on the part of the student.


University Writing


  • University writing assignments are designed to guide you toward critical thinking, meaningful learning, and the confident demonstration of knowledge. Using research allows you to advance your learning beyond common knowledge and build on the ideas of others. Reading the works of others helps writers 1. discover ideas and topics; 2. collect details,...
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  • Documenting sources means to include select information about the sources–the books, articles, or webpages–you read and used in your paper. Documentation is required when quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing or using the ideas (artwork, photos, videos, etc.) or words of others. There are two main terms associated with documentation: in-text citation and reference list entri…
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Apa Style

  • The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association(APA, 2020) establishes a national standard for the layout of an academic paper and gives a method for documenting sources used in these types of papers. APA is one documentation style, and it is the most used style at Purdue University Global. Please check your assignment instructions for your professor’…
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Apa Reference List Entries

  • Reference list entries are formatted on a separate page at the end of the paper and provide the full bibliographic information for each source cited in text (Figure 1). Reference list entries tell 1. who the author is, 2. when the work was published, 3. what the title is, and 4. and where the source can be found. Figure 1 Sample APA Reference List TOC
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Plagiarism FAQ

  • What is Purdue Global’s official policy on plagiarism?
    1. Purdue Global’s policy on plagiarism is available in the University Catalog. See the Code of Student Conductfor details. What is the difference between accidental and intentional plagiarism? 2. Accidental plagiarism may result from improperly using or inaccurately citing a source in text …
  • What is self-citation?
    1. While original work is expected for each course and each assignment, there are instances when it is appropriate for a student to build on ideas from a previous assignment by citing themself. You may therefore cite small selected portions of previous work in a new work using the approp…
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What If The Writer Adds A Citation?

  • Note the added parenthetical citation, (Nadler & Tushman, 1994), at the end of the third sentence. This change is incorrect because it is still using the original authors’ words. Though a source is provided, the text should be paraphrased, not word-for-word. This citation does not make the reader aware that the words in the preceding two sentences are the original author’s.
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What If The Writer Adds A Citation and Quotation marks?

  • In this revision, the writer has added quotation marks around the words borrowed directly from the original author. Yes, this would be correct APA formatting to use quotations, if a passage is word-for-word, and provide a citation including the page number. However, at the graduate level of writing and academics, writers should generally avoid quoting and opt for paraphrasing. Writers …
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So, What Is The Best Course of Action?

  • Paraphrasing the idea from the original source and including a citation is the best course of action. This example includes a paraphrase of the passage that was marked as unoriginal. Here is a reminder of the passage: In the paraphrase above, the same idea is provided and the authors are given credit, but this is done using original writing, not wh...
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