how to start a business course in a community college

by Dr. Otto Rohan MD 5 min read

What is this course on starting a business about?

 · There are three different ways to start a business. Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise, buying a business, and starting a business from scratch. Lesson 3 - Creating a Truly Unique Business. Find and exploit your unique selling proposition. It is the reason a customer would do business with you instead of someone ...

What classes do you take in a business school?

To begin, enroll in the Specialization directly, or review its courses and choose the one you'd like to start with. When you subscribe to a course that is part of a Specialization, you’re automatically subscribed to the full Specialization. It’s okay to complete just one course — you can pause your learning or end your subscription at any time.

What are the core courses of a business degree program?

 · Intro to Economics. Accounting and Financial Management. Business Administration. Business Law. Professional Communications. Marketing. Human Resource Management. Business Ethics. Depending on the school, many or all of these basic courses may also be offered as online classes, an approach that is becoming more common.

Why study business at Austin Community College?

It will describe resources needed to launch your business and to achieve profitability. We will examine sources of funding (including angel investors, crowdsourcing, etc.). You will develop an “elevator pitch” for potential investors. Lectures are brief, class participation and pre-class preparation is required. Register for this course online

Which is the best course for starting a business?

4 Degree Subjects That Will Help You Start Your Own BusinessEconomics. Going into economics may be the most obvious choice for someone hoping to start a business, but you'd be surprised how many students shy away from economics. ... Business Management/Administration. ... Industrial Engineering. ... Computer Science.

What does a college business class consist of?

Subjects include economics, statistics, accounting, marketing, management and organization, business communication, and entrepreneurship. Students then focus on coursework more aligned with their interests, or they may choose a concentration.

What is intro to business class in college?

Course Description This course is an introduction to the private enterprise system. Topics covered include forms of business organizations, business finance, human resource management, production, entrepreneurship, business ethics, marketing, and the changing business environment.

Is a business major hard?

Generally, a business degree is not hard. Most of the classes in a business degree are quite easy, simple, and straightforward. The difficulty of a business degree depends on the compulsory core classes offered by your college, the advanced courses you choose, and the overall difficulty of your university.

What is the easiest major in college?

The 14 Easiest Majors to Study in College#1: Psychology. Psychology majors study the inner workings of the human psyche. ... #2: Criminal Justice. ... #3: English. ... #4: Education. ... #5: Social Work. ... #6: Sociology. ... #7: Communications. ... #8: History.More items...•

How do start my own business?

Conduct market research. Market research will tell you if there's an opportunity to turn your idea into a successful business. ... Write your business plan. ... Fund your business. ... Pick your business location. ... Choose a business structure. ... Choose your business name. ... Register your business. ... Get federal and state tax IDs.More items...

Why do people study business?

Choosing a business degree will give you a good understanding of basic economic principles, how markets are affected by world events, and how to assess a firms' financial health. Combined, this can help you make better-informed investment decisions and ultimately, how to achieve a higher ROI.

How do you introduce a business?

How to write a business introduction letterDetermine the intent.Research the company or market.Identify a need.Open with a strong statement.Include relevant details.Keep it short and concise.Create a call to action.Close your letter.More items...•

Why is it good to take a business class?

Going to the right business school will develop your entrepreneurial skills and enable you to test launch your ideas. Who knows you may even meet your future business partner in class. “Studying a business degree can strengthen your project management capabilities.”

Why should everyone take a business class?

A business course provides you with teamwork enhancement skills and techniques. Most businesses have departments that require you to work in a team environment to accomplish the goals of the department. Business courses teach you how to handle different personalities, as well as work as a unit.

What math is required for business majors?

Business majors must complete a college algebra course, especially data analysis. Algebra is needed in various essential business operations such as payroll, insurance, depreciation, taxes. Calculus is essential for business majors.

Is business administration hard?

Originally Answered: Is it tough studying business administration? Yes, it is a very large field of study, you can study about Marketing, finance,…. Therefore it will be tough since there are so many things to comprehend. At my school, it is one of the most stressful field of study.

Small classes

A personal approach means quality learning, so you can enjoy plenty of interaction with your instructor and the chance to ask questions.

Short & sweet

Our short courses & workshops get straight to the point, providing the skills you need with minimal commitment of your precious time.

Facilities & equipment

Our range of venues suit every type of course, are easy to get to, and have the equipment and tech needed to support your learning.

Easy, secure enrolment

Enrol online 24/7 with a safe, convenient 3-step process, and you can change your mind up to 7 days before class starts.

Quality instructors

Our educators bring first-hand experience and knowledge, with up-to-the-minute practices from diverse industries.

For business, or pleasure

Our courses help you rapidly increase your skills and knowledge, for professional development or personal interest.

What is a Coursera specialization?

A Coursera Specialization is a series of courses that helps you master a skill. To begin, enroll in the Specialization directly, or review its courses and choose the one you'd like to start with. When you subscribe to a course that is part of a Specialization, you’re automatically subscribed to the full Specialization.

Does Coursera give financial aid?

Yes, Coursera provides financial aid to learners who cannot afford the fee. Apply for it by clicking on the Financial Aid link beneath the "Enroll" button on the left. You'll be prompted to complete an application and will be notified if you are approved.

What is entrepreneurial mindset?

An entrepreneurial mindset stands alone in terms of its importance. No other attribute, personality, inherent entrepreneurial proclivities, training, or demographic profile is common to all successful entrepreneurs whether Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, or the neighborhood florist or grocer.

What are core courses in business?

Early on in any business program, you'll have a number of "core courses" that will act as the base on which to build your higher-level coursework. These classes are designed to cover the major business basics you'll need in order to be a versatile candidate—but you should also use your core courses as a way to discover what areas ...

What are core business classes?

Core Business Courses. Early on in any business program, you'll have a number of "core courses" that will act as the base on which to build your higher-level coursework . These classes are designed to cover the major business basics you'll need in order to be a versatile candidate—but you should also use your core courses as a way to discover ...

What is a business degree?

A business degree is designed to be versatile enough to serve you well in a number of possible positions and industries, preparing you for everything from retail and customer-service jobs to management and administrative positions that can lead to upper-level executive roles. For that reason, students entering such a program can expect their ...

What are the specializations in business?

Possible specializations within business programs may include management areas ( such as project or human resource management), finance, marketing, accounting, entrepreneurship, and others.

What is a provider in education?

A provider is an education and training body (institution/organisation, company, centre, collaborative partnership, or consultancy) which delivers learning programmes that culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework (NQF) standards or qualifications.

What is SAQA in education?

SAQA controls the comprehensive education system approved by the Minister of Education for the classification, registration, publication and articulation of quality-assured national qualifications. SAQA will guide you through the entire process required to register and become an accredited training institution.

What is accreditation in SAQA?

Accreditation is the certification, usually for a particular period of time, of a person, body or institution as having the capacity to fulfil a particular function within the quality assurance system set up by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

What to ask when starting a business while in college?

As someone who is starting a business while in college, the first thing to remember when hiring is to ask every employee who signs up to work with you to sign a Confidentiality and Invention Assignment Agreement. Even if the person was a friend or a trusted before, money can become a tantalizing draw when or if the business takes off. Even if the business doesn’t take off, the business could become the proving ground for that next great venture.

How to be a good CEO?

Set Your Alarm! Create morning habits. Exercise. Walk the dog. Make a smoothie. Every great and successful CEO says that they start their day early. It puts the day, their business, and their life into perspective, but it also allows them to get a lot done before most everyone else even gets out of bed. Those morning habits are also key, because they awaken the mind in a healthy, wellness-focused way that supports brain health and fitness. It’s the best way to be prepared and ready for the day . It’s also how leaders best demonstrate their innate capabilities.

What are the advantages of being a college student?

Think about it. Traditional-aged college students: 1 generally don’t have anyone depending on them 2 usually have their basics ( housing and food) taken care of 3 can financially weather a risk 4 have their whole life ahead of them

Can you build an empire drunk?

You can’t build an empire drunk. In fact, drinking or using mind-altering substances can lead to making poor decisions, missing deadlines, or otherwise undermining what is still new. Some students think that they can learn how to start a college business while playing the stereotypical fun-loving lifestyle. It may even work for a short period of time. Ultimately, a small business is like a small child. It takes a lot of time and care. It requires a lot of responsibility. It’s not something that can or will typically succeed if the principal party is running it while intoxicated.

How to interview people for a podcast?

Anything could happen. First, though, it’s important to hone those skills as part of the learning process in how to start your own business in college. Practice with who you know. Interview your friends and family. Prepare for each interview scenario. Even if a person appears to have nothing to hide, there are always hidden details, secrets they’ve never shared before, and the devil’s in the details. An interview can turn into a great story. All it takes is a bit of homework, preparation, and being prepared to listen to what they have to say.
