how to site work previously submitted to a different course

by Prof. Kyla Wintheiser MD 7 min read

Repurposing Using parts of a previously submitted assignment for work in a subsequent course or module course belonging to a different parent course. Repurposing is allowed only with prior permission from the instructor, proper self-citations, and substantial revisions.

Full Answer

Can I submit the same paper to two different classes?

Thank you for your email and inquiry! Whether or not the act of submitting a paper to a different class is appropriate will depend on your instructors. You will need to ask both instructors whether they are comfortable with you submitting prior work or already completed work.

How do I add an assignment to a course page?

Click the title of the page. Click the Edit This Page button. Click the Course Submission link to retrieve assignments from previous courses. Click the assignment [1] to add it to the page.

How do I retrieve assignments from previous courses in my ePortfolio?

How do I retrieve assignments from previous courses in my ePortfolio as a student? You can add assignments you have submitted in Canvas to your courses to your ePortfolio. Note: Users without access to a concluded course may not be able to access Assignments in your ePortfolio from that course.

What happens if I submit content that I’ve turned in elsewhere?

If you submit content you’ve turned in elsewhere (or even posted online previously) it will likely come back as matching and it may trigger an investigation. That being said, there are times where reusing past work may be appropriate.

How do you cite a previously submitted paper?

Author Last name, Author First Name. "Title of Your Paper: Subtitle of Your Paper." Date. Name of the Course, Institution, Type of Work.

Do I have to cite my own previous work?

If you have made a point or conducted research in one paper that you would like to build on in a later paper, you must cite yourself, just as you would cite the work of others.

How do you cite another student's work?

A works-cited-list entry for an unpublished student paper should include the author, title of the paper (in quotation marks), and date. The name of the course, the institution for which the paper was prepared, and the type of work can be provided as optional information at the end of the entry: Leland, Dina.

How do you cite something that has been revised?

To cite an article that has been corrected, simply provide the publication details as you would to cite any other journal article. Readers will discover the existence and nature of the corrections when they visit the article. In text: (Haataja, Ahtola, Poskiparta, & Salmivalli, 2015).

How do you cite an unpublished study?

You will cite unpublished work the same as you would published work, with the author's last name and the year the work is in progress or was completed. Keep in mind that authors are protected by copyright law against unauthorized use of their unpublished research.

Can I cite myself as a source?

You can cite yourself just as you would cite any other source: simply follow the directions for that source type in the citation style you are using. Keep in mind that reusing your previous work can be considered self-plagiarism, so make sure you ask your professor or consult your university's handbook before doing so.

How do you cite another study?

Your in-text citation should include both authors: the author(s) of the original source and the author(s) of the secondary source. For example: (Habermehl, 1985, as cited in Kersten, 1987). In your reference list you should provide the details of the secondary source (the source you read).

What are 5 things that do not need to be cited or documented?

Listed below are a few items you generally don't need to cite no matter which citation style you use.Your own personal/anecdotal information or experiences.Your own arguments or opinions.Your own videos, photographs, and other artwork you've created."Common knowledge"- This one is a little tricky to distinguish.More items...•

Why do we cite other people's work?

If you are paraphrasing another writer's ideas or opinions, or information that is not common knowledge, you must cite the source. Citations are important, not only because they give credit to the original author, but also because they allow your reader to find the original information.

How do you reference something you already referenced?

The first way of doing a repeated reference is when the footnotes are next to each other. For this, you use ibid (a Latin word, meaning 'in the same place'). You should never capitalize or italicize ibid. In the example below, I have referenced a book by Raz in footnote 28.

Which is correct when citing a work reprinted from an earlier publication?

When you cite an article reprinted in a collection you need to give complete information for the earlier publication and then add Rpt. in (“Reprinted in”), the title of the collection, and the new publication facts (MLA Handbook 159).

How do you cite a repeated citation?

If you are using the author-date system, simply repeat the author and date in parentheses {(Rothfuss 2009)} every time, adding the page number you're citing {(Rothfuss 2009, 32)}.) 1. Use a shortened form of the citation.

Do I have to cite my own knowledge?

If what you are incorporating into your writing is simply common knowledge, you will not need to cite the source of this information. However, if the information you are incorporating into your writing is more complex or "insider" knowledge, then you will need to cite current, credible sources that prove your position.

Why is it important to cite your own work?

It gives proper credit to the authors of the words or ideas that you incorporated into your paper. It allows those who are reading your work to locate your sources, in order to learn more about the ideas that you include in your paper.

Can the author cite their own work?

In the works-cited list, authors should cite their own work the same way they would cite any other source. The entry should begin with the name of the author or authors, followed by the title of the work and any publication details.

How do you cite a previous job in MLA?

How do I cite an unpublished manuscript/document? Author. Title of Manuscript/Document. date of composition (at least year), along with "the name and location of the library, research institution, or personal collection housing the material."

How to cite a discussion post?

If you directly quote your own words from a discussion post, you should give your reader a more information in the in-text citation. Include the paragraph number, if possible.

How to cite a previous essay?

Instead, include in-text citations and listings in your bibliography for the original source.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

What is coursework resubmission policy?

The Coursework Resubmission Policy supports the University Student Conduct Honor Code. The Coursework Resubmission Policy Resource clarifies the difference between resubmitting a paper in an acceptable manner, recycling an assignment and committing self-plagiarism, and repurposing assignments for successful research and writing.

What is resubmission in Purdue?

Resubmitting#N#Resubmitting a paper or assignment when retaking a course only after a failed attempt in the same Purdue Global traditional course or module course. Resubmission is allowed without penalty and is not considered self-plagiarism.

Open ePortfolios

In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], then click the ePortfolios link [2].

Open Course Submission

Click the Course Submission link to retrieve assignments from previous courses.

Select Assignment

Click the assignment [1] to add it to the page. You can only select one assignment submission at a time, but you can choose to add more than one submission to the page.

View Page

The assignment submissions can now be viewed on your page. Assignments that were submitted as a file can be downloaded by clicking the file name.

What to do when you want to reuse previous work?

In those situations, the best thing you can do is speak with your instructor and explain the situation. If you are transparent about your desire to reuse previous work and why you think it’s the best solution, there’s at least a decent chance your instructor will allow it.

Why do scientists cite previous work?

They may reuse portions of their previous text but cite their work to indicate where they are getting their previous information, whether it’s the setup for the experiment or the results.

Why is it important to remember an assignment?

While this can sometimes feel like needless and pointless work, it’s important to remember that an assignment aims to gauge your skills and understanding now, not where you were weeks, months or years ago. It’s also to help you learn more about the subject so finding new ways to write or think about a topic can be very helpful in understanding it.

Do you need to cite your original work?

Still, in doing that, you may wish to use parts of your previous work and your instructor can help guide you on what is and is not acceptable for that. It’s important to remember that you still need to cite your original work, just as you would any other outside material.

Do you cite yourself when you are a researcher?

While it might seem crazy to cite yourself, it’s something researchers do all of the time. For example, when a researcher is working in a narrow field, they may do many similar experiments to test how changing small variables alters the outcome.

Can you re-use your work?

Reusing your previous work can be especially problematic if your school uses any kind of plagiarism detection software. If you submit content you’ve turned in elsewhere (or even posted online previously) it will likely come back as matching and it may trigger an investigation.

11 Answers

Whether it is or not, the professors in the courses will have the last say. If either of them considers it dishonest or otherwise improper, for any reason, you will wind up in a bad place.

Yes, and it is against many (most?) Student Conduct Guidelines

For example, at Montana State University, this is covered under "Multiple Submission" under Policies and Procedures (under Academic Honesty ):

Why is it important to cite a flagged passage?

Because it reflects language copied from a common source, a low-percentage match between a passage in your student’s paper and a paper submitted at another school isn’t an instance of unauthorized collaboration —as it may initially seem. If your student has cited the published source somewhere near the flagged passage, you’re probably dealing with a too-close paraphrase. If the flagged passage isn’t accompanied by a citation, the issue is more likely a source used without attribution.

How to exclude a percentage in a match?

In the right sidebar (the “Match Overview”), click the arrow to the right of the percentage in the source you’d like to exclude.

Does Turnitin check papers?

Turnitin checks your students’ assignments against a both a repository of papers submitted at other institutions and a repository of papers submitted at Yale (which are not store d in the larger Turnitin repository). As a result, Turnitin can alert you if a paper submitted in your course was previously submitted to a course at another institution.

Can you see the text of a paper on Turnitin?

Though Turnitin will not show you the text of a paper submitted at another institution, you can usually find the text of the source they read in common by excluding the match with the other student paper. To do this:
