you can't repeat the past," gatsby replies, "why of course you can.

by Jaunita Hessel 10 min read

You can’t repeat the past,” says Nick Carraway

Nick Carraway

Nick Carraway is a fictional character and narrator in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.

to Jay Gatsby. This quote belongs in Chapter 6 of Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.” To which Gatsby replies, “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!” This conversation gives a hint about Gatsby’s intention to return Daisy Buchanan, his past love.

“Can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can!” Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, said this to his friend Nick Carraway
Nick Carraway
Synopsis. Nick centers on the narrator of The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, in the years before the events of Fitzgerald's novel. It follows Nick Carraway as a soldier in World War I, his detours in Paris, and his time in New Orleans before his move up to Long Island. › wiki › Nick_(novel)
in order to convince both himself and Nick that he could recapture Daisy Buchanan
Daisy Buchanan
Daisy Fay was born into a wealthy Louisville family. By 1917, Daisy had several suitors of her same class, but fell in love with Jay Gatsby, "a beautiful little fool." Daisy and her family settled in East Egg, a wealthy old money enclave on Long Island. › wiki › Daisy_Buchanan
, his former love.

Full Answer

Can't Repeat the past Gatsby?

Feb 07, 2021 · In chapter 6, Nick tells Gatsby, "You can't repeat the past," Gatsby replies, "Why of course you can." Do you agree with Nick or with Gatsby? …

Do you agree with Nick that you can't repeat the past?

Thought Cloud, Inspirational Quotes, Quotes. And when Nick tells Gatsby, “You can’t repeat the past,”. Gatsby replies, “Why of course you can.”course. Even when you have made things, exactly the way it was – Still. Tags: the past things way way of life. James America.

What does Nick say to Gatsby at one point?

Nov 12, 2021 · “You can’t repeat the past,” says Nick Carraway to Jay Gatsby. This quote belongs in Chapter 6 of Francis Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.” To which Gatsby replies, “Can’t repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!” This conversation gives a hint about Gatsby’s intention to return Daisy Buchanan, his past love. Detailed answer:

What does Nick Carraway say to Gatsby in Chapter 6?

Mar 18, 2012 · Annotated Text At one point, Nick tells Gatsby that “you cannot repeat the past,” to which Gatsby replies, “Why of course you can!” How does the past shape the present in the lives of both Nick and...

What does Gatsby mean when he says can't repeat the past Why of course you can?

In response to Nick Gatsby say's "can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!" This truly highlights his inability to accept the truth, being that Daisy has moved on and is married with a child. It is not only foolish, it is delusional to think that you can turn back time.

How does Gatsby's response to you can't repeat the past?

To Nick's statement that "you can't repeat the past" Gatsby replies incredulously, "Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!" Gatsby is confident that he will be able to repeat the past of when he and Daisy first met now that he has the money to attract her attention. His view is very simplistic and naive.

When Nick told Gatsby that you can't repeat the past Gatsby replied Why of course you can quizlet?

When Nick told Gatsby, "You can't repeat the past," Gatsby replied, "Why of course you can!" Do you agree with Nick or Gatsby? I believe that you can do your best to duplicate something from the past, but it will not be exactly as it was before.

Can't repeat the past he cried incredulously Why of course you can I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before he said nodding determinedly she'll see?

“Can't repeat the past?” he cried incredulously. “Why of course you can!” He looked around him wildly, as if the past were lurking here in the shadow of his house, just out of reach of his hand. “I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before,” he said, nodding determinedly.

What does Nick mean when he says you cant repeat the past?

In this quote Nick is thinking of what Gatsby was trying to do. He was trying to somehow make his past also be his future. He did everything in his power to get Daisy back and make everything go back to the way it was five years before.Nov 20, 2014

Why is it impossible to repeat the past?

Simply, you can't repeat the past because you are not the same person you were in the past. As you grow and get older, your experiences start forming who you are and the decisions you make. My strong belief is that it's OK to look back as long as you continue to move on.Nov 1, 2013

When Nick warns Gatsby not to expect too much of Daisy saying you can't repeat the past what is Gatsby's response?

Nick tells him that she did causing him to say " you can't repeat the past" Gatsby wants to go back to the way it was before and have Daisy tell Tom she never loved him. You just studied 8 terms!

What page does Gatsby say you Cannot repeat the past?

Why, of course, you can!” Explain the Quote. “You can't repeat the past,” says Nick Carraway to Jay Gatsby. This quote belongs in Chapter 6 of Francis Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel, “The Great Gatsby.” To which Gatsby replies, “Can't repeat the past?

What did Gatsby want Daisy to do that prompted Nick to say you can't repeat the past?

What did Gatsby want Daisy to do that prompted Nick to say " You can't repeat the past"? Gatsby wanted Daisy to forget about the past five years and go home with him.

What is Nick's view of repeating the past and what is Gatsby's opinion?

Nick know that you can't and shouldn't repeat the past, but Gatsby thinks he can just erase the last five years and start over again. His opinion is unrealistic because it's been five years and both of them have changed.

Who broke Myrtle Wilson's nose?

Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke [Myrtle's] nose with his open hand. The event described here occurs in Chapter 2, when Myrtle insists on her right to say Daisy's name aloud in Tom's presence.

Why does Gatsby believe he can repeat the past?

Gatsby believes he is able to repeat the past because of the dreamlike state he lives in, having no firm grip on reality. Gatsby must believe that he can repeat the past in order to make the idea of regaining Daisy (even though she has since married Tom and had a child) a realistic possibility. Click to see full answer.

Can you repeat the past?

While Gatsby feels certain that “of course you can,” my own answer is different than his. No, you can't repeat the past. Simply, you can't repeat the past because you are not the same person you were in the past. Consequently, what is Gatsby's response when Nick warns him that you cant repeat the past?

Who said you can't repeat the past?

Jay Gatsby makes this response to Nick Carraway’s statement, “ You can’t repeat the past .” Their conversation occurs after Daisy and Tom Buchanan have left a party at Gatsby’s house.

Can't repeat the past quote?

‘You can’t repeat the past.’ ‘Can’t repeat the past?’ he cried incredulously. ‘Why of course you can!’” 106 This quotation emphasizes one of the novel’s main themes. It talks about Gatsby’s dreams of the past and how he wants to repeat them.

Why of course you can Gatsby?

Why of course you can!" (Fitzgerald, 117). CONTEXT: Gatsby is talking to Nick about how his life was much better when he was with Daisy, and now he wants her back. Nick, in turns, tells Gatsby that he should move on, because the past cannot be repeated. SIGNIFICANCE: Gatsby is the man that has all the glamour, the riches, the success - and also being the perfect bachelor, but the thing he wants the …

What is a crossword puzzle?

The puzzles are perfect wrap-up activities, extra credit assignments..., or emergency lessons for substitutes.Each crossword puzzle covers the entire book and is designed to focus on elements that make the book unique, like key characters, important vocabulary, major plot events, and important symbols and motifs.

Can Jay Gatsby repeat the past?

· When told that he can't repeat the past, Jay Gatsby replies, " Why of course you can, of course you can ." Of course you can repeat the past -- Hollywood does it all the time! For more info:
