how to sign up to offer a wings credit course

by Jayme Monahan Sr. 9 min read

WINGS Credit
  1. Have on account on and participate in the WINGS Program – sign up free at
  2. Complete the FAA WINGS accepted ALC-727 course on VFR communications by completing the VFR portion of TRAINER mode.

How do I join Wings Financial Credit Union?

enter your email, your new password, and that is it — you are now a member of the WINGS Pilot Proficiency program. On the home page, you can browse all activities and courses by placing your mouse over the Activities, Courses, and Seminars tab and selecting Activities from the drop down menu. WINGS activities are broken

Can I get a wings credit after the activity?

Jul 03, 2015 · Normally you'd work with a FAA Safety Team representative to help set up the program so it meets the WINGS credit requirements (they have access to premade presentations, slides/videos, and with a little notice they can usually help find presenters/speakers), and the representative will then coordinate with your regional FAA Safety Team manager to get the …

How do I get a Wings Financial referral bonus?

To apply for a Wings Visa ® Credit Card. Please visit our Credit Cards page. Take a look at the comparison chart to see which card is best for you and then click the link below the card details to be taken to that product page. Click on the "Apply Now" button to begin the application process.

How do I pay my wings credit card?

Apr 04, 2022 · First, you can sign up for a new Checking account with Wings Financial CU and meet the requirements for your $50 bonus. Then, you can refer family and friends to Wings Financial and earn $50 per qualified referral, up to $550 per calendar year. Remember, membership is open to everyone nationwide.

How do I sign up for the FAA WINGS program?

Login to Your Account Welcome to By completing this sign up process, you will be able to: Help us save Tax dollars by having notices and safety information sent to your email account. Participate in the WINGS – Pilot Proficiency Program.

Who can give WINGS credit?

Flight Instructor Validations Certificated flight instructors by virtue of holding instructor privileges can validate or give immediate WINGS credits for flight activities through the “Instructor Portal” under the “Pilots” tab on Instructors do not have to log in first to give credit.

How do you get FAA WINGS credit?

When you complete an online FAASTeam course, you will automatically receive WINGS credit. If you earn WINGS credit by attending a seminar or completing an online course through third party (such as Gleim) be sure to use the email address associated with your WINGS account.Jan 3, 2020

How can a pilot request credit for completion of a WINGS activity?

You will have to use the same email address with AOPA as your registered account in order to receive credit. If you do not receive credit, you can either email your course certificate to [email protected] or contact AOPA and request that they submit WINGS credit.

How do you get pilot WINGS?

For a pilot to earn their wings, it means that they've officially become a pilot and earned their pilot's license or certificate. It depends on what type of pilot — a private pilot (two months), a commercial pilot (up to two years), or a military pilot (years of training and a 10-year commitment).Sep 2, 2021

How do pilots earn a phase of WINGS?

Pilots earn a phase of WINGS by successfully accomplishing a specified number of knowledge and flight tasks. The requirements of these tasks, as found in the current PTS, correspond to leading accident causal factors, as described in paragraph 4 above.Feb 16, 2011

How many WINGS credits do I need?

Six credits are required each year for each of the three phases of WINGS that a pilot desires to achieve and maintain. Of those credits, some are required subject areas and others are elective.

How many WINGS credits do you need for a flight review?

The process is simple. After you've logged in to FAASafety, hover over the Pilots tab and choose My WINGS from the pulldown menu. Each phase of WINGS requires three Knowledge credits and three Flying credits.Jun 13, 2016

How many WINGS credits for a flight review?

To complete each Phase, you must earn 6 credits consisting of 3 Knowledge credits (Courses, Seminars, or Activities) and 3 Flight credits. The primary focus of each activity determines the applicable credit.

What is the FAA FAASTeam?

On October 1, 2006, the Federal Aviation Administration Safety Team, or FAASTeam, began with one mission: To improve the Nation's aviation safety record by conveying safety principles and practices through training, outreach, and education.

How can I join FAASTeam?

Go to and create an account. After you've created an account, log in to Review the FAASTeam Representative Manual. Go to and select Join the FAASTeam.

When may a person who does not hold a remote pilot certificate operate a UAS for hire?

01 When may a person who does not hold a remote pilot certificate operate a UAS for hire? Only when the flight operations have been approved by a certified sUA pilot. When under the direct supervision of a Remote PIC who is immediately available to take control if necessary.

About Wings Financial Credit Union Promotions

Wings Financial Credit Union has 24 locations throughout the state of Minnesota. This credit union is eligible for consumers who are involved with the airline industry in the Minnesota area. The credit union focuses largely on personal banking products and services.

Bottom Line

These are all the current Wings Financial Credit Union promotions and offers. There isn’t much information or detail about the offers. If you have experience with this credit union let us know if it’s soft or hard pull! If you are interested in posts like this, I encourage you to check out our other reviews here on HustlerMoneyBlog!
