how to set up an easy orienteering course

by Prof. Vance Volkman 4 min read

To make my orienteering course, we began by purchasing 5 ten-foot PVC pipes that were 3/4" in diameter. These would be cut in half and wrapped in red duct tape to create my control points. Next, we found a topographical map of my area, printed it off, and scouted it out.

Set up a 100-foot course near your meeting place. As Scouts arrive, have them walk the course and calculate their pace (how far they travel every two steps). Draw a large chalk circle on the parking lot. Place an index card marked “North” at the northernmost point.

Full Answer

How to start orienteering and learn to love it?

a. Those who set up the initial event should study a map for likely locations of control points and verification of the locations. Better yet, they should coordinate with an experienced competitor in selecting the course. b. There are several forms of orienteering events. Some of the most common are route, line, cross-country, and score orienteering.

How to start orienteering?

To get round an orienteering course successfully, for each leg of the course you should: 1 Plan – Make a Plan before you set off. Try to follow hand rails such as paths. 2 Picture – identify what you will see on the way. For example – I will follow a path to a junction and turn into the woodland from the open land on another path.

How to design an orienteering course?

At the registration area you sign a waiver, choose a course, pay an event fee and, if you didn’t bring one, rent a compass. (You get the map for your course later.) People at the registration area can also direct you to the newcomer instruction area. The Start Get in line for the course you picked at registration.

What are the basic skills in orienteering?

To make my orienteering course, we began by purchasing 5 ten-foot PVC pipes that were 3/4" in diameter. These would be cut in half and wrapped in red duct tape to create my control points. Next, we found a topographical map of my area, printed it off, and scouted it out.

How do you make a simple orienteering map?

What Are the Steps in Making an Orienteering Map?Select a suitable area.Obtain permission to use the area.Prepare a base map.Select the map scale.Do the field work.Draft the map.Print the map.Archive the map.

How is orienteering organized?

Orienteering is a group of sports that require navigational skills using a map and compass to navigate from point to point in diverse and usually unfamiliar terrain whilst moving at speed. Participants are given a topographical map, usually a specially prepared orienteering map, which they use to find control points.

How do I set up a compass course?

Set the Course Wait till it points steadily in one direction, and turn the compass so “N” lines up with the pointer. Now hold the compass in front of your face, and turn it until the needle points to North. Look to the hiding spot, then look down to the compass and read the “degrees” which point to the spot.

What are the four basic orienteering skills?

SkillsNOTE: The content here is for those who are ready to build their skills and are seeking guidance. You do not need to know any of this in order to show up at and enjoy an orienteering event! ... Basic Skills. Orienting the Map. ... Basic Skills. ... Thumbing the Map. ... Line Features. ... Catching Features. ... Reading the Map. ... Contours.More items...

What is the primary equipment needed in orienteering?

Compass. A compass is vitally important for correct navigation. There is a wide variety in quality and size that may be purchased.

What equipment is needed for orienteering?

The main things you need is a map, compass and checkpoint recording device. Maps and checkpoint electronic punching devices are usually provided by event organizers. There is a wide variety in quality and price of orienteering equipment, which can be chosen depending on your needs and desirable performance level.

How do I set up an orienteering scavenger hunt?

Leave your first clue at the starting point. Then go to the place you described in the clue and look around for your next destination. Write a clue for that destination; leave it where you are standing and move on to continue writing clues. If you have multiple teams, have them all end up in the same place.

How do you find azimuth with a compass?

0:053:00How to shoot an azimuth with your lensatic compass - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipLike this put your thumb through the loop. Like that and run your finger along the side fold yourMoreLike this put your thumb through the loop. Like that and run your finger along the side fold your lens down a little bit and then look to the sighting wire which is the little wire right in there.

How do you set declination on a compass?

Turn the compass over. Insert the metal key (provided with your compass) into the adjustment screw. Turn the key until the declination indicator is the correct number of degrees east or west of 0° (15.6 degrees West in this example).

What type of map is most commonly used in orienteering?

Nowadays, most orienteering events are held on five-color maps that have 5 meter contour intervals (16.5 feet) and have a scale of 1:15,000 (preferred) or 1:10,000 (1 cm = 100 meters). Most of the characteristics of orienteering maps are related to those found on hiking and general use maps produced by the government.

What is hand railing in orienteering?

Handrails. When you first start orienteering you will be using "handrails" all the time. "Handrails" are line features such as paths, fences or streams. They are excellent navigational aids providing safe routes between controls. You simply follow the feature without having to keep looking at the map or compass.

What are control points on an orienteering course?

A control point (CP, also control and checkpoint) is a marked waypoint used in orienteering and related sports such as rogaining and adventure racing. It is located in the competition area; marked both on an orienteering map and in the terrain, and described on a control description sheet.

What are the steps to successful orienteering?

Plan, Picture, Direction – 3 steps to successful orienteering. To help you put these ideas into practice, Better Orienteering uses a simple model of 3 steps to think about when navigating – Plan, Picture, Direction. To get round an orienteering course successfully, for each leg of the course you should:

What are the different types of orienteering?

Orienteering competitions are divided into the following types: Foot orienteering There are races at different distances – Sprint, Middle, Long and Ultra-long – and on different types of terrain – urban, forest, moorland.

What does it mean when you register for a course?

When you register for a course they will help you pick a course that is suitable for your fitness, experience and age group. The major competitions are split into age classes instead where you will be competing against people of similar age to ensure a fair race.

Where is orienteering from?

Orienteering may be a world-wide sport, but its homeland is Scandinavia.

What compasses do you use for orienteering?

When using an orienteering map you need to keep it lined up with north for the map to make sense of the terrain around you. Thumb compasses are the most popular compasses for orienteering. Most of the time you won’t need to do more than use the red compass needle to keep the map lined up to north, however, this explanation from Silva shows how you can get more from it if you need to, by taking a bearing between points on the map. Silva – How to use a thumb compass

What scale is a race in Orienteering?

Orienteering races take place in many types of terrain including woodland, moorland and urban areas. Urban maps are usually at 1:4000 scale (every centimetre on the map is 40 metres on the ground), or sometimes 1:5000, showing lots of detail around buildings. Woodland and moorland maps are usually at 1:10,000 (1 cm on map = 100 metres on the ground) or 1:15,000 scale (1 cm om map = 150 m on ground), giving a slightly less detailed view of a bigger area of terrain.

How to get around a course?

To get round an orienteering course successfully, for each leg of the course you should: 1 Plan – Make a Plan before you set off. Try to follow hand rails such as paths. 2 Picture – identify what you will see on the way.

What are the basics of orienteering?

This article covers the basics about this lesser-known outdoor activity: 1 What orienteering is 2 Where to learn how to do it 3 Gear and clothing needs 4 A primer for your first meet

What is orienteering map?

Your orienteering map is a topographic map that’s customized to cover the meet area in rich detail. It includes many symbols unique to orienteering. Declination doesn’t come into play, because all orienteering maps align with magnetic north, not true north. That simplifies map reading when you have to navigate while moving quickly.

What order do you visit controls in a meet?

At a typical meet you must visit controls in numerical order , though some meets might let you vary which controls you visit and the order in which you visit them. When you register, ask if there’s anything special about that meet’s format or rules.

How many courses are there in a local meet?

Get in line for the course you picked at registration. A local meet might have from three to seven courses set up. To avoid bunching up runners, start times are staggered, though orienteers on different courses often start in the same wave.

What to do at the registration area?

At the registration area you sign a waiver, choose a course, pay an event fee and, if you didn’t bring one, rent a compass. (You get the map for your course later.) People at the registration area can also direct you to the newcomer instruction area.

Why is orienteering considered a map and compass sport?

Because the sport predates the Global Positioning System by about a century, orienteering is strictly a map-and-compass endeavor. That old-school navigational ethos is part of the sports’ appeal—and affordability.

Do you have to buy gear for orienteering?

An appealing aspect of orienteering is that you don’t have to buy a bunch of specialized gear and clothing to do it. At a minimum, you need:

How long is an orienteering course?

These courses are rated white or yellow and are usually about 2-3.5 km long. When you register, you’ll be given a map of the course and the time and instructions for the race. When the race starts, take a few minutes to study your math, then navigate to the finish line according to the map and your compass. As a beginner, you’ll likely be able to follow a trail, although advanced courses are typically off-trail. For tips on preparing for the race, like choosing the right shoes, keep reading!

How to orienteer wiki?

How to Orienteer. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 35 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 73,076 times.

How to dib a control flag?

When you reach a correct control, you must prove that you were there. The control flag will have a unique plastic punch or an electronic box for you to dib.

How to find the first control site?

Look for your first control site. This is indicated on your map by a circle with a 1. Your control descriptions sheet will also briefly describe the control. These are sometimes called clues. At the control site, you'll see an orange and white control flag.

How to start a race in a race?

When you start your race, take a moment to look at the topographical map which will consist of a start, a series of control sites connected by lines and numbered in the order they are to be visited, and a finish. Your start will be a red or pink triangle. Control sites are circles connected by lines.

How far should I run a golf course?

You'll be asked to specify a skill level. As a beginner, you should start with a white or yellow course. These run about 2 to 3.5 kilometers (1 to 2 mi) and usually follow trails. You'll then be given a map of the course, control descriptions, and might be given an electronic punch.

Is orienteering competitive?

Top Answerer. Orienteering can be very competitive, so having an attack point will save you time and potentially energy. It is a 'treasure hunt', but it is mixed in with cross-country racing as well. Not all events are very competitive, you can probably find one that is more relaxed.

What is the difference between a map and an orienteering map?

While a regular map displays basic land features and elevation changes, the orienteering map provides much more detail.

How to read a compass in tandem with a map?

To precisely read a compass in tandem with a map, follow this order of operations: 1. Imagine a line of travel between your position and the destination. 2. Place your compass on your map along this imagined line of travel. 3.

Is orienteering a competitive sport?

Not only is this skill a useful thing to have, but it is also a competitive sport. Usually referred to as orienteering, the sport takes place over a large area in which competitors compete to locate the flags, or "controls", in the quickest way possible.

How to help Scouts with orienteering?

Introduce Scouts to the sport of orienteering. Help Scouts work toward the Orienteering merit badge. Fost er self-confidence and team building. LEADERSHIP PLANNING .

How to make a 100 foot course for Scouts?

Set up a 100-foot course near your meeting place. As Scouts arrive, have them walk the course and calculate their pace (how far they travel every two steps). Draw a large chalk circle on the parking lot. Place an index card marked “North” at the northernmost point.

How to play compass triangle?

Compass Triangle Game#N#– Materials: For each Scout, a compass and an index card with their name on it#N#– Method: Scouts start at various spots on a parking lot or other open area, marking their spots with index cards. They determine a bearing (say 30°) and walk 50 steps in that direction. They add 120° to the first bearing and walk another 50 steps. Finally, they add 120° to the second bearing and walk another 50 steps. (If a calculated bearing is more than 360°, subtract 360° to get the correct bearing.) Scouts should end up back where they started.#N#– Scoring: The winner is the player who gets closest to the starting point.#N#– Variation: Have players wear bags over their heads so they can read their compasses but not look ahead. (Assign each a guide for safety.) This challenge will test their ability to walk in a straight line and will prevent them from cheating as they approach the starting point on the final leg.

What to do when Scouts arrive?

As Scouts arrive, challenge them to sketch topographic maps of their neighborhoods or the area around your meeting place. Set up a display of items related to orienteering courses , including controls, punches, control cards, maps, bibs, etc.

Where to put index cards for Scouts?

As Scouts arrive, give them index cards marked with other compass points. Have them place their cards in the correct spots on the circle. As Scouts arrive, challenge them to sketch topographic maps of their neighborhoods or the area around your meeting place.

Is Research Orienteering open to the public?

Research orienteering meets in your area that are open to the public.

What do you use to teach orienteering?

To familiarise children with orienteering equipment: control cards, punches, orienteering markers. To practice using control cards and punches, and to understand that control cards must be punched in the correct numbered box.

What is scoring option in orienteering?

To simulate a cross country leg of an orienteering course. A scoring option is available to introduce an element of competition.

How to teach a map to kids?

Make sure they have it orientated. Leader explains map orientation, Start triangle, Finish double circle, then walks the route, orientating map. Children (seated) follow Leader’s route on the map with their finger. Give each pair a map (1-6). Each pair stands at their start, shown by the red triangle on the map. Explain that they will follow the route on their map from Start to Finish, adding up the numbers on the cones as they go along and keeping the map orientated correctly.

How to hang 10 markers?

Hang the 10 markers in number order with punches attached spaced out along one side of the boundary. Tie to fence, or if none is available, tie on to a rounders posts or cones.

How to get to cone in the forest?

Dodge through the trees. Walk carefully over the footbridge. Pick up a bean bag, walk to cone,

What is a tri-ois?

Tri-Ois a package of simple orienteering activities.

How many pairs of kids are in Hoops for Funny Faces?

Hoops for Funny Faces 6 pairs of children, each pair with a map Equipment
