what is the course objective?

by Merlin Mitchell 10 min read


  • Objectives describe the goals and intentions of the professor who teaches the course.
  • Objectives, often termed the input in the course, state the purpose and goals of the course.
  • Objectives focus on content and skills important within the classroom or program. ...
  • Objectives can often be numerous, specific, and detailed. ...

A course objective specifies a behavior, skill, or action that a student can demonstrate if they have achieved mastery of the objective. As such, objectives need to be written in such a way that they are measurable by some sort of assessment. Course objectives form the foundation of the class.

Full Answer

What are the characteristics of good course objectives?

  • Curse objectives should identify a learning outcome;
  • Course objectives should be consistent with course goals;
  • Course objectives should be precise;
  • Course objectives should be measurable and should provide a correct mode of assessment ;
  • Course objectives should be realistic; and

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What is the difference between course objectives and learning outcomes?

  • Goals, aims, objectives and outcomes are terms that are often used in educational settings. ...
  • Learning Outcome refers to the expectations kept from the student at the end of the course. ...
  • Learning objective is described as what the student can expect from the teacher at the end of the course. It is actually the opposite of the outcome. ...

How to write course objective?

  • Choose an action verb that corresponds to the specific action you wish students to demonstrate
  • Explain the knowledge students are expected to acquire or construct
  • [Optional]: explain the criterion or level students are expected to reach to show mastery of knowledge

What you will learn course objectives?

To sum up:

  • Learning objectives are statements that tell your students what they will learn by the end of your lesson or course.
  • They should always include an observable action and a subject.
  • Start at the end — figure out what your main course objective is, and break down your lesson learning objectives from there.

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What is an example of a course objective?

Objective – A course objective describes what a faculty member will cover in a course. They are generally less broad that goals and more broad than student learning outcomes. Examples of objectives include: Students will gain an understanding of the historical origins of art history.

How do you write a course objective?

How do I write Effective Learning Objectives? 1,3Reflect on the course. ... Brainstorm specific things what you want students to know and do by the end of the course. ... Refer to resources that can help you identify action verbs that will be observable and measurable. ... Draft your learning outcomes and prioritize them.More items...•

What are the 3 course objectives?

Learning objectives can include 3 components: performance, conditions, and criteria. Performance All SMART learning objectives contain a performance component. The performance statement describes what the learner will know or be able to do in specific, measurable terms.

What is course objectives and course outcomes?

Learning goals and objectives generally describe what an instructor, program, or institution aims to do, whereas, a learning outcome describes in observable and measurable terms what a student is able to do as a result of completing a learning experience (e.g., course, project, or unit).

What are the 4 learning objectives?

Types of Learning ObjectivesCognitive: having to do with knowledge and mental skills.Psychomotor: having to do with physical motor skills.Affective: having to do with feelings and attitudes.Interpersonal/Social: having to do with interactions with others and social skills.More items...

What do we mean by objective?

Definition of objective (Entry 2 of 2) 1a : something toward which effort is directed : an aim, goal, or end of action. b : a strategic position to be attained or a purpose to be achieved by a military operation. 2 : a lens or system of lenses that forms an image of an object.

What are the 2 types of objectives?

Types of ObjectivesCognitive.Psychomotor.Attitudes.

What are the 10 learning objectives?

Here's my list of top ten learning outcomes I am hoping will be the legacy of COVID-19 for children around the world:1 Develop a Growth or Innovation Mindset. ... 2 Develop Empathy. ... 3 Develop Resourcefulness. ... 4 Develop Creativity. ... 5 Become More Collaborative. ... 6 Strengthen a Sense of Belonging. ... 7 Become a Critical Thinker.More items...

What are the different levels of objectives?

Within the organization there are three levels of objectives: strategic goals, tactical objectives, and operational objectives.

What are the course outcomes?

Course Outcomes are the statements that help the learners to understand the reason for pursuing the course and helps him to identify what he will be able to do at the end of the course.

What of the following are the three steps in the instructional process?

To support teachers in the process, the following are the basic steps of The Instructional procedure:Step 1: Analysis. Developing learning goals: ... Step 2: Design. Developing Learning Objectives. ... Step 3: Develop. Facilitate Learning: ... Step 4: Implement. ... Step 5: Evaluation. ... Step 6: Revision.

Course Goals and Learning Objectives

Learning outcomes describe the learning that will take place across the curriculum through concise statements, made in specific and measurable terms, of what students will know and/or be able to do as the result of having successfully completed a course. 
See more on resources.depaul.edu

Example Course Blueprint

More About Learning Objectives

Taxonomies of Learning to Aid Writing Learning Objectives