how to see your course history osu

by Lexi Cummerata 8 min read

Why study history at Ohio State University?

grades, view, class, exam, gpa. This Task has been designed for use by all roles. For all roles

How do I register for Ohio State University's Department of history?

At The Ohio State University history is alive, and it's probably not what you would expect. In today's world where war, revolution, famine, and social upheaval occur with frightening regularity, history is the key to understanding these crises. History is not a recitation of facts and names, but involves analysis and understanding. History is the sum total of the human experience, and …

Is history alive at Ohio State University?

Courses numbered 1000-1099 are undergraduate non-credit courses for orientation, remedial, or other non-college-level experiences. These courses are in addition to a program’s graduation requirements. Courses numbered 1100-1999 are introductory, required or elective courses that may be prerequisite to other courses. They provide undergraduate ...

Where can I find a copy of the Department coursebook?

Adrian Walls Earns First Place Prize in Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. Adrian Walls, a double major in Classics and Political Science/Law, received first place in the Human Experience category at the 27th annual Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research…. March 9, …

Is a 93 an A at Ohio State?

Discover an example of how an Ohio State transcript appears....Transcript Key.Letter GradeNumerical GradeGrade Point ValueA93-1004.0 PtsA-90-923.7 PtsB+87-893.3 PtsB83-863.0 Pts5 more rows

What GPA is dean's list at Ohio State?

3.5 or higherStudents completing a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a GPA of 3.5 or higher for any given term will be named to the Dean's List for that term in the college in which they are enrolled.

How do I know what rank I am osu?

Your rank and academic standing are listed on your Advising Report, available on My Buckeye Link. You will need to log in with your student credentials. If you are in good academic standing, there will be no notation on your record and your cumulative GPA will be above 2.0.

What does IX mean in grades?

Time Limit for Completion of an Incomplete If the IN is not completed within the designated time, the course is considered "lapsed," the grade is changed to an "IX" and will be calculated into the grade point average as 0 points.

Should I put Dean's List on resume?

Including Dean's List on a resume is optional. By all means, put Dean's List on a resume if you made it all semesters. If you made Dean's List only once, leave it out. If you made Dean's List several semesters, consider including it in a separate section on your resume.Nov 17, 2021

What is the average GPA at Ohio State University?

3.83Average GPA: 3.83 The average GPA at Ohio State University is 3.83. This makes Ohio State University Extremely Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.

Does Ohio State do class rank?

University Class Ranking System Student rank in all the undergraduate colleges is based on total credit hours completed and recorded. For Graduate and Professional programs, the department will provide rank calculation policies as it is determined by terms attended, not credit hours earned.

What is PP in OSU?

Each song is weighted, the more pp being the higher it's weighted. IE top pp play is weighted 100%, second top is weighted 95%, etc. Click on top ranks on your profile to check it out, and you'll be able to find the play you made that you think is worth 73pp be only weighted a little. 4.

What is the OSU pp record?

#PPDate Played11192.448 months ago21186.89 months ago31184.61about 18 hours ago41174.097 months ago89 more rows

Is 69 percent passing in college?

A letter grade of a D is technically considered passing because it not a failure. A D is any percentage between 60-69%, whereas a failure occurs below 60%. Even though a D is a passing grade, it's barely passing.

Is a 3.2 grade point average good?

A 3.2 GPA is high enough to apply for almost any graduate program. However, remember that selective schools also consider internships, thesis work, and other elements of your undergraduate education.

Is C minus a good grade?

[A grade of "C minus" (1.7) or lower is not a passing grade] A grade of "C" (2.0) or better in course(s) that are used to meet the writing requirement. [A grade of "C minus" (1.7) or lower is not a passing grade.]Feb 11, 2021

Undergraduate Research

The Department of History offers a variety of options for undergraduates to pursue research in history.


Internship Opportunities#N#Education Abroad#N#The History Club#N#Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society)#N#Department Awards and Scholarships

Course Numbering System in Semesters

Courses numbered 1000-1099 are undergraduate non-credit courses for orientation, remedial, or other non-college-level experiences. These courses are in addition to a program’s graduation requirements.


Requests for alternate formats of the Schedule of Classes should be referred to Michael Gable.

Hasan Kwame Jeffries Pens Lowndes County and Voting Rights Article

Professor Jeffries has a new article and interview on the Zinn Education Project website. It begins,

Will Chou Awarded Post-Doctoral Position

Congratulations to Will Chou! He has been awarded and accepted a postdoctoral fellowship to the Clements Center for National Security at the University of Texas-Austin. He is planning to use this…

Congratulations, Lauren Henry!

Congratulations to Lauren Henry, who has successfully defended her dissertation: “Squaring the Hexagon: Alsace and the Making of French Algeria, 1830-1945”. Lauren's committee members were: Alice…

In Memoriam: Donald G. Dunn (1923-2021)

Written by Professor Bruno Cabanes, the Donald G. and Mary A. Dunn Chair in Modern Military History

How to contact Buckeye Link?

You can correct any errors, chose “Place My Order Anyway”, or you can contact Buckeye Link for assistance at 614-292-0300.

How to request a transcript from a college?

This may be requested through the transcript ordering process by following the below: 1 When submitting your request and choosing the recipient, indicate that you have an attachment to be included with the transcript. 2 The attachment will be a letter from you requesting the Mode of Instruction Verification. 3 When the order is complete, there will be a section named Additional Action Required.#N#- Read the instructions, and click on "Click here." 4 You will receive instructions for uploading the attachment letter. 5 After uploading the attachment letter, you will receive a request to review it. 6 Upon reviewing the letter, click "Finalize." 7 A pop-up will appear. Click on the second option of "The Ohio State University must add information to my attachment."#N#- This will ensure that we receive your request to provide the Mode of Instruction Verification. 8 A Mode of Instruction Verification letter will be produced, which will verify the information needed and will be submitted with your official academic transcript.

What is an official transcript?

Q: What is an "Official" Transcript? A: An "official" transcript is a record of your entire enrollment history at Ohio State, and would include any transfer credit accepted. Transcripts are printed on special paper and include the Registrar's signature, the date issued and the school seal.

When will transcripts be sent?

Transcripts will be sent after the deadlines have passed for grade submission by your instructors and commencement for the term. This option will only be available near the end of the term, approximately three weeks prior.

What is mode of instruction verification?

It is a verification of the campus you attended and if your academic program and courses were taught "In Person" or through distance education.

What happens if you have a hold on your transcript?

A: If your record has a hold, you will be notified immediately after you submit your identifying information and provided with a phone number to contact. You will not be able to submit a transcript order until the hold has been cleared.

Do you need a username to order transcripts at Ohio State?

A: Yes, you do not need an active Ohio State username or password to place your order. Choose the "Alumni and Former Students" on the Transcript Ordering page of the University Registrar's website and proceed through the online ordering process. Click here to begin your order without an Ohio State username.


History Curriculum

  • Browse our complete course list or read more about our Fields of Study and Constellations. 1. History Courses 2. Fields of Study 3. Constellationsin History
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  • Printed copies of the Department Coursebook are available in the lobby of the History Department in 106 Dulles Hall. 1. To register, please visit the Ohio State Master Course Schedule. The master schedule is maintained by the University Registrarand includes information about Department of History courses.
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Course Syllabi

  • Copies of past course syllabi are available online here. Please contact the instructor for current offerings.
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Study Tour and History Minor

  • Integrated Semester – Study Tour and History Minor at The Ohio State University 1. The U.S., Europe and the Second World War: Intersections in 20th Century History
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Combined BA/MA Degree in History with A Specialization in Public History

  • This combined degreewill give students a head start in their careers in public history. Many such jobs require an MA degree and the combination of academic training and field experience will make students more competitive for those jobs.
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BA/MA Program in History/East Asian Studies

  • The Department of History and the Interdisciplinary M.A. Program in East Asian Studies offer a combined B.A./M.A. programfor students who want to advance their ability to engage East Asian cultures and societies as rapidly as possible in preparation for careers in government, business, education or work in Ph.D. programs.
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