how to see course descriptions binghamton university

by Harmony Pfannerstill 7 min read

Current course descriptions may be viewed in the Class Schedule. Search by college, department, and course number; or by instructor name, course subject, meeting time, or online status. A class subject/keyword search is also available. Current students may print course descriptions from the Student Link (Academics/Classes option).

Full Answer

Why study at Binghamton University?

You will also discover one of the strongest general education programs in the U.S., a wealth of exciting courses, truly imaginative and timely degree programs and an approach to education that has made Binghamton University one of the top public universities in the U.S. Happy reading!

What kind of programs does Binghamton offer?

Binghamton University offers a wide array of world-class undergraduate and graduate programs in the arts and sciences, education, engineering, management, nursing, pharmacy, public administration and social work. The University Bulletin is your guide to these outstanding programs.

How do I search for courses by term?

In addition, you can search for courses by part-of-term. In the subject box, select 'ALL', then select the specific term in the part-of-term box. Once you select the features you like, click on class search and the grid view will appear. To start a new search for the same term, use the browser back button.

How do I find the schedule of classes in Bu brain?

Click on BU BRAIN icon on the left side of the main Portal page. Once in BU BRAIN on the Main Menu/Home page, click on the link to Schedule of Classes At the next screen, you will search for courses. You should select at least one subject.

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What is a C in Binghamton University?

Current Undergraduate Grading SystemGradeDescriptionGrade points per hourBGood3.0B-2.7C+2.3CSatisfactory2.06 more rows•Mar 18, 2021

What majors is SUNY Binghamton known for?

The most popular majors at Binghamton University--SUNY include: Psychology, General; Biology/Biological Sciences, General; Accounting; Business Administration and Management, General; Computer Science; Neuroscience; Economics, General; Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse; Industrial Engineering; and Mechanical ...

How do I check my schedule at Binghamton?

How to access the schedule via BU BRAIN (current students):Go to BU BRAIN via the Portal.Enter your User ID and password.Click on BU BRAIN icon on the left side of the main Portal page.Once in BU BRAIN on the Main Menu/Home page, click on the link to Schedule of Classes.Select the term and click submit.More items...•

Is Binghamton school of Management good?

The Binghamton University School of Management (SOM) has once again been ranked as one of the best business schools in the nation, according to a top publication for business education news.

Are students happy at Binghamton University?

The best thing about Binghamton would have to be the students. Most are extremely welcoming, bubbly and charismatic.

Is Binghamton the best SUNY?

Binghamton University—SUNY's ranking in the 2022 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #83.

How do you pass fail Binghamton?

Students may elect to change a course's grading option from standard letter grade to Pass/Fail or vice versa) at any time up to the end of the course withdrawal period. Students may apply up to 24 credits of "P" courses toward their 126 credits needed to graduate.

How do I drop out of Binghamton?

All students who intend to take a full semester withdrawal for non-medical reasons are required to complete a Semester Withdrawal Form (electronic form) online. Undergraduates must consult with an academic advisor. Graduate students must consult with their academic department and the Graduate School.

How many credits is full time at Binghamton University?

12 creditsFull-time status is defined as 12 credits per semester at Level 1 (students with fewer than 24 completed graduate credits), or 9 credits at Level 2, 3 or 4 (students who have completed 24 or more graduate credits). Audited courses do not count toward the credit total.

Is Binghamton a prestigious school?

Binghamton University is again the top SUNY school in the prestigious U.S. News & World Report rankings released Sept. 13. The University moved up five places and is tied at #83 overall in the national universities category, which includes nearly 400 institutions.

Is it hard to get into Binghamton school of management?

Fowler, with a 1430 SAT score and a 3.9 GPA, and Sedlock, with a 1380 SAT score and 97.5 unweighted GPA, were likely cinches for Binghamton University's School of Management. Grades and standardized test scores were on the upper end of the school's range.

Is Som Binghamton hard to get into?

Admission requirements Recently, most admitted students had at least 57 credits with an average of a 3.7 GPA, but there is no GPA cutoff for admission or denial. Any written statements about your circumstances will be carefully reviewed.

What is the first part of a one year course?

First part of one-year course covering normal human structure and function. Topics include physical-chemical basis of life processes, integrative function of the nervous system, anatomical and physiological interaction of the skeletal-muscular systems and basic endocrinology. Lecture and laboratory.

How many credits can you take for special training?

Requires consent of instructor and filling out a contract for independent research/work. This course designation may be used only for eight credits with student's major advisor as instructor, and only for 12 credits in a degree program.

Use the schedule of classes to make your course selection

Locate the Course Registration Number (CRN), a five-digit code corresponding to each course

Registration Reminders

If a course is comprised of a lecture (LEC) AND an associated activity -- lab (ACT), discussion group (DIS) or seminar (SEM) – be sure to also input the corresponding CRN at the same time; if you don’t, you will receive an on-screen system error.

Unable to register for a semester?

Be sure to check BU Brain for messages about why you are unable to register for courses. Go to the “Student” tab. One or more of the following may be affecting your account:

What is a course family?

The families correspond to the courses that can be registered together. For example, a particular lecture may have only certain activities that can be registered with it. Those activities would be identified as part of the course family.

Do credit hours show up on a course?

Credit hours ONLY appear on the credit-bearing part of a course. It is not unusual for elements of a course to have 0 (zero) credits displaying on the schedule of classes. Looking at the CHEM 101 example above, the lecture will earn 4 credit hours while the related activity will have a 0 (zero) credit value.