what is the proper formatting of an apa style reference course hero

by Raegan Wiegand 6 min read

There are unique formatting rules to follow for each reference entry, but generally, remember these key rules for the whole references list: Center the word “References” in bold font at the top of a new page. Double spacing is used throughout this page. Alphabetize entries by authors’ last names.

Full Answer

How do you write an APA reference?

  • Do not use bold, italics, or quotation marks on the word “References.”
  • Double space the entire “References” page.
  • Do not add an extra line between the title '”References” and your first reference item.

What is an example of APA style?

EXAMPLES OF REFERENCE CITATIONS IN TEXT--APA STYLE 1. If author's name occurs in the text, follow it with year of publication in parentheses. Example: Piaget (1970) compared reaction times... 2. If author's name is not in the text, insert last name, comma, year in parenthesis. Example: In a recent study of reaction times (Piaget, 1978)…

How do you cite an APA style?

Essay Format:

  • Font - While you still can use Times New Roman 12, you are free to use other fonts. ...
  • Headers - No running headers are required for student papers.
  • Tables and Figures - There is a standardized format for both tables and figures.

How do you write a paper APA style?

  • There should be uniform margins of at least one inch at the top, bottom, left, and right sides of your essay.
  • The text should be in Times New Roman size 12 font.
  • Your paper should be double-spaced.
  • Every page should include a page number in the top right corner.
  • The first word of each paragraph in your paper should be indented one-half inch.

What is APA format?

What does the APA format mean? It is the abbreviated form of the American Psychological Association, a common formatting style for many student papers and essays. When you write an essay or paper, your main aim is to engage the readers and present the facts and relevant information in your essay.

What is the most common citation style?

APA style paper is the most common style of formatting, other than MLA of course. Different citation styles have different formats and rules that the student must follow when formatting the paper in that particular style. However, APA still remains the most popular citation style

Why is APA the most popular citation style?

However, APA still remains the most popular citation style. Mostly, teachers refer to this style guide due to its simplicity and because it is easy to follow. It makes the entire work easy to follow and manageable. And this is the reason why teachers stress so much on correct formatting and paper formation.

How many words should a title be in APA style?

As per the APA suggestion, the title shouldn’t exceed 12 words.

What is the best guide for learning APA format?

The general format and publication manual of the American Psychological Association is one of the best guides to help you through your journey for learning the APA Format. This article is a brief summary of that manual. Below, we have discussed and explained the core essentials of the respective style and how to structure your paper accordingly.

What is an experiment report?

As a student, you may encounter different kinds of papers and essays like research papers, and thesis, and dissertation, also known as experiment reports. No matter what kind of work it is, you will need to add the following details into your paper. These ingredients are a fundamental part of APA papers and essays.

How to cite a website in a paper?

Citing websites is opposite to citing other sources. Mention the site’s address in the paper. The information about the author should be found on the web page. Search at the top or at the very bottom of the page.

What to do if a digital book does not have a DOI?

If a digital book does not have a DOI or URL, omit that element and cite in the same manner as a print book (see below).

How to use a permanent link for a reference?

When citing sources that change often, it is recommended that you use the permanent link on your references list. For example, when citing a Wikipedia page, click on “Permanent Link” within the left navigation menu to populate the permanent URL. This is the URL you’ll use for your references list. Conference Paper Presentation.

What to do when author and year are unavailable?

If author and year are unavailable, omit those portions and begin with Title of entry. If editor name is unavailable, omit that portion and simply note the Title of dictionary/encyclopedia.

How to cite a song after the song title?

If citing the writer of a single song or track, provide [Recorded by Artist name] after Song title.

What album did Brooks write Friends in Low Places?

Brooks, G. (1989). Friends in low places. On No fences [Album]. Capitol Nashville.

How to cite a director in a video?

The director should be cited as the author of a video. If a director is unknown, someone in a similar role, such as writer, producer, etc. should be used. If both a director and another similar person is known, include both in the citation.

Why do you need a retrieval date?

If an online source is meant to change over time, a retrieval date is necessary to account for discrepancies in the version you are citing and the version a reader may locate at a later date. Avoid citing entire websites when possible. Try instead to cite specific webpages or articles.

What is the author format?

Authors. An author can refer to individuals, multiple people, groups, or a combination of them. The formatting of author names has been updated in the new edition. The basic format is the last name (surname) followed by a comma, and then the first and middle initials separated by a space (e.g. Smith, T. E.).

What is the format of a source?

The format of the source element also depends on the type of resource that you are citing. A source that is part of a whole has multiple pieces of information that need to be included in the source. For more information refer to the Source section on the APA Style's page Elements of Reference List Entries.

How to cite a publication date that doesn't include a day?

If the publication date doesn't include a day, only include the year, followed by a comma, and the month. Enclose the date in parenthesis and end with a period. Do not abbreviate the month.

How to write two authors in a paper?

Two Authors: Include the authors' last names and initials. Add a comma and an ampersand (&) between the first author and the second author. Add space between the first and middle initials. If there is no middle initial , exclude it.

What is the format of a title element?

The format of the title element depends on what type of resource you are citing. There are two types of work: Works that stand alone (e.g. entire books, films, albums, TV shows, etc.) and. Works that are part of a greater whole (e.g. book chapters, songs, and episodes of a TV show).

Do you capitalize journal articles?

The titles of journal articles and edited book chapters should be capitalized using sentence case. Do not italicize or use quotation marks.
