how to say take a course in korean

by Raheem Greenfelder 5 min read

What are the basic Korean phrases?

You might notice that there are a few ways of saying some of the basic Korean phrases, such as “excuse me”, “thank you,” and “goodbye”. In English, these phrases are much more multi-purpose.

What is the best way to learn Korean online?

My favorite way to do that is with KoreanClass101. It’s the best Korean podcast out there, with all kinds of lessons to help you learn Korean fast. They even have lessons on pronunciation.

How do you say “this” in Korean?

You can see in the vocabulary above that the word for “this” is 이 in Korean. We use 이 in Korean when we are talking about something that is within touching distance (For example: this pen – i.e. the one I am holding). Just like in English “이” (this) is placed before the noun it is describing. For example:

How to say “thank you” formally in Korean?

For your knowledge, there are actually seven ways to say “Thank you” formally in Korean. However, ”kamsahamnida” is the most common one. Again, when you say this word, do not forget to either bow or nod. Araseo? 9. 죄송합니다 (Jwesonghamnida)- Sorry. Just like “kamsahamnida”, there are also various ways to say “sorry” formally in Korean.

What is course in Korean?

물론 {adv.}

What is the meaning of kronika in Korean?

Kronika. So. Krome. Then; Of course.

What is mullon Iya?

물론 • (mullon) (hanja 勿論) of course, certainly, naturally.

What is the Tagalog of of course?

The English word "of course" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog: Best translation for the English word of course in Tagalog: siyempre [interjection] of course; always; certainly; surely 7 Example Sentences Available » more...

What is Ottoke?

Ottoke?! This expression means “What should I do now?!” This is usually used when you're in a difficult situation. For example: I forgot where I put my Alien Registration Card. Ottoke?! (What should I do now?!)

What is Hokshi Korean?

maybeIf you want to use the word 'maybe' with the meaning of 'by any chance' (as in “can you maybe help me with this?) then using the Korean equivalent of 혹시 (hokshi) is the way to go.

How do you write nal in Korean?

First attested in the Yongbi eocheonga (龍飛御天歌 / 용비어천가), 1447, as Middle Korean 날〮 (Yale: nál), presumably from Old Korean 日尸 (*NAlh)....Pronunciation.RomanizationsRevised Romanization (translit.)nalMcCune–ReischauernalYale Romanizationnal1 more row

Do you like it in Korean formal?

저는 당신을 좋아합니다 (jeoneun dangsineul joahamnida) In the formal form, this simply means saying 좋아합니다 (joahamnida). This formal Korean expression can also be used to say, “I like it.”

What is another way to say of course?

assuredlyabsolutely.certainly.definitely.of course.positively.surely.undoubtedly.unquestionably.More items...

What is Naman in English?

The Tagalog word naman is very hard to translate into English. It can be used to contrast, to soften requests or to give emphasis. Tulungan mo ako. Help me. (blunt, like an order)

What is another word for course?

OTHER WORDS FOR course 1 way, road, track, passage. 13a bearing. 6 method, mode. 7 process, career.

What are some Korean phrases?

You might notice that there are a few ways of saying some of the basic Korean phrases, such as “excuse me”, “thank you,” and “goodbye”. In English, these phrases are much more multi-purpose. In Korean, there are specific phrases that you’ll use for certain situations.

What is the Korean bus system?

Bus Korean Phrases. The Korean bus system is one of the best systems in the world. The buses are fast, clean, and on time. This goes for the smaller local buses (마을 버스), the regular city buses, and even the express buses (고속 버스).

Is Merry Christmas in Hangul?

As you go over the phrases, you’ll notice that some of them are Konglish (Korean + English) and some are specific to the Korean language. For example, “Merry Christmas” is sounded out in Hangul. On the other hand, “Happy New Year” does not sound like the English phrase at all.

Is Korea safe to travel to?

Korea is a very safe country, so hopefully you will have a safe and pleasant time here. However, emergencies do happen, and it’s always good to know a few key phrases to help make sure that you navigate through them smoothly!

Do taxi drivers speak Korean?

Although some areas have international taxis that speak foreign languages, the majority of the taxi drivers still mainly speak Korean. They may know how to speak a few words in English, Japanese, and Chinese, but it can sometimes be challenging to tell the driver where to go if you don’t speak the same language.

Is Korean food a culture?

Korea has a strong food culture. Along with that, comes a wide range of interesting Korean phrases that will allow you to express your feelings in unique ways. There are similar phrases in English, but the Korean version may be used differently.

About this Course

This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on.

Offered by

Yonsei University was established in 1885 and is the oldest private university in Korea.

The Korean Alphabet

In this module, you will learn the Korean alphabet or Korean writing system called 'Hangeul'. After completing the lessons, you will be able to understand the principles how each letter was invented. Also, you will be able to read and write Hangeul.

Greetings and Introducing

In this module, you will learn how to greet, ask someone's nationalities / jobs and answer those questions in Korean. After completing the lessons, you will be able to introduce yourself, greet a person and talk about someone's nationalities and occupations.


In this module, you will learn the expressions about family. After completing the lessons, you will be able to talk about the family members and learn how to count numbers.

Time and Date

In this module, you will learn about time and date in Korean. And you will also say the days of the week as well. After completing the lessons, you will be able to ask and repond time & date using Korean numbers.

What is the Korean curse word?

Korean Curse Word #3 – 지랄 (Ji-Ral) This traditionally means ‘epilepsy’, ‘stroke’, and/or ‘seizure’. It originated from the middle ages in Korea and it was used to mock an ill person. Somehow, it became widely accepted and broadly used as a swear word in more recent times.

What does "shut up" mean in Korean?

This Korean curse word means ‘Shut up’ or ‘Shut it’, you’ll hear it pretty often. It originated from a normal verb ‘닫다 Dat-Da’ which means shut or close (the door). It is often used with the slang ‘아가리 Agari’ which means ‘animal’s mouth’ = ‘아가리 닥쳐’ ‘shut your mouth’.

What does the curse word 7 mean?

Korean Curse Word #7 – 병신 (Byung-Shin) This word literally means a disabled person and was also used to refer to someone who had a disease in the past. However, it is now only used as a swear word to curse anyone you find irritating and annoying.

Is learning a new language fun?

Learning a new language can be super rewarding and fun but of course, from time to time our brains need a rest! To take a break and learn something that we can’t find from the textbooks, here are some of the most used KOREAN CURSE WORDS.

What does "stay in your room" mean in Korean?

This Korean slang expression means ‘to stay in your room’, and is used when somebody is so tired or worn out that they plan to stay in their room all weekend or all vacation. If somebody uses this word to describe their vacation, don’t get confused and think that they are going to Thailand.

What is the Korean word for celebrities?

This word is Konglish for the word “celebrity.” In Korean, they call celebrities or stars “연예인 (yeonyein)” but use this slang word to sound cool and trendy as you refer to your favorite star!

What does "newbs" mean in Korean?

This Korean slang word is just the opposite of the previous! There are the masters, and then there are the beginners, or the “newbs.” This word is a slightly altered version of 쪼그만한 레벨 (jjogeumanhan rebel), meaning a small or low level.

What does "ppang teojida" mean?

빵 터지다 (ppang teojida) – To laugh really loudly (like a bomb) Very similar to 현웃 (hyeonut), 빵 터지다 (ppang teojida) is a slang verb that means “to laugh really loud” with the emphasis being on the LOUD part! 터지다 (teojida) usually means “to burst” and 빵 (ppang) is the sound a gun or bomb makes.

What do you say when you go to Korea?

This is basically a Korean manner phrase you say to people who just finished their work. For instance, when you work in Korea and your workmates are done with their work, you can say “sugohasyeosimnida”.

How to say sorry in Korean?

Just like “kamsahamnida”, there are also various ways to say “sorry” formally in Korean. Take note, although “mianhaeyo” is widely common, you cannot use it to people older than you. That is why, the most polite form among all is “jwesonghamnida”. Hence, most Koreans use this word when saying sorry to elders.

What is the Korean word for "good morning"?

Annyeonghi jumusyeoss-eoyo is actually a question form of “annyeonghi jumuseyo”. When you greet someone using this phrase, you are actually asking “did you sleep well?” and it is how they say “good morning” in Korea. Koreans do not really have a literal translation for “good morning” but they have two ways to say it and one is “annyeonghi jumusyeoss-eoyo ” and it also goes with bowing or nodding.

How to say "eat well" in Korean?

Although its literal meaning is “I will eat well”, this could also mean “I will enjoy this meal”. “Jal” is another way to say “well” in Korean. Meanwhile, the words “meoggeh seumnida” is the future tense of “to eat”. Koreans use this phrase before eating and it is considered as a table manner for Koreans. So, before you eat you have to say these words first. When you say this, it shows that you have good manners.

How to ask someone to eat in Korean?

This is the formal way to ask someone if they want to eat or if there is something they want to eat. In Korean, “meogda” means “to eat” in an informal way and it becomes “deusida” in formal way. So, go and ask your chingu if they want to eat some Korean food.

What does "annyeong haseyo" mean?

When you say “annyeong haseyo”, you are greeting someone who is older than you, someone who you are not close to, and to strangers. This particular Korean greeting goes with bowing. You do not just say “annyeong haseyo” to someone, you have to bow or nod when you are saying it. When you do this, you are showing others how polite you are.

What is formal Korean?

In Korea, formal phrases are used not only to older people. It is also used to strangers or to someone you are not close to. So, if you have plans to go to Korea, you have to understand the formality and the informality of their phrases. You have to also know when and in what situations you have to use it. Now, here are the top 25 must know formal ...

What is the Korean word for "yes"?

1. 응 (eung) / 어 (eo) The standard informal word for ‘yes’ is 응 (eung), but males often say 어 (eo) instead. These words sound very informal so be careful about when to use them. Since these are informal versions of how to say yes in Korean, make sure you use them with people who are lower in the social hierarchy than you are.

Is "yes" a verb in Korean?

The first thing to remember is that ‘yes’ is used slightly differently in Korean than it is in English. In a lot of situations where you would usually say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in English, you would use a verb in Korean. You would use ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in Korean in either its regular (positive) form (if you are saying ‘yes’) or in its negative form ...
