how to say of course in swedish

by Prof. Omer Kuhic 7 min read

What does lur mean in Swedish?

The word lur is still in the Swedish language, indicating any funnel-shaped implement used for producing or receiving sound. For instance, the Swedish word for headphones is hörlurar (hearing-lurs), and a telephone might be referred to as a lur in contemporary Swedish (derived from telefonlur, telephone handset).

What does amne mean in Swedish?

nounFromToVia• ämne→ subjectmatter↔ Stoff• ämne→ materialsubstance↔ Stoff• ämne→ themetopic↔ Thema• ämne→ topic↔ Thema2 more rows

What does Agare mean in Swedish?

holderägare Noun. ägare, -en. holder, the ~ Noun. owner, the ~ Noun. proprietor, the ~ Noun.

What is Nix in Swedish?

nope {adv.} [slg.]

Where is Nix from?

nix (n., interj.) as an answer, "nothing, none," 1789, from German nix, dialectal variant of nichts "nothing," from Middle High German nihtes, from genitive of niht, nit "nothing," from Old High German niwiht, from ni, ne "no" (from PIE root *ne- "not") + wiht "thing, creature" (compare naught).

English Swedish Contextual examples of "of course" in Swedish

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

English How to use "part of course" in a sentence

The worst part of course was the voice in his head telling him they had a point.

English How to use "a matter of course" in a sentence

Why is it so hard for computers to reproduce what your grey matter does as a matter of course?
