common knowledge is anything that you knew when you started the course (points : 1)

by Myrtle Sauer III 6 min read

Is the concept of “common knowledge” widely understood?

Jul 14, 2017 · The answer can be found in the Academic Integrity Module and “Recognizing Plagiarism” Question 3 1 / 1 pts Common knowledge is anything that you knew when you started the course True Correct! False

What is common knowledge in literature?

Broadly speaking, common knowledge refers to information that the average, educated reader would accept as reliable without having to look it up. This includes: Information that most people know , such as that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or that Barack Obama was the first American of mixed race to be elected president.

Is there a greatest fixed point of common knowledge?

and “Academic Dishonesty Definition” Points Received: 1 of 1 Comments: Question 4. Question : Common knowledge is anything that you knew when you started the course Student Answer: True CORRECT False Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in …

What is common knowledge (logic)?

Common knowledge is a special kind of knowledge for a group of agents. There is common knowledge of p in a group of agents G when all the agents in G know p, they all know that they know p, they all know that they all know that they know p, and so on ad infinitum. It can be denoted as C G p {\displaystyle C_{G}p}. The concept was first introduced in the philosophical …

How do I determine if the information I am using is common knowledge?

To help you decide whether information can be considered common knowledge, ask yourself:

Which of the following statements would be considered common knowledge? Which would need to be cited?

The Big Bang theory posits that the universe began billions of years ago with an enormous explosion.

What is the meaning of Aumann's common knowledge?

Aumann (1976) originally used his definition of common knowledge to prove a celebrated result that says that in a certain sense, agents cannot “agree to disagree” about their beliefs, formalized as probability distributions, if they start with common prior beliefs. Since agents in a community often hold different opinions and know they do so, one might attribute such differences to the agents' having different private information. Aumann's surprising result is that even if agents condition their beliefs on private information, mere common knowledge of their conditioned beliefs and a common prior probability distribution implies that their beliefs cannot be different, after all!

What is Gilbert's account of common knowledge?

Gilbert (1989, Chapter 3) presents an alternative account of common knowledge, which is meant to be more intuitively plausible than Lewis' and Aumann's accounts. Gilbert gives a highly detailed description of the circumstances under which agents have common knowledge.

What is mutual knowledge?

A proposition A is mutual knowledge among a set of agents if each agent knows that A. Mutual knowledge by itself implies nothing about what, if any, knowledge anyone attributes to anyone else. Suppose each student arrives for a class meeting knowing that the instructor will be late. That the instructor will be late is mutual knowledge, but each student might think only she knows the instructor will be late. However, if one of the students says openly “Peter told me he will be late again,” then each student knows that each student knows that the instructor will be late, each student knows that each student knows that each student knows that the instructor will be late, and so on, ad infinitum. The announcement made the mutually known fact common knowledge among the students.

What is mutually known?

Informally, a proposition A is mutually known among a set of agents if each agent knows that A. Mutual knowledge by itself implies nothing about what, if any, knowledge anyone attributes to anyone else. Suppose each student arrives for a class meeting knowing that the instructor will be late.

What is common knowledge in Aumann's theory?

Aumann (1976) gives a different characterization of common knowledge which gives another simple algorithm for determining what information is commonly known. Aumann's original account assumes that the each agent's possibility set forms a private information partition of the space Ω of possible worlds. Aumann shows that a proposition C is common knowledge if, and only if, C contains a cell of the meet of the agents' partitions. One way to compute the meet M of the partitions Hi, i ∈ N is to use the idea of “reachability”.

What are the problems of collective action?

Situations in which a member of a population P is willing to engage in a certain course of action provided that a large enough portion of P engages in some appropriate behavior are typical problems of collective action. Consider the case of an agent who is debating whether to join a revolt. Her decision to join or not to join will depend on the number of other agents whom she expects to join the revolt. If such a number is too low, she will prefer not to revolt, while if the number is sufficiently large, she will prefer to revolt. Michael Chwe proposes a model where such a situation is modeled game-theoretically. Players' knowledge about other players' intentions depends on a social network in which players are located. The individual ‘thresholds’ for each player (the number of other agents that are needed for that specific player to revolt) are only known by the immediate neighbors in the network. Besides the intrinsic value of the results obtained by Chwe's analysis regarding the subject of collective action, his model also provides insights about both the relation between social networks and common knowledge and about the role of common knowledge in collective action. For example, in some situations, first-order knowledge of other agents' personal thresholds is not sufficient to motivate an agent to take action, whereas higher-order knowledge or, in the limit, common knowledge is.

What is Lewis's work?

Lewis (1969) is the classic pioneering study of common knowledge and its potential applications to conventions and game theory. As Lewis acknowledges, parts of his work are foreshadowed in Hume (1740) and Schelling (1960).

What is considered common knowledge?

This means that, for a piece of information to be considered common knowledge, it must be two things at the same time: 1 Understood and known by your average reader 2 Not controversial, meaning that it is simply accepted as fact

Is missing a citation considered plagiarism?

When it comes to missing plagiarism, missing a citation on a piece of information or an idea is generally considered less egregious than plagiarized text. Where one is viewed as a mistake, the other is viewed as cheating. One hurts a grade, one hurts academic careers.

Do you have to cite common knowledge?

Though most students and authors know they don’t have to cite common knowledge, there’s little guidance on what exactly what information can be considered “common”. The reason for that is simple: There is no easy answer.


The idea of common knowledge is often introduced by some variant of induction puzzles: [2]


Common knowledge can be given a logical definition in multi-modal logic systems in which the modal operators are interpreted epistemically. At the propositional level, such systems are extensions of propositional logic.


Common knowledge was used by David Lewis in his pioneering game-theoretical account of convention. In this sense, common knowledge is a concept still central for linguists and philosophers of language (see Clark 1996) maintaining a Lewisian, conventionalist account of language.

External links

Vanderschraaf, Peter; Sillari, Giacomo. "Common Knowledge". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Where did the word "soccer" come from?

However, the word "soccer" actually originates in England, not the USA. It is derived from "as soc iation football", the sport's full name, which differentiates it from other codes of football such as rugby. It spread across the world until it eventually reached the US, where "soccer" was adopted there.

What is the song Purple Haze about?

According to Word of God, "Purple Haze" is a love song where Jimi Hendrix describes a dream he had where he was walking under the ocean. And "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is what John Lennon 's young son Julian titled his drawing, not a thinly veiled LSD reference (the original drawing can be found on Google Images).

Why does Garfield hate Mondays?

Garfield : A common fan theory is that Garfield hates Mondays because it's when Jon goes to work ; he secretly appreciates Jon but is too proud to admit it. In the 80s, the strip had a Running Gag where, nearly every Monday, some bad event would happen to Garfield.

Who is Lisa del Giocondo?

It's a painting of Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of a Florentine silk merchant; that fact has been pretty well-known for years. Overlapping with Dead Unicorn Trope: many people "know" that there is a portrait of Henry VIII eating a turkey leg, with many cartoons, comics, picture books etc parodying this portrait.

What is the ring around the rosie?

A common misconception is that "Ring Around the Rosie" is about the Black Death— that "ring around the rosie" refers to the round rash on people's hands, "a pocketful of posies" is either the flowers at people's funerals, a weird euphemism for lesions, or the flowers that plague doctors gave, "atishoo!".

Who is Ziggy Stardust?

Everybody's heard of David Bowie 's iconic alter-ego Ziggy Stardust. And everybody's seen pictures of David Bowie with the lightning-flash makeup across his face. A lot of people conflate the two, assuming that the character with the lightning bolt on his face is Ziggy... but it isn't.

Is Skrillex dubstep?

Also, people seem to be under the impression that Skrillex is a dubstep producer because it made him famous, and that's all he's made as far as they're concerned. In reality, his repertoire is as diverse as trap, electro house, deep house, dance-pop, acid techno, future bass, and hip-hop.

What is common knowledge?

The “common” way to talk about common knowledge is to say that it is knowledge that most educated people know or can find out easily ...

Is James Joyce a modernist?

For example, within psychology, it is common knowledge that chimpanzees recognize themselves in a mirror; in literature, it is common knowledge that James Joyce is a major modernist author. In referring to the mirror test or calling James Joyce a modernist, you wouldn’t need to cite anyone.

Why do weight belts help?

Many people injure themselves due to improper stretching practices. Weight belts prevent injuries. – If used properly when lifting extreme amounts of weight, they do help. The problem is that most amateur weight lifters swing their bodies and hyper-extend their backs while lifting weight with their upper body.

Is Monster Cable worth it?

Monster Cables (expensive audio/video cables) are worth it. – In most cases you will hear and see no difference in the quality between a Monster Cable and a standard cable. The only exceptions occur in extremely high end systems where slight cable attenuation creates a noticeable difference in clarity.

Does shaving make hair grow back?

Shaving causes hair to grow back thicker. – Shaving does not cause hair to grow back thicker. This false knowledge carried by many people is due to the fact that hair wears down and appears thinner over time. Thus, new hair looks thinner than old hair and feels coarser due to unworn edges. We only use 10% of our brain.

Is rice good for you?

Rice is pure and healthy. – Actually, it’s often contaminated with small traces of arsenic. Milk is absolutely essential to your health. – It’s just one of numerous sources for calcium and Vitamin D.

Does smoking cigarettes cause cancer?

Tar and nicotine in cigarettes cause cancer. – Nope, excessive smoke in your lungs causes cancer. In fact, the Radon and Polonium in the smoke is enough to account for most cases of cigarette related lung cancer. Being overworked can cause a nervous breakdown.

Does masturbation reduce prostate cancer?

Research has shown that masturbating early and often may reduce Prostate Cancer later in life. Females are biologically inferior in math and spatial skills. – Statistically, males and females have very similar grade averages in math courses from grade school through doctorate level classes.

Is corn better than gasoline?

Corn based fuel (biodiesel) is better than gasoline. – It’s more expensive, increases the cost of food and still pollutes the environment. Religious faith alone heals. – This is only true on a physiological basis to a minuscule degree.


Motivating Examples

Most of the examples in this section are familiar in the commonknowledge literature, although some of the details and interpretationspresented here are new. Readers may want to ask themselves what, ifany, distinctive aspects of mutual and common knowledge reasoning eachexample illustrates.
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Alternative Accounts of Common Knowledge

Applications of Mutual and Common Knowledge

  • Readers primarily interested in philosophical applications of commonknowledge may want to focus on the No Disagreement Theorem andConvention subsections. Readers interested in applications of commonknowledge in game theory may continue with the Strategic Form Games,and Games of Perfect Information subsections. 1. 3.1 The “No Disagreement” Theorem …
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Is Common Knowledge Attainable?

  • Lewis formulated an account of common knowledge which generates thehierarchy of‘i knows that j knows that …k knows that A’ propositions in order to ensurethat in his account of convention, agents have correct beliefs abouteach other. But since human agents obviously cannot reason their waythrough such an infinite hierarchy, it is natural to wonder whether anygroup of people c…
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Coordination and Common P-Belief

  • In certain contexts, agents might not be able to achieve commonknowledge. Might they achieve something “close”? One weakening ofcommon knowledge is of course mth level mutualknowledge. For a high value of m,KmN(A)might seem a good approximation ofK*N(A).However, the following example, due to Rubinstein (1989, 1992), showsthat simply tru…
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