how much is a yoga instructor course

by Shany Larson 4 min read

Here is a general breakdown of the price range for yoga teacher training courses:

Type of TTC Price Range Duration
Specializations $200 – $999 1 week – 3 weeks
200 Hour TTC $999 – $4,000 3 weeks – 4 weeks
300 Hour TTC $1,000 – $7,000 3 weeks – 5 weeks
500 Hour TTC $1,500 – $5,000 3 weeks – 8 weeks
May 1 2022

The cost of a Yoga Alliance certified teacher training program varies from about $1,000 – $3,000, depending on the location. It isn't the least expensive option for a yoga instructor certification, but there are some benefits: A thorough and regulated curriculum.Aug 23, 2018

Full Answer

How do I become a yoga instructor?

4 rows · Feb 23, 2018 · A 200-hour yoga teacher training will generally run from $1,000 to $3,000 and a more advanced ...

How to become a certified yoga instructor?

You will be practicing and learning about yoga in a batch of around 10 students. For 28 days, the cost for the yoga course is $1500 if you choose a shared room for your stay at the yoga center. In case you want some privacy, the cost would be around $1700 in which you will be getting a private room with additional facilities.

How much does yoga teacher training cost?

Oct 14, 2019 · Depending on the length of time for the course, the location whether it’s local or abroad, and even the style of yoga, Yoga Teacher Training can range anywhere from $2,000 – $5000 USD. Keep in mind that when you are paying for a Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga Teacher Training, the cost will cover tuition typically for the following;

How much does a private yoga session cost?

Aug 23, 2018 · The cost of a Yoga Alliance certified teacher training program varies from about $1,000 – $3,000, depending on the location. It isn’t the least expensive option for a yoga instructor certification, but there are some benefits: A thorough and regulated curriculum; Practical teaching experience; Opportunity to register with the Yoga Alliance

Is it worth it to become a yoga instructor?

I would say yes if you want to teach and are open to whatever salary. If you truly love yoga and don't care about income or are happily making money elsewhere, yoga teaching is very fulfilling. You might get lucky and build a following and get a lot of devoted students coming to you classes, or you might not.Apr 29, 2019

Is 500 hour yoga teacher training worth it?

You stand apart from the sea of 200-hour instructors and further your understanding of yoga and all the many layers that are so integral to the practice. It's a big commitment, and obtaining a 500-hour certificate absolutely lends itself to your credibility and dedication to the practice and your role as a teacher.Aug 6, 2018

Is it hard to become a yoga instructor?

So while the business of being a yoga instructor can be tough, and you have to work pretty damn hard, it is worth it. Just don't overextend yourself. Find the right balance between working hard to make it, and that feeling of hardly working when you're in front of your class.Jan 19, 2021

Why is yoga training so expensive?

Another reason why Yoga Alliance programs are more expensive is because of the security of being a part of a reputable membership such as Yoga Alliance. Their standards are at a certain standard in accordance with the Yoga Alliance, so you can be assured that you are getting a quality training.Feb 23, 2018

How long should I practice yoga before becoming a teacher?

As classes are dynamic and at times challenging, we recommend a strong prior yoga practice of at least four to six months.

Which certification is best for yoga?

The 10 Best Yoga Certifications in the World
  • 200 Hour Prana Casa Algarve, Portugal. ...
  • 200 Hour Ajarya Yoga Academy Ashtanga/Vinyasa Rishikesh, India. ...
  • 200 Hour Ajarya Yoga Academy Hatha Yoga Rishikesh, India. ...
  • 300 Hour Ajarya Yoga Academy Advanced Ashtanga Yoga Rishikesh, India.

What is a yoga instructor called?

In traditional yoga, a yoga instructor is a lot like a guru (which translates to 'teacher'). A yoga practitioner with a dedicated yoga practice is a yogi (or yogini for female practitioners).

Do you need to be flexible to be a yoga teacher?

You don't have to be very fit or flexible to enjoy your TTC, become a great yoga teacher, and have fun deepening your practice!Jan 20, 2021

Can everyone be a yoga teacher?

The yoga industry is unregulated, meaning there are no qualifications required by law to teach yoga.Sep 30, 2019

Can you make money as a yoga teacher?

The income ranges tremendously from the top to bottom of yoga teachers. While most teachers earn less than $30k USD per year, some teachers earn $300,000 or more. The teachers who earn the most all have one thing in common… they earn most of their income OUTSIDE the studio.

What does RYT 200 mean?

Registered Yoga Teacher
What Exactly is RYT 200? Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) is a designation given by the Yoga Alliance U.S to an individual who has completed the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification.Oct 22, 2019

Are yoga classes expensive?

Yoga, whose name is derived from a Sanskrit word for “unite,” has done quite a bit of dividing in the U.S. A typical class can cost anywhere from $5 to $20, or more, and monthly studio memberships regularly run between $100 and $200—roughly the cost of the average American's food spending for a week.Jan 12, 2016

What is a yoga teacher training course?

It is a yoga teacher training course with advanced knowledge that helps yogis/yoginis to level up their yogic journeys. To join this course, it is good if you have a basic knowledge or certification of 200 Hour YTT, however, having such experience is not mandatory. Before enrolling in this course as well, you need to check that it is a certified course under the Yoga Alliance. It would be a step-up from your basic knowledge of various poses, body alignment, body positioning, and much more.#N#A deeper knowledge of pranayama techniques is taught for overall wellness. You also learn how to use various props like blankets, straps, blocks, etc. for the better and easy practice of yoga poses.#N#Note: In case you have no 200 Hour YTT certificate but have some knowledge and practice of yoga, you need to prove your potential if you want to enroll in 300 hour YTT program

How much does it cost to do yoga for 28 days?

You will be practicing and learning about yoga in a batch of around 10 students. For 28 days, the cost for the yoga course is $1500 if you choose a shared room for your stay at the yoga center. In case you want some privacy, the cost would be around $1700 in which you will be getting a private room with additional facilities. Therefore, the cost varies as per your preference for the facilities you want to avail of.

How much does a 300 hour YTT cost?

For the duration of 40 days, the cost you have to pay is around $2000 USD for a shared room and $2200 USD for private accommodation.

What do you learn in YTT?

You learn about the basic human anatomy and about the mechanics of the various poses. There will be an introduction to various mudras, chakras, and other yogic concepts. Also, you learn about the history, the methodology used in the YTT course, and much more.

Do you have to be a yoga teacher to be a yoga teacher?

Ans: You don’t have to be yoga proficient in order to join a yoga teacher training course. But, it is always good if you have the basic knowledge and skills to practice yoga.

Is 200 hour YTT good?

If you are a beginner and are thinking about learning yoga, then 200 hour YTT can be a go-to option for you. The yoga teacher training course in association with Yoga Alliance could be a life-changing experience for you. You will be provided with a deep knowledge under the guidance of highly experienced yoga instructors.

How much does it cost to become a yoga teacher?

Depending on the length of time for the course, the location whether it’s local or abroad, and even the style of yoga, Yoga Teacher Training can range anywhere from $2,000 – $5000 USD. Keep in mind that when you are paying for a Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga Teacher Training, the cost will cover tuition typically for the following;

How to fund a yoga teacher training?

By creating a separate Yoga Teacher Training fund, you can put all of the extra income from the new paycheck towards the cost.

What is work exchange yoga?

Work Exchange Programs – Some Yoga Teacher Trainings may allow you to apply for a work exchange or influencer program where you can offer your unique skills in social media content, blogging, and marketing in exchange for your certification.

Do yoga teachers have payment plans?

Monthly Payment Plans -In fact, many yoga teacher training courses offer payment plans! You can budget in a smaller monthly fee for the course. Keep in mind that the schools that offer payments will require the balance to be paid in full before the start of the course, so the earlier you enroll, the smaller your payments can be.

How much does it cost to become a yoga instructor?

The cost of a Yoga Alliance certified teacher training program varies from about $1,000 – $3,000, depending on the location. It isn’t the least expensive option for a yoga instructor certification, but there are some benefits:

What is the most recognized yoga instructor training program in the United States?

The most recognized and accepted yoga instructor training programs in the United States are those that are certificated by the Yoga Alliance. The Yoga Alliance is a United States-based nonprofit membership and trade organization made up of yoga teachers and professionals.

Why do yoga instructors need insurance?

Here are just a couple of reasons insurance is a consideration for the modern yoga instructor: 1 Yoga has become a billion-dollar industry: According to a study [3] by the Yoga Journal and the Yoga Alliance, yoga practitioners spend $16.8 billion on classes, accessories, and gear. Also, 74 per cent of yoga students have been practising for less than five years. 2 Yoga injuries are common: Yoga injuries are now more than twice as common as they were in 2001. Between 2001 and 2014 the rate of yoga injuries [4] among adults 65 and older increased more than eightfold.

What is a good investment for a yoga instructor?

Dependable investments in your teaching career include a good yoga instructor certification and yoga instructor liability insurance. The combination provides a solid foundation for your teaching career.

What is a yoga teacher certification?

Students who attend a Yoga Alliance certified teaching program can secure a designation such as RYT 200 [1] which is a Registered Yoga Teacher who completed a 200-hour training course. This is often one of the minimum requirements for teaching in a studio or fitness center.

How many hours of yoga for a teacher?

30 hours of yoga philosophy, lifestyle, and ethics for yoga teachers to include the study of traditional yoga texts, yoga teacher ethics, yoga precepts and philosophies. 10 hours of practicum to include practice teaching, receiving and giving feedback, observation of other teachers, assisting students during another instructor’s class.

How many hours of yoga training is required for a yoga teacher?

If you participate in a Yoga Alliance certified program, you can expect a certain class make up. The yoga teacher instructor training includes: 100 hours of techniques, training, and practice to include analytical study and guided practice of asanas, pranayama, and kriyas.

How long does it take to complete a yoga class?

The course itself takes 16 weeks to complete while the final exam must be passed within the 18 months following the end of the course. The curriculum for this online yoga training course includes: Methodology of training. Various yoga techniques and practices including breathing, mantras, meditation and more.

How many hours is Yoga In?

Yoga.In offers a 100-hour online study course that’s relatively inexpensive. Comprising 96 different modules, this course is all done through a learning portal offered by Yoga.In.

How many hours does Hatha Yoga take?

Called the Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Camp-in-a-Box – Level 1 (BASIC), this course covers 200 hours of home study using a special study portal as well as electronic study aids and workbooks provided to students. Once completed, you will be recognized as a certified Hatha yoga instructor.

Why do you need a yoga certification?

So why would you consider adding a yoga certified course to your overall fitness knowledge? Well, by taking part in a yoga certification program, you can add so much extra knowledge to what you already know about fitness and the human body.

How long does it take to complete Aura meditation?

Accessed through an online learning portal, this course will take 60 hours to complete.

What are the different styles of yoga?

This course covers 11 different styles including Yin, Hatha, Nidra, Critical Alignment and Therapeutic yoga. Students stay on site during the duration of the course with modules taking place each day.

When was yoga first introduced?

While Yoga has certainly increased in popularity over the past few decades, it’s anything but a fad. In fact, Yoga dates back to over 5,000 years ago when it was first described in ancient texts called the Rig Veda from the Indus-Sarasvati people who lived in Northern India.

How many hours do you need to be a yoga instructor?

Yet, we would highly recommend completing an approved yoga instructor training course if you are looking to teach at the best yoga studios, as most of them will want you to have a minimum of 200-hour training before allowing you to show up in front of students.

How long is the online yoga teacher training?

This online yoga teacher training is a 25 hours of self-paced instruction by Yoga Master Dr. Shobhit Ghanshyala in Rishikesh, India. Affectionately known as Govinda, Shobhit discovered Yoga in his early twenties. He studied with many inspiring teachers and different traditional schools as well as in ashrams like Shivananda ashram, Ashtanga, and Iyengar. He is a certified E-RYT500 and Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP) from Yoga Alliance USA.

What is YTT online?

This YTT online is an in-depth training that derives from the quality teachings of Siddhi Yoga schools located throughout India. This online yoga certification is led by three Indian yoga teachers who engage learners the advanced yogic practices that are rooted in the actual yogic teachings. If you’re searching for an inexpensive, engaging yoga course, this is the one for you.

What is Vinyasa practice?

My Vinyasa Practice online yoga teacher training program is an alternative to traditional programs taught in a studio while still maintaining the integrity in training, depth of learning, and personalized experience one should expect. Upon completion, teachers are eligible to teach private clients, groups, and corporate clients, in the studio, gym, retreats, and clinical settings.

What is Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga Yoga is a yoga school and system introduced in the West by Sri K Pattabi Jois that aims to purify the body and mind through the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga:

Why are yoga teachers rarely hired?

Keep in mind that in the best yoga studios, favorite teachers are seldom hired simply because they’re a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), but because of their skill, character, professionalism, and capacity to nurture and inspire.

Why do companies offer yoga lessons?

Many companies now provide yoga lessons as a way to best support their employee’s wellness. Make sure to connect with a few local businesses around you and be one of their reliable and on-staff teachers.

How long is a yoga teacher training course?

There are three choices when it comes to Yoga Teacher Training Courses – either a 3-month long course that runs only on weekends or a full-on one month course or self-paced Online Yoga Teacher Training (available recently Due to COVID-19). Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of these options.

How long does it take to become a yoga teacher?

In short, there is no definitive timeframe whereby after ‘x’ amount of time, you will become a yoga teacher. Yoga is very hands-on, and the more experience you have with it–regardless of whether it’s with asanas, philosophy, or meditation; the better equipped you will be to teach.

How to become a yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance?

So how does one go about becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance? Everyone who has completed a yoga teacher training program with a Registered Yoga School (RYS) can apply for RYT certification. There are several levels of certification for RYTs, depending on the number of training hours completed and the total hours of teaching.

What are the classes in yoga?

200-hour programs focus on teaching yoga to the general population. This includes: 1 Asana and alignment (which also includes how to guide others into the poses and class sequencing) 2 Anatomy and Physiology 3 Philosophy and Meditation

What is yoga philosophy?

Yoga is all about how to live in harmony with ourselves and others, and during these philosophy sessions, many questions will arise within you as to how you have been living and what changes you want to see in your life. Then there is also the practice of Pranayama (breathing techniques).

What is Yoga Alliance?

However, you’ll want to pick a program officially recognized by the Yoga Alliance, the internationally recognized education and accreditation organization that has established a system of requirements for teachers and schools.

What do you learn in yoga?

You will also learn anatomy and physiology, and how they relate to yoga. The benefits and contraindications of the poses will be discussed. Once your physical practice is combined with the knowledge of anatomy and physiology, then the study of alignment in poses comes into play. This is a very important aspect of any yoga teacher training course, ...

How much to add to a syringe?

As a general rule of thumb, take that and add $20. Yep, that’s right.

Do teachers factor in gas costs?

IE….travelling TO your class location. This one may seem obvious but it’s surprising how many teachers don’t factor in gas prices or travel expenses when deciphering their rates for private classes. It’s SO important to do so that you aren’t left out of pocket. There are a few ways you can do this…

Is yoga a walk in the park?

Teaching yoga poses is no walk in the park and so our efforts and skills should be reflected in our pricing. This is something I’m SUPER passionate about and is why HALF of my 300-hour advanced YTT course is all about the business of yoga.

Is yoga a sacred practice?

Seriously folks, time to put our big girl (or guy) yoga pants on and earn what is rightfully ours. Our yoga practice is sacred and to be able to share the benefits of yoga with others is such a blessing but it doesn’t come without its cost.

Is yoga a community?

Generally speaking, the yoga community is a welcoming one and other private yoga teachers really will be willing to help. If nothing else, it is also in their best interest to advise you price wise so you don’t undercut them.

Is yoga a career?

At the very least, it’s absolutely something you should learn when you get your yoga teacher certification. Because, as much as we may resist it or feel a little uncomfortable about it, yoga teaching IS a career and therefore, a source of income. Ickkkk, I know.

Can you set your own yoga prices?

Yup. When you come to set your prices for private yoga classes you cannot go for the set out price plan a yoga studio or gym may give you. These are personalized bespoke sessions that you are organizing as an individual, not through another organization… so your prices should reflect that.

Should You Become an Employee in a Yoga Studio or a Self-Employed Yoga Instructor?

If you want to live out your passion and transmit your positive attitude to your students, you have two choices:

Learning to Calculate How Much You Should Charge for Your Yoga Sessions

This section is obviously for freelancers, as salaried employees have a fixed salary.

How Much Should a Beginner Charge as Opposed to an Expert?

Obviously, a beginner yoga teacher can’t expect to be paid the same as an expert yogi.

What to do when you increase your yoga class price?

When you increase your yoga class prices, explain it and give a warning. If your classes are empty, consider lowering your prices or run promotions. However, be cautious when lowering prices because it’s not easy to increase them again. Well, it’s easy, but your students may not appreciate it.

Why are memberships good for yoga?

It’s good for you because you’re guaranteed a certain amount of money per month from a set number of students who are your members.

What to do with an empty yoga studio?

An empty yoga studio is lost money. Offer private lessons or rent the space for other teachers to offer private lessons. Advertise private packages.

Why is yoga important?

It is time to lock away all the external, intruding thoughts so you can focus on your body and how it is functioning. Yoga is something you must add to your schedule. Apart from paying special attention to your inhaling and exhaling, you will also be improving every aspect of your body ( Source: HealthLine ).

Can you determine the price of a yoga class?

Until you choose your yoga studio’s location and know your studio square footage and rent amount (or mortgage payment amount), you won’t be able to precisely determine your yoga class, pricing model. Essentially, you must have a handle on your fixed and variable expenses before setting yoga class prices. Moreover, you must also, in time, figure out ...

Is low cost yoga easy?

Of course, the low-cost model is easy to implement, but you have to make sure that you’ll generate enough revenue to survive or thrive. Unless you’re in an upscale area or are the only yoga studio in town, you probably don’t want to price your classes too high.

Is yoga price elastic?

Yoga classes aren’t super price elastic. In other words, you won’t greatly influence demand with a price. Of course, if you price classes at $100 per class per person, you’ll probably have no students. Likewise, if you offer and advertise free classes, yoga students will pound down your door.
