how to remove a course codelab

by Wilford Hudson 9 min read

To delete a course: Click on the Settings tab. Under Course Management, click on the Manage link.

Full Answer

Why choose Codelab for your online course?

With Codelab, there’s no need to toss your existing course syllabus, textbook and/or class notes! In addition, competitive pricing keeps both you and your students happy. Codelab offers seamless integration with Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, D2L, Schoology, Sakai, and other Learning Management Systems.

How do I delete a course from my courses?

Select Edit course details on the course details page. Select Delete course. You are prompted to confirm the deletion of the course. Select Delete course, or Cancel. The course is permanently deleted and no longer appears on the My Courses page.

How does Codelab reduce attrition?

From its beginning as an academic NSF project, one of the development goals of CodeLab was reduced attrition. CodeLab achieves this by flattening the CS1 learning curve by providing a setting where students can master the syntax and semantics of a programming language.

What is the brick wall in codelabs?

If you've ever been completely stuck on a homework problem, you know what the "brick wall" is. In CodeLabs there are no brick walls. Every exercise comes with feedback, hints and other explanatory material that will help you overcome any learning obstacle.

What is a codelab?

CodeLab is the web-based interactive programming exercise system for intro programming classes in Python, Java, C++, C, and C#. It is a proven system that has been used in over 400 institutions in 20 countries and analyzed over 136,000,000 (one hundred thirty-six million) exercise submissions from more than 300,000 students.

How does CodeLabs help students?

CodeLabs give your students manageable practice opportunities in a self-paced and supportive learning environment. WORKS WITH YOUR CONTENT.

What is codelab service?

The Codelab service is content agnostic— the system can be used with any content and course organization you choose. We have pre-made courses for all popular textbooks. With Codelab, there’s no need to toss your existing course syllabus, textbook and/or class notes! In addition, competitive pricing keeps both you and your students happy.

Why do we need codelab?

CodeLab makes it much easier to switch languages without having to devote class time to teaching the fundamentals.

What are the benefits of CodeLab?

Student Benefits. Higher test scores. There is no better way to retain the material you have learned than to use it and get feedback. By completing the CodeLab exercises, you internalize and reinforce your knowledge of the concept and better retention means better scores on the exams. No brick wall.

Why is CodeLab important?

You can do this because CodeLab helps the students master the syntax, semantics and basic usage of the programming language. “ I highly recommend the use of CodeLab to all other instructors. It provides the evaluation support that I have been seeking for an introductory course. ”.
