how to publish canvas course

by Aiyana Hickle 6 min read

How to Publish Your Course in Canvas

  1. Open Course In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2].
  2. Publish Course In the Sidebar, click the Publish button.
  3. View Confirmation

Full Answer

How do I share courses content using canvas?

Jul 20, 2020 · To open an unpublished course, click the name of the course [4]. Publish Course. The course status displays in the Course Home Page sidebar and the Course Settings sidebar. To publish your course, click the Publishbutton. Note: On smaller screens, the sidebar may display beneath other page content.

How to access your courses in canvas?

Jan 26, 2018 · How to Publish Your Course in Canvas Step 1: Open Course In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2]. Step 2: Publish Course In the Sidebar, click the Publish button. Step 3: View Confirmation

How to build your new Canvas course?

Mar 26, 2021 · How to Publish your Canvas Course Canvas courses are not available for students to see or access until they are published by the Instructor. Instructors need to publish each of their courses when they are ready for it to be accessed. Only users who have the “Teacher” role in the Canvas course will ...

How do I publish my syllabus file in canvas?

Nov 18, 2021 · Publishing Your Course Open your course and view the Course Home Page. In the sidebar, click the " Publish " button.

How do I publish a Canvas course?

How do I Publish (or Unpublish) my Canvas Course Site?To Publish a Canvas Course site, go to the course site Home page.Under Course Status, click Publish. When you Publish the couse site, you will need to select a Home Page for the course.Select a Home Page, then click Choose and Publish.

What does it mean to publish a Canvas course?

Students cannot see unpublished courses and content. Publishing a course is a course permission. If you cannot publish your course, your institution has restricted this feature. Publishing your course will send invitations to any users who were manually added to your course.

Why is my Canvas course not published?

The Canvas course site is not yet published by the instructor. A course site isn't visible to students until the instructor manually publishes the Canvas site. If the semester/term has already started and you are definitely registered for the course, contact your instructor and ask them to publish the course.Aug 24, 2021

How do I share a Canvas course with the public?

Go to Course Settings,Scroll all the way to the bottom,Click on "More Options",Click the checkbox for "Let students self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL". ... Click "Update Course Details" button,When the page refreshes after saving, you will see the URL.

Where can I publish my course?

The 11 best platforms to create and sell online coursesUdemy for launching your first course.Skillshare for teaching creative skills.Teachable for creating an online school with advanced marketing.Podia for selling digital products and memberships.Thinkific for building a course from scratch.More items...•Dec 8, 2021

How do I open a canvas course?

Unlock a courseNavigate to the course you want to unlock, and from the course navigation menu, select Settings.In the sidebar of the "Settings" screen, click Unlock Course:After the page automatically refreshes, your course will be unlocked, and the course end date will be set to one month from the current date.More items...•Sep 20, 2021

How do I know if my course is published in Canvas?

Published content in Canvas is indicated by a green checkmark as published status. Unpublished content is indicated by a gray circle icon with slash through it. The status of your course displays in the upper-right corner of your course's Home page. Your course must be published before students can access it.

Are students notified when a Canvas course is published?

Unfortunately, no. When formatting is essential, we recommended instructors use the Canvas Announcements tool located within their course. Students will receive an email notification in their Georgetown inbox when an announcement is sent, and will be able to view it in the course's announcement section.

Why are my Canvas courses GREY?

When a course's events and assignments are hidden the color display in gray. Click again to display the events again. Each student also has a personal calendar as well. The colors associated with a course can be changed by clicking the three dots next to the course title.

Can you share a link for a Canvas course?

Go to Canvas and select the class you wish to share the course with. Click Assignments from the left-hand menu. Click the + Assignment button in the top right. Click the Link to URL button above the description box.

How do I send a course invite in Canvas?

Invite Students to a Canvas CourseIn a new browser tab or window, login to Your Canvas Site.Select your course from the Courses menu at the top.Click Settings in the lower left navigation bar.Select the Users tab and click Add Users.Paste (CTRL + V) the list of student email addresses in the Add Course Users field.More items...

How to Publish Your Course in Canvas

If you are an instructor for a course, you can publish your course in the Course Home Page sidebar or from the Course Setup Checklist.

Step 1: Open Course

In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the name of the course [2].

Step 3: View Confirmation

A message will appear at the top of your screen confirming the publishing of your course.

Note on How to Unpublish Your Course

If you need to unpublish your course, click the Unpublish button in the sidebar.


Support requests through the ATRC Support Center will give the fastest response time.

Publish in Dashboard

Login to Canvas and click Dashboard (A) in the global navigation on the left. Scroll down to locate the Unpublished Drafts (B) section in the Dashboard.

Publish in Course

In Global Navigation on the left, click the Courses link (A), then click the desired course (B). If you do not see the desired course in this list, click All Courses (C) to see the full list.

Unpublish Course

If for some reason you need to unpublish your course, click the Unpublish (F) button in the sidebar. Note that once your course contains a graded submission, you can no longer unpublish your course.

Publishing your Canvas Content and Setting Course Availability

You’ve migrated your course completely, checked all your assignment settings, created your custom grading scheme, and are ready to begin your first semester as a Canvas instructor! When you reach this point, don’t forget the most important final step: publishing your course to make sure that students can access it.

The Difference between Published and Unpublished

Once all of your content is created and organized in the Modules Tab, you need to be sure that it is all correctly published in order to start your courses off successfully! Any material that is unpublished in your canvas course will not be visible to your students.

Which Content Should be Published?

Within Canvas, publishing needs to happen on several levels: individual content, complete modules, and the whole course. Make sure all of the following items are set to be published for your students so that everything that you want them to see will be visible on the first day of classes:

Setting your Course Availability

In addition to publishing your course, you can also adjust the set start and end dates of your course if you would like your students to be able to access it before or after the official session dates. Default course start and end dates reflect what is set in the course catalog within myFSCJ.


If you have any questions about publishing your course or setting your course availability, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We’ll be happy to help you publish your course if needed!

Publishing a Course vs Publishing Content

By default all Canvas courses will be in unpublished state. A Canvas course will not be available to students until the course start date passes (see Canvas Course Overview) and the course is published. If course start date passes and your course is still not published, students will not be able to access your course content.

Steps to Publish Your Course

Unpublished courses will display under heading called unpublished courses. Click the Publish button to publish the course. Once the course is published, it will display under the heading Published.

Canvas Guides

Note: These guides are maintained by the Canvas Documentation Team and are available on the Canvas Community site. Some of the information in these guides may not apply to the Lake Land College instance of Canvas.
