select all the users who are registered for more than one course

by Dedric Stokes 3 min read

How to get all students that have taken more than 5 courses?

To get the number of students who are registered for more than 5 courses you do this... SELECT COUNT(*) FROM REGISTRATION WHERE SEMESTER = 'GIVEN SEMESTER' GROUP BY CAMPUS, STUDENT_ID HAVING COUNT(*) > 5; You need to group by campus AND student id since student id is repeated for different campuses. Also, the primary key should be composite (campus, …

How to get the number of students registered for more than 5?

If you are facing any issue or this is taking too long, please click to join directly. SQL Query to find students taking more than one class. Given three tables Student (sid,…) ,Class (cid,….) and joining table Student_class (sid,cid). Answer Added!!!

How do I get the number of students in a course?

Jul 07, 2017 · You can use a select on your group by query and then join it with the course table to use the rest of its fields. SELECT aa.course_id, aa.course_name, aa.fee * _aa.total_registrations AS total_fees FROM course AS aa LEFT JOIN ( SELECT course_id, COUNT (*) as total_registrations FROM registration GROUP BY course_id ) AS _aa ON aa.course_id = …

How to group students by semester number?

Apr 19, 2021 · Use the below syntax for querying for all students with greater marks than the average of the class: Syntax: SELECT column1 FROM table_name WHERE column2 > (SELECT AVG( column2) FROM table_name); Now use the above syntax to make the query on our students table as shown below: SELECT Name FROM Students WHERE TotalMarks > (SELECT …

What will be the query to display the courses in which number of students enrolled is more than 5?

To get the students who are registered for more than 5 courses you do this... SELECT CAMPUS, STUDENT_ID FROM REGISTRATION WHERE SEMESTER = 'GIVEN SEMESTER' GROUP BY CAMPUS, STUDENT_ID HAVING COUNT(*) > 5; To get the number of students who are registered for more than 5 courses you do this...Dec 25, 2012

What is a Cartesian join SQL?

In SQL Server, the cartesian product is really a cross-join which returns all the rows in all the tables listed in a query: each row in the first table is paired with all the rows in the second table. This happens when there is no relationship defined between the two tables.May 7, 2021

What is the type of data to store the register number of the candidate in SQL?

Answer: float, long and int data type can be stored in register.Jun 12, 2021

What is an execution plan when would you use it how would you view the execution plan?

An execution plan is basically a road map that graphically or textually shows the data retrieval methods chosen by the SQL Server query optimizer for a stored procedure or ad-hoc query and is a very useful tool for a developer to understand the performance characteristics of a query or stored procedure since the plan ...

What is cross join?

A cross join is a type of join that returns the Cartesian product of rows from the tables in the join. In other words, it combines each row from the first table with each row from the second table. This article demonstrates, with a practical example, how to do a cross join in Power Query.Feb 15, 2022

What is Outer apply SQL Server?

The OUTER APPLY operator returns all the rows from the left table expression irrespective of its match with the right table expression. For those rows for which there are no corresponding matches in the right table expression, it contains NULL values in columns of the right table expression.Jun 22, 2021

What data type is registration number?

Vehicles registration number is usually a combination of numbers and alphabets, so character type.Jul 3, 2019

What is the type of data to store the register?

Correct Option: D. float, long and int data type can be stored in register.

What are user defined data types in SQL?

User-defined data types are based on the system data types in Microsoft SQL Server. User-defined data types can be used when several tables must store the same type of data in a column and you must ensure that these columns have exactly the same data type, length, and NULLability.

What is important to decide best query execution plan?

The way SQL Server ultimately determines an optimal plan is by finding the balance between what plan it wants to select and the maximizing the effectiveness of that the particular plan before the actual execution happens.Jan 4, 2018

What is business execution plan?

The execution plan describes the transition of your team and your company from where it is today to the at-scale company you envision in the future. With the growth and ownership plan, the at-scale profile and the execution plan, you will have the core building blocks for the growth-to-scale plan for your company.

What is execution plan in project management?

The project execution plan (PEP) is the governing document that establishes the means to execute, monitor, and control projects. The plan serves as the main communication vehicle to ensure that everyone is aware and knowledgeable of project objectives and how they will be accomplished.Feb 3, 2012

Select Course

Click the course drop-down menu [1], and select either Favorite Courses or More Courses [2] then select the course where you want to send a message [3].

Select User Role

To send a message to all members with a specific user role, click the name of that role [1] and then click the link for all users with that role [2].

Select Group

To send a message to all members with a specific group, click the Student Groups option [1], click the name of the group [2], and then click the link for all users in the group [3].

Highest to lowest order

We can apply this to our numeric field mark to display the list in order of lowest mark to highest mark by using the ASC command ( ascending command ) . Please note that by default all order by commands are in ascending order only. Here is the command to display the records in decending order ( from highest to lowest ) based on the mark field.

Order by more than one column of a table

We can display list of students based on their mark and based on their name.

How to use in PHP Script

You can read more on SQL SELECT query to see how this query can be used in PHP Script to display records. Only the query part is required to be changed.

order by string as integer

While listing in order by any VARCHAR or string column having number, we need to convert them to number by using CAST and then use order by query.

Order by two fields of two different tables

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