how to pick the right online real estate pre license course in maryland

by Jennings Bailey III 5 min read

What classes do you need to get a real estate license?

Successful completion of three college-level courses is required to qualify for a real estate salesperson examination:

  • Real Estate Principles, and
  • Real Estate Practice, and
  • One course from the following list: Real Estate Appraisal Property Management Real Estate Finance Real Estate Economics Legal Aspects of Real Estate Real Estate Office Administration General Accounting Business Law ...

What is the best online real estate license course?

rather than online via an E-Book or PDF. The textbooks also serve as a great study aid when students are preparing to take the state licensing exam. Although the courses only satisfy the requirements of the Texas Real Estate Commission, they can be ...

How do you obtain a real estate license?

These six required classes are:

  • 48 hours of Real Estate Law & Practice
  • 48 hours of Colorado Contracts & Regulations
  • 8 hours of Trust Accounts & Recordkeeping
  • 8 hours of Current Legal Issues
  • 24 hours of Real Estate Closings
  • 32 hours of Practical Applications

How to obtain a Maryland real estate license?

The requirements to become a real estate agent in Maryland are:

  • Be a citizen of the United States or a lawfully admitted alien
  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Be of good character and reputation

Which is the best real estate online school?

The 6 Best Online Real Estate Schools of 2022Best Overall and for Continuing Education: The CE Shop.Best Runner Up: Real Estate Express.Best Value: Aceable Agent.Best Interactive Courses: Kaplan.Best for Test Prep: Mbition.Best on a Budget: RealEstateU.

Can you get real estate license online Maryland?

Yes, you can take all of your Maryland real estate classes online through prelicensing education providers like Real Estate Express. However, you'll need to go to one of the PSI exam testing sites to complete your salesperson exam.

How hard is the real estate exam in Maryland?

The Maryland Real Estate Salesperson Exam is one of the hardest state test to pass in the United States. We have compiled this simple exam cram book that quickly and easily prepares you to take your state licensing exam and pass it on the 1st try with the PSI exam.

What classes are best for real estate?

Top courses for real estate agentsAnything real estate-related. This probably goes without saying, but consider taking any class that's directly related to real estate. ... Economics. There are few areas of study more relevant to real estate than economics. ... General business courses. ... Marketing and advertising. ... Psychology.

How many questions are on the MD real estate exam?

80 questionsPass the Maryland Real Estate Salesperson Examination. The National portion of this exam consists of 80 questions and a 90-minute time allowance.

How much does a realtor make in Maryland? reports that the average real estate agent salary in Maryland is $43,427 (as of January 20, 2020), with a typical range of $42,424 to $55,238.

How many math questions are on the MD real estate exam?

You can generally expect to see between 5 to 20 math questions on the state real estate exam. You might think math isn't that important in real estate. After all, you're concerned with buying and selling property.

Can you use a calculator on MD real estate exam?

(Driver's license, passport, green card, U.S. social security card, debit or credit card with signature). One of them must be government issued and photo bearing. You may bring a calculator which must be silent and should not contain the alphabet.

How long is a Maryland real estate license good for?

Every two years, MD real estate licensees are required to meet mandated continuing education requirements and renew their licenses.

Is a degree in real estate worth it?

If wondering is a real estate degree worth it, the answer is a resounding yes. Real estate careers have major perks including scheduling flexibility. Agents work as often or as little as they like. Some agents choose to work part-time while maintaining another full-time career.

What do I need to study to be a real estate agent?

A degree is not required to become an estate agent, but strong competition often makes relevant experience and/or qualifications necessary. A degree in an appropriate subject such as marketing, business, property studies or real estate can be helpful.

What is the difference between a real estate agent and a real estate broker?

The major difference between brokers and agents is work independence. A broker has the qualifications to own or manage a brokerage. They have the license to manage real estate and employ real estate agents to sell houses. In contrast, real estate agents can't operate independently.

How to become a real estate agent in Maryland?

After completing 60 hours of classes at a real estate school in Maryland, you’ll take the salesperson exam at a certified testing center. Once you pass the test, you’ll be qualified to join a brokerage where you can help clients buy and sell properties near Baltimore, Ocean City, or any other Maryland hot spot.

How many hours do you need to take the Maryland salesperson exam?

Prelicensing courses: Before you can take the Maryland salesperson exam and obtain your license, you need to complete 60 hours of prelicensing courses. The courses must be taken from a state-approved school. Exam prep: Passing your state licensing exam won’t be a walk in the park.

How much does Mbition cost in Maryland?

Mbition offers two exam prep material packages for Maryland: one for $59 and one for $129. It’s important to remember that these prices do not include your prelicensing classes—just your exam prep materials.

What is Mbition test prep?

While many test prep programs include access to hundreds of practice questions, Mbition’s program uses adaptive learning technology that keeps track of the areas you need to give extra attention to. The program’s algorithm will provide you with additional explanatory material on those subjects, making your studying time more efficient.

Is Long and Foster a real estate school?

Long & Foster isn’t only a real estate school—it’s also a brokerage working out of Maryland. Make sure to ask them about their tuition reimbursement program. If you join the Long & Foster real estate team after earning your license, you may qualify to be reimbursed for the cost of their education program after closing your first sale.

How many hours of training is required to become a real estate agent?

Each package contains 135 hours of pre-license courses, which is the amount typically required to take the licensing exam.

What do you get after passing the real estate exam?

After you complete the pre-licensing courses, you’ll receive a printable certificate that you can present to receive your license after passing the exam. Key topics include: Real estate finance. Real estate practice. Real estate principles.

What is Kaplan online?

Kaplan offers instructor-led online real estate courses to help prepare future agents for their real estate exam or broker license. Many of the instructors are practicing real estate professionals themselves.

How long is the Maryland real estate exam?

The National section time is 90 minutes (1.5 hours), and the State section time is 30 minutes (.5 hours) A passing score for the Maryland Real Estate Salesperson Exam is 56/80 on the National section and 21/30 on the State section.

How many questions are asked in the Maryland real estate exam?

The fee to take the exam is $44 per attempt. The Maryland Real Estate Exam consists of 110 questions. This includes 80 for the National section and 30 for the State section. You will have 120 minutes (2 hours) to complete the entire exam.

How old do you have to be to become a real estate agent in Maryland?

The requirements to become a real estate agent in Maryland are: Be a citizen of the United States or a lawfully admitted alien. Be 18 years of age or older. Be of good character and reputation.

Does Maryland require a proctor for pre-license exam?

Maryland is one of the few states that require the final pre-license exam to be supervised by a proctor. This is not the same as the state exam. This test is provided by your pre-license education company and is an indication that you have completed and retained the information from your pre-license education course.

Can you take the state exam in your own home?

You are allowed a basic-function calculator and scratch paper, but no cell phones or outside internet access. In most cases, you can take this test in your own home, but you must have a proctor overseeing you when sitting for the test.

Can you transact real estate in Maryland?

This means that you cannot transact real estate yet. In order to “activate” your license, you will need to be sponsored by a licensed real estate broker in Maryland. If you already have a broker in mind or have an agreement with a real estate company, you can fill out the Maryland Salesperson Broker Sponsorship Form.

Maryland: Packages for Real Estate Education

Our Maryland packages offer formats that fit your learning style. With self-paced online courses or livestream classes (engage with instructors in real time!), we’ve got you covered.

Real Estate Online Packages

Begin your real estate journey by selecting the perfect pre-license package with our online course library.

Why enroll with us?

Fully accredited courses More than 350,000 real estate professionals got their start with Real Estate Express school!

Helpful Videos

Choosing the right real estate school and learning package is key to your success. In these videos, we'll walk you through each of our packages and help you decide which option is best for you.

Purchase Maryland Real Estate License Education courses individually

If you prefer to purchase a course individually, please select from the options below.

Sherri Johnson 90-day Boot Camp

This video-based instructional program from preferred real estate coach Sherri Johnson ensures you will produce income in your first 90 days and can help you exceed your goals your first year!

60-hour Maryland Prelicense Course

This video-based instructional program from preferred real estate coach Sherri Johnson ensures you will produce income in your first 90 days and can help you exceed your goals your first year!

What is a CE in real estate?

Real Estate Continuing Education (CE) for all real estate license renewal periods. Complete required real estate continuing education credit hours. Obtaining a real estate license is a privilege that carries an element of responsibility.

Is Tristar Academy online?

Tristar Academy is always up to date with online real estate education. In our options is Maryland Prelicensing Courses for Real Estate Brokers, with one of the most complete programs in the state.

How long does it take to get a real estate license?

In most states, you can obtain a real estate license in about 140 hours of online or classroom real estate license training. If you take your real estate license training online, you can usually go at your own pace.

What is Mbition exam prep?

One thing that Mbition does really well is its unique exam prep program, called Prep x L. Mbition has a system in place that automatically determines your strengths and weaknesses. Instead of just asking you questions at random, their system learns where you need the most help, and will serve up questions that you frequently get wrong. By doing this, you save time by not answering questions you already do well on and learn where you’re struggling.

Is Mbition a good program?

Mbition has some other pretty good tools that they aren’t required to have in the course. For example, I’m absolutely horrible at math and it takes me longer to learn the math aspects more than most people. That’s where their Math Prep program comes in handy.

Is real estate license online scam?

Scams in the online real estate license field are pretty uncommon. If you’re really worried about sig ning up for a legitimate online real estate license school, just make sure you sign up for a well-established school that is specifically approved by your state licensing commission.

Is online real estate license course cheap?

These online real estate license courses are not cheap! They are usually several hundred dollars at their cheapest and several thousands of dollars at their most expensive (depending on the state and package you sign up for). Be aware that most online real estate license schools have limits on how long you are allowed to take the course before you must pay again.

Is 360 training the cheapest? is generally priced in the middle of the road. They aren’t the cheapest online real estate course around, but they aren’t the most expensive, either. Pricing depends on your state, so check them out for specific pricing where you live. You also have the ability to spread out payments by purchasing courses individually instead of all at once through a package plan.

Is Mbition a good test prep?

To sum up, Mbition is a great option that is affordable and offers some of the best test prep resources in the industry. This would be a great choice to consider.

The Basics To Know

The first step to earning a real estate license online is simply to understand exactly what online education will involve. It’s worth noting that certain states don’t allow you to complete your education online, but those that will work hard to make it as easy as possible to do so.

Things To Remember

Everything listed above breaks down the basics of how to get a real estate license online and what will be expected of you during the process. However, it’s also important to take some time and look more closely at a few tips that will help ensure that you get the most from your experience.

The Bottom Line

Simply put, a few things can help you find a happier, more complete life quite like a new career. And real estate is one of the most rewarding options out there for those looking for a better future.

How many hours of continuing education do you need to get a Texas license?

In Texas, for example, agents have to complete at least 18 hours of continuing education before their license can be renewed.

Do real estate classes count towards credits?

There’s a good chance they aren’t approved by the state’s real estate commission, and therefore any classes they offer won’t count towards the required credits. Be sure to check if they are accredited before committing.

Do real estate courses end when you get a license?

The Courses Don’t End When You Get a License. In the real estate industry, there’s a little thing called real estate continuing education. Agents have to continue educating themselves after getting a license to keep said license.

Is it easier to take real estate courses?

The process of completing the required real estate courses is easier for some than others. Here are a few insights that can help things go as smoothly, quickly and cheaply as possible. 1. You Have to Take Courses From an Approved Provider. Don’t get fooled by companies offering dirt cheap real estate courses.


Real Estate Schools in Maryland – Helpful Info

Becoming a Maryland real estate agent isn’t significantly expensive or time-consuming. Still, you’ll need to choose an approved Maryland real estate school that offers high-quality instruction, exam preparation, and continuing education once you’re licensed. Here are the types of classes offered by real estate classes i…
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Best Overall Real Estate School in Maryland: Real Estate Express

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Best Real Estate School in Maryland For All-In-One Packages: The CE Shop

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Real Estate Schools in Maryland – FAQs

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