how to petition a course at ucsd

by Zack Hermiston 3 min read

How to Petition Courses

  • Prepare Documents. UCSD Undergraduate Petition form (PDF). Be sure to include the transferred transcript's course...
  • Review Petition Form. Before you submit your petition, review your form carefully. Check the right box at the top. ...
  • Submit Petition Electronically. Submit all your documents to [email protected] in one email. To find out if you need...

Under "Request," indicate the course name and number, institution, and type of requirement that you wish to fulfill using this course. Sign and date your petition form. Attach a copy of the course syllabus (not a course description). Submit a separate petition form for each course.

Full Answer

How do I request a UCSD course?

Fill out your name, PID, and other identifying information. Leave blank the "UCSD Course" section. Under "Request," indicate the course name and number, institution, and type of requirement that you wish to fulfill using this course. Sign and date your petition form.

Can I transfer my upper division requirements to UC San Diego?

You must complete the majority of your upper division requirements at UC San Diego, but it is possible to transfer both upper and lower division requirements from another two-year or four-year institution. A syllabus is required for each course, as is a separate petition form.

Can I take classes outside of UC San Diego?

You may wish to take courses outside of the University for a variety of reasons. You must complete the majority of your upper division requirements at UC San Diego, but it is possible to transfer both upper and lower division requirements from another two-year or four-year institution.

How do I submit a petition or pre-approval for a course?

Evaluation criteria for course (i.e. exams, papers, projects) Petitions and pre-approvals should be submitted using our Petition submission form. Petitions and pre-approvals take 3-4 weeks for review. You will be informed of the decision via Virtual Advising Center.

Where do I send my UCSD petition?

All petitions, and necessary supporting documentation, can be submitted as PDF files to [email protected]. Students should review the guidelines for submission [PDF] prior to submitting materials.

How do I add a course to UCSD?

To add a class that's open, follow the regular enrollment procedure in WebReg. If you wish to switch sections of course, it is considered a drop and add transaction, and all drop/ add/ change deadlines apply. If a class is full, you may add your name to the wait list via WebReg, and follow the wait list procedures.

What does petitioning a course mean?

Repeating a course for grade point credit. Counting a course as non-repetitious for subject, unit and grade point credit. Extending time for removal of an Incomplete.

What is an EASy request UCSD?

The Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) is used to streamline the process of requesting and granting authorization for the following reasons: Requesting pre-authorization to enroll in a class that you have not met the pre- requisite for, Dropping classes (after week 2) Late adding classes (after week 2)

What happens if you fail a class UCSD?

Repeat the class. Undergraduates, simply re-enroll in the class. After you complete the class, the Registrar will add the correct code to your transcript. Graduate students, you must file a petition and receive advance approval to repeat a class. Pick up a petition from your department or at the Graduate Division.

How many units should I take at UCSD?

The minimum unit requirement for the bachelor's degree is 180 quarter units. A student is expected to complete the requirements for graduation within this minimum unit requirement. The bachelor of science (BS) degree may require satisfaction of additional units, depending upon the student's major.

What does petition mean in college?

A student may petition (in writing) to request an exception to the Academic regulations and policies.

How do I petition a class at UCLA?

Contact Registrar's Office units by e-mail or through the MyUCLA Message Center with questions. Note: The College and schools may require a separate or additional petition process.

How do I petition for extra units UCLA?

Please check your MyUCLA page to see if your units have been granted before submitting a petition. Petitioning for Excess Units: If you do not meet the eligibility criteria, you must submit your petition for Excess units online. You must submit your petition online.

How long do Petitions take UCSD?

Petitions and pre-approvals take 3-4 weeks for review. You will be informed of the decision via Virtual Advising Center. You may wish to take courses outside of the University for a variety of reasons.

How long does it take for EASy request to be approved UCSD?

5-7 business daysNote: It may take 5-7 business days for EASy requests to be fully processed. If the Course Pre-authorization (EASy) request is approved, it is the student's responsibility to add (or waitlist, if full) the course via WebReg. All standard add/drop deadlines apply.

How do I get department approval UCSD?

Department approval procedure Contact the department using the Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) for authorization to enroll in a class or class section. You can then use WebReg to enroll in the class.

What happens if you miss a deadline at UC San Diego?

UC San Diego has policies and deadlines that students must follow. When a student misses a deadline, an exception may be made regarding special circumstances. In considering exception requests, Summer Session must follow University guidelines for granting these exceptions.

When is the deadline to submit a petition for summer session?

Deadline to submit a Summer Session petition is the end of following quarter (Fall quarter).

Why are petitions denied?

Petitions are denied for the following situations: Below are examples of petitions denied because the situation happened AFTER the refund deadline. Please see the Summer Session Calendar for deadlines. Admitted to the hospital after the refund deadline. Forgot the deadline. Forgot about enrollment in the course.

What are the two areas most generally requested?

There are two areas most generally requested: Academic Records (adding or dropping a course and grade change) and Financial (refunds/fee reversals). With regards to refunds, the guidelines state two circumstances for an exception. Per Academic Senate:

How to remove W from academic record?

If you dropped a course with a "W" posted to the academic record and meet the requirements to file a petition to remove the "W", contact your College Academic Advising via Virtual Advising Center (VAC) to begin the discussion and process.

What is a course equivalency petition?

Course equivalency petitions are the preferred option for transfer students, as it enables students to enroll in future UCSD courses that require the petitioned course as a prerequisite without additional authorization. Major Course Substitution. Petitions for a lower-division course to meet requirements for Public Health should be submitted to ...

Who reviews petitions for undergraduate student affairs?

Undergraduate Student Affairs Advisors will review the petition.

Where to submit a petition for public health?

Petitions for an upper-division course to meet elective requirements for Public Health should be submitted to the Public Health Student Affairs Office. Typically, major elective petitions are submitted by continuing students that have identified a course related to Public Health. This is also the most common type of petition submitted after a student has studied abroad.

Is a petition required for assist?

Courses listed on will be articulated by the Admissions office. No petition is required for course equivalencies listed on

What should students submit with their petition?

Along with the official petition, students should submit as much information as possible detailing the content of the course (e.g. syllabus, course description, notes, coursework, etc.).

What are the circumstances under which credit petitions for HDS major or minor are considered?

Generally, there are three circumstances under which course petitions for HDS major or minor credit will be considered: Transfer Coursework, Study Abroad Courses, and Newly-created UCSD classes.

How often are petitions reviewed for credit?

Petitions are reviewed once a month.

Can EAP courses be pre-approved for HDS?

Students are encouraged to submit as many courses that are potentially applicable to HDS for pre-approval approval as possible. EAP Coursefinder can be used to find courses that other UC San Diego students have taken abroad and (note that the courses listed are not pre-approved for any specific UC San Diego credit).

Do you need to submit courses to HDS for pre-approval?

Students are encouraged to submit as many courses that are potentially applicable to HDS for pre-approval approval as possible.

Do you need a petition for an HDS course?

Note: If a course articulates to an HDS course according to Assist, then a petition will not be required for that particular course.

Does UCSD have a pre-approval process?

Note: while the pre-approval process for study aborad does not guarantee that the actual course will be approved once transferred to UCSD, the nearly all courses for which pre-approval has been obtained are approved when the official syllabus and petition is submitted upon the student’s return.

What does "request" mean in a course?

Under "Request," indicate the course name and number, institution, and type of requirement that you wish to fulfill using this course.

Do you need a syllabus for each course?

A syllabus is required for each course, as is a separate petition form. Courses from departments outside Psychology must be petitioned with their corresponding department (for example, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Philosophy, or Computer Science).

Prepare Documents

To petition courses to count toward your CLS minor, you will need the following:

Review Petition Form

Before you submit your petition, review your form carefully. View a sample of a completed petition here.

Submit Petition Electronically

Visit to see if you need to petition the courses you took at your community college

How to submit a request to UC San Diego?

Submit a request via the UC San Diego Course Pre-authorization System. (Be sure to include the Section ID number of the course for which you seek approval in the justification area. Requests without a Section ID included will not be considered).

How long does it take to get a VAC petition?

Requests are reviewed each Wednesday and it can take about 5-7 days for petitions to be processed once they're reviewed. Once processed, the student will be notified by Student Affairs through a generated email. For paper petitions, the student will be notified of a decision via Virtual Advising Center (VAC) - an email will be sent to the student's UC San Diego email account alerting them that a VAC message is awaiting their review.

Why do undergraduates need a pre-authorization?

An undergraduate student will submit a Course Pre-authorization for the following reasons: Pre-approval for enrollment to a class that has restrictions (major, class level, etc) When a course requires department approval. When you have submitted a petition requesting an exception for a pre-requisite.

How long does it take for an easy request to be approved?

EASy requests are reviewed on Wednesdays and can take up to 5-7 days to be processed. If the Course Pre-authorization (EASy) or Petition request is approved, it is the student's responsibility to add (or waitlist, if full) the course via WebReg. All standard add/drop deadlines apply.

What are prerequisites and restrictions?

Prerequisites and restrictions are enforced in all courses. For courses NOT listed, prerequisites/restrictions may, under exceptional circum stance, be waived with instructor consent. Prerequisites are courses which must be completed prior to enrollment in the subsequent course to ensure adequate preparation. To request approval for enrollment in ...
