how to offer course bonuses

by Tressie Steuber 3 min read

Here are some best practices for adding bonuses to your course:

  • List bonuses separately on your sales page.
  • Write the bonus’ dollar value next to its name on a sales page so customers can see its worth.
  • Bonuses should be exclusive (you can’t get them outside the course), or, if you can get them elsewhere, you would have...
  • Content should never be considered a bonus if it...

Full Answer

15 Types of Bonuses You Can Add to an Online Course

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Click to hear how 7-figure online course creators recommend launching a new course!

Click to hear how 7-figure online course creators recommend launching a new course!

Click to hear how 7-figure online course creators recommend launching a new course!

Click to hear how 7-figure online course creators recommend launching a new course!

Why is it important to compare premium courses to budget courses?

Advertise the features that the budget and premium courses include so that students can clearly see what they would be missing out on if they choose the cheaper course.

What happens when a student finishes a course?

At this time, students are feeling positive about themselves and about the possibilities of online education.

What is mastermind call?

Mastermind calls are a valuable service you can offer to your students for an additional fee. Many students appreciate the chance to ask questions, explain the challenges they are facing, and get feedback and solutions in real time. Mastermind calls reduce feelings of isolation among online learners which is one of the major challenges that some people face when taking advantage of online learning opportunities.

Is it a good idea to upsell your courses?

Whatever type of bonus you decide to use to upsell your courses, it is a good idea to make it time-limited. When a bonus is available only for a limited time, it can seem much more attractive to students. In contrast, if they know they can access the bonus at any time, their motivation to go for it right now will be reduced.

What Is Bonus Content?

Bonus content is extra goods and services that you offer to your course buyers for free. Customers will see that if they buy this course for a certain price, it also includes value of these extra free goodies.

Where Do You List Bonus Content On A Sales Page?

The most important place to list your bonus content is on your course sales page. It’s best to use the bonus material to really over-deliver on the skills that prospective student wants to learn.

Formatting Your Expanded Bonus Content Information

The fully expanded bonus information on your sales page should be a large content block. It should have its own header title.

Listing Your Bonus On Emails

In some cases, you may write a full email about your course or use just a small sales snippet within another email. This is a good place to include a phrase about your bonus material after the sales basic info.

Add A Value Statement

When your customer is thinking of whether they should buy your course, a bonus that lists a real price value helps them fully appreciate the bonus.

Dont Make Critical Course Content A Bonus

Since you are offering a course that promises to teach some creative skills, you don’t want to offer bonus material that is essential to the course.

Use Complementary Bonus Content

Complementary content is great for bonus materials. Good complimentary content is content that adjacent to your course material. It can include content that is a cousin to the content you teach.

How To Sell More By Adding Bonuses To Your Offer

Why Use Bonuses to 10x Your Affiliate Marketing Sales And Course Sales?

Why Use Bonuses to 10x Your Affiliate Marketing Sales And Course Sales?

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online. Selling online courses is another popular way. Put them together and it’s a recipe for success. If you want to sell more, it’s important to make your offer stand out from the crowd by getting a potential customer excited.

What Makes Bonuses So Effective?

If you have an awesome product, it will likely still make some sales on its own. The thing is, there may be many other people promoting the same product as you. If you want to 10x your affiliate marketing sales, you’ll need to make your product stand out from the rest.

When to Start Leveraging Bonuses?

The tough part is deciding what to give away for your bonus package. You don’t just want to give anything away. Work out a strategy and even do a bit of market research to see what bonuses your target market would actually benefit from. Remember, you don’t have to break the bank giving so much away you don’t even make a profit.

How Do I Create Bonus Packages to Give Away?

Here are some tips to put together a bonus package that is effective and affordable.

5 Types Of Bonuses You Can Add to Your Online Course

There are really five categories of bonuses you can create for your online course. But – you could also use these bonuses to increase conversions on your affiliate offers too!

Core Bonuses vs. Time-Sensitive Bonuses

The key to creating bonuses that sell online courses is being strategic . Now that you understand the five types of bonuses you can create, let’s talk about the two main categories of bonuses and how they help you actually sell online courses. Bonuses should be things that you think your audience will find really enticing and valuable.

How long should bonuses be available?

How long should my bonuses be available. It depends on how long your launch is. As a rule of thumb, though, anything over 48 hours won’t inspire much urgency. Make sure your audience has time to see and act on the offer, but also that they don’t have time to dilly dally.

How to deliver bonuses in Teachable?

The easiest way to deliver bonuses is to go into your Teachable school as soon as your bonus window ends, create a segmented list of people who qualify for your bonuses, and deliver them via email.

How to advertise limited time bonuses?

The best way you can advertise limited time bonuses to your audience is a three- or four-email sequence. That sequence could look something like this: Now, depending on how long the doors are going to be open, you may choose to only do step three or only do step four.

What is limited time bonus?

Limited time bonuses are free resources or extras you offer your customers if they buy during a specific period of time. The bonuses do a few important things: They encourage your audience to buy early in your launch. They motivate your audience to buy when they were otherwise on the fence.

Do limited time bonuses work?

Limited time bonuses are one of the most common marketing tactics in the book, but despite that, they work. Like I said, people love free things, and offering them for only a limited time can cause someone to make a split second decision that they otherwise wouldn’t consider.
