how to link sapling homework to a canvas course

by Rhianna Champlin 8 min read

Linking a Sapling Learning course with Canvas

  • Click "Connect with Sapling"
  • Locate your Sapling Learning course and click "Associate"
  • Click "Yes, Associate This Course"
  • New tools will be displayed on the Macmillan Tools page

Linking a Sapling Learning course with Canvas
  1. Click "Macmillan Learning" or "Bedford, Freeman & Worth" in your left navigation menu.
  2. Continue with sign-on or provisioning. Click Continue.
  3. Click "Authenticate" Click "Authorize" ​ Click "Continue"
  4. Click "OK"
Feb 7, 2022

Full Answer

Can I link my sapling learning course to canvas?

Feb 07, 2022 · Linking a Sapling Learning course with Canvas Click "Connect with Sapling" Locate your Sapling Learning course and click "Associate" Click "Yes, Associate This Course" New tools will be displayed on the Macmillan Tools page

How does deep integration with canvas work with sapling learning?

The homework assignments will all be on Sapling Learning. You can go to Sapling to see the assignments and your grades. At the end of each unit your homework assignments will be incorporated into your participations score for the unit. How do I find the learning modules? All the learning modules are on Canvas. Where is my participation score? A summary of all your …

How does sapling learning work in my LMS?

Log into your LMS and click the Sapling Learning link Follow the Sapling Learning link from your instructor's course page (Blackboard, Canvas, D2L, or Moodle). For initial registration, your Sapling Learning homework must be accessed through that link.

How do I Share my Canvas account url with students?

Connect your Canvas account with Sapling Learning Log in to your institution's Canvas site. Find the course using Sapling content. Open your course by clicking the course tile on your dashboard. Go to the modules area (or Assignments area) and click a link to a Sapling … More › 491 People Learned More Courses ›› View Course

Open the content area in your Blackboard course that contains the Sapling assignments

Note: In the image below the instructor has named the content area Sapling Learning, but your own instructor may call it something else, e.g. Course Materials, Assignments, Homework.

Click any Sapling assignment

If you do not see individual Sapling assignments listed in your LMS course, click on the Sapling homepage link.

Review User Privacy Information

If shown this page, you can agree that Blackboard will automatically provide your name and Blackboard e-mail to Macmillan Learning so that we can create your Sapling user account. We recommend that you select I agree to share my user information with the Macmillan Learning system and click Launch.

Find the Sapling content area and click any of the content links there

Note: In the image below the instructor has named the content area Sapling Learning, but your own instructor may call it something else, e.g. Course Materials, Assignments, Homework.

If the page does not appear to load

You'll need to adjust your browser settings and/or disable pop-up blockers to access Sapling content. Please see the instructions here: LMS integration troubleshooting for students.

If you are prompted to enter your name and e-mail

If your instructor has set up the integration to automatically keep your information private, you will be prompted to enter your name and e-mail address.#N#If you have an existing Sapling Learning account that you would like to link to your D2L account, enter the e-mail address of that Sapling Learning account here.#N#Otherwise we recommend that you enter the e-mail address that is associated with your D2L/Brightspace account..

Find the course using Sapling content

Make sure you are viewing the course within Moodle that contains Sapling content. You can change courses by clicking on a different course, either in the left sidebar or from your Moodle dashboard.

Learning Apps Now Available to Install Directly From Any Canvas Course

As the number of learning apps available to Northwestern instructors in Canvas continues to grow, so too can the course navigation menu.

Available Now in the NU Learning Apps Tab

At this time, the following apps are available for installation via the NU Learning Apps tab in any Northwestern Canvas course:

Students: Register for Sapling Learning courses via your ..

Connect your Canvas account with Sapling Learning Log in to your institution's Canvas site. Find the course using Sapling content. Open your course by clicking the course tile on your dashboard. Go to the modules area (or Assignments area) and click a link to a Sapling …

Sapling - Macmillan Learning

Sapling Learning is an online homework system that your instructor assigns to help you learn key concepts. Question types include multiple-choice, free-response, labeling, and ranking, along with hints and feedback to help you answer and learn …

Can you get a degree online?

A college education doesn't have to be inconvenient. Our online college degree programs let you work towards your academic goals without dropping your family or professional obligations. You can get an associate, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree online.

Are online degrees respected?

As more and more trusted schools offer online degree programs, respect continues to grow. ... According to a survey, 83 percent of executives say that an online degree is as credible as one earned through a traditional campus-based program.

Are scholarships available?

Scholarships are offered by a wide array of organizations, companies, civic organizations and even small businesses. Some scholarships require students to meet specific criteria, such as a certain grade point average or extracurricular interest.

Is online study good or bad?

Online schooling is a good option if you do good time management and follow a well prepared time table. Consider it as a great opportunity to learn more and learn better! As we all know excess of everything is bad. Everything has a limit if u doing it in efficient and effective manner.

Enable Self-Enrollment

Click the Let students self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL or code checkbox.

Add Join the Course Link

If you want to add an enrollment link to the Course Home Page, click the Add a "Join this Course" link to the course home page checkbox.

Click the entire e-book link

There are several links to the e-book throughout your course including within Assessments and LearningCurve . Some of these links are to a snippet of your e-book (a specific section) and not the entire e-book. You can access snippets of your e-book without going through this process.

Sign up for a Macmillan Learning eBook account (optional)

You will be prompted to enter an e-mail address. If you do not have an e-mail address to enter, or you do not wish to enter one, you can click " No thanks, I'll skip this step. " at the bottom.

View your e-book

You will be taken to your e-book. If you logged in, you will not be prompted to log in again the next time you open the e-book. If you chose to skip logging in, you will see the log in page again each time you open the e-book.

Download your e-book (optional)

If you logged in to a Macmillan Learning eBook account, you can now use that account to download your e-book to a computer or mobile device for viewing offline. See the instructions in the help article Download new e-book to read offline.

Molecular drawing shortcuts in organic chemistry

In organic chemistry courses you may learn to take several drawing shortcuts, such as using skeletal or bond-line notation to skip drawing out carbons, using condensed hydrogen notation, or skipping drawing hydrogens on carbon since they are deemed implicit.

Tips for accurate grading of your drawing

For drawing questions, there are some things to be aware of to ensure that your answers are graded properly.

Always draw connections

The molecular drawing module grades connections, not the visual representation of the molecule. That means you can draw your molecules in any orientation, but you must indicate all connections; you cannot simply draw two overlapping lines and expect the system to know you meant for there to be a carbon atom in the middle.
