how to learn an entire course in one week

by Juanita Keeling MD 7 min read

Part of a video titled how to CRAM a semester of work in ONE WEEK college finals ...
And active recall which is far more efficient than making flashcards. Another approach could beMoreAnd active recall which is far more efficient than making flashcards. Another approach could be reaching out to your peers. Or friends to have a group study session you can get clarifications.

How do I study effectively in Week 7 of a course?

One of the tricks to studying effectively is seeing the connections between various topics in the course. Don't make the mistake of assuming the material in Week One has no relevance to Week Seven. In fact, it's more than likely that Week Seven directly builds on concepts learned near the beginning of the course.

Can a class be complete in less than a week?

Classes have definitive due dates for deliverables, and there’s little time to fit a program like this into a normal schedule of classes. To complete a class in less than a week is to operate within a 12-hour workday that is simply impossible to maintain ordinarily.

How to prepare for a test with only one day to study?

With discipline and focus, you can still succeed on your exam with only one day to prepare. While it is always best to prepare for a test at least a week in advance, sometimes life gets in the way. There are a few ways to guarantee your best performance on your test with only one day to study. Find somewhere new to study.

How long does it take to finish a class in college?

It would take about a day and a half to finish each category, and under a week to finish an entire semester’s worth of class deliverables. Then wash, rinse and repeat for the next classes.

How can I study everything in a week?

How to prepare for your exams with one week to goIdentify your strengths and weaknesses. ... Study in focused bursts and take breaks. ... Choose a topic for each study session. ... Finesse your exam technique. ... Get help with anything you still don't understand. ... Get plenty of sleep. ... Eat well. ... Exercise.More items...•

Is 1 week enough to study?

One week is ample time for you to study, if you convert it in hours you have over 100 hours to study. Set aside at least 4-6 hours a day to study.

How can I learn the whole course in one day?

These are our top tips for studying the day before an exam:Wake up early. ... Choose the right place to work. ... Go to the library prepared. ... Create a plan before you start. ... Refrain from panicking. ... Use lecture slides and past papers. ... Study without technology and social media. ... Re-read your lecture notes and highlight.More items...•

How many hours a week should you study for a course?

The recommended amount of time to spend on your studies is 2-3 hours per credit per week (4 hours per credit per week for Math classes), right from week 1. For example, for a 3-unit course, this means 6-9 hours devoted to studying per week.

Can I study 12 hours a day?

It depends on what you are studying and in which class you are. If your are preparing for some competitive exam or if your are slow learner you would require more time. But if you have that capacity to learn for 12 hours per day then it is good it would definitely help you in the long run.

Is it possible to study 18 hours a day?

18 hours is enough or I can say more than enough for study. But you should study qualitatively means what you study do it in perfect way and you should take a test series in which you can analyse yourself and if you are doing well in the test series than you will definitely do good in exam also.

Is studying 6 hours a day enough?

Although studies are still inconclusive on the topic, based on our research most students can study about 7 or 6 hours per day and still stay effective. However, the total time can vary depending on numerous factors and is different from student to student.

Is it possible to study 15 hours a day?

Studying 15-16 hours per day is possible for only 2-3 days if very necessary. Studying at high pitch continuously drain your body's capacity to recover & hamper retaining capacity.

Is studying 3 hours a day enough?

The consensus among universities is that for every hour spent in class, students should spend approximately 2-3 hours studying. So, for example, if your course is three hours long two days per week, you should be studying 12-18 hours for that class per week.

How many hours do top students sleep?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, high school students (ages 14-17) need about eight to 10 hours of sleep each night. For young adults (ages 18 to 25), the range is need between seven and nine hours.

Why can't I study even if I want to?

It could be that you are the type of person who loses focus easily. Work on forcing yourself to study even when you don't really want to. If you do it because you want to do well, that helps too because if you are trying to impress someone else that may not be enough motivation to get you going.

How many hours can a human brain study?

How much time a human brain can concentrate. two hoursBRAIN FOCUS & CONCENTRATION FACTS & STATISTICS The human brain is able to focus up to two hours, after which it needs a 20-30 minute break.

1. How to Be Happy and Have the Life You Want: Tools For Success, Udemy

You had me at the title. If you’re striving to find more excitement in your career and life, this short course is the perfect way to get yourself in the mindset for success.

2. How to Write Your Profile Summary on LinkedIn, Skillshare

Tackle this very tricky (but important) task of promoting yourself online with a step by step process and real-life examples for inspiration.

3. A Mini Course on Time Management, Udemy

Learning about time management stresses us out when we think we’re losing, well, time. Lucky for you, this class is only half an hour—and covers a heck of a lot.

4. Make Your Own 2048, Udacity

Kick-start your coding career with this simple—but fun—class on the basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. And, if you’re a big fan of the game “2048,” you’ll get to make your own version by the end!

5. The Core Four of Personal Finance, Udemy

If just the idea of personal finance overwhelms you, it shouldn’t. It’s super easy to save and spend wisely—and this course will teach you the basics to smart money.

6. Learn to Think Differently, Skillshare

If you don’t have all day to get creative, how about 10 minutes? That’s all you’ll really need to finish this super short class on innovation and creative thinking.

7. Write What You Know, Udemy

Interested in taking up writing as a side hobby? Learn how to pick out stories from your life and put them down on paper in an effective way, and you’re halfway there to writing a book (or, at least a blog post or two).

How to study effectively?

Group up with your friends. One of the best ways to study effectively is to cooperate with your friends. Group study is the perfect opportunity to compare class notes and discuss any especially complicated concepts you think will be given in the test.

How to prepare for a test?

Start your test preparation by first learning about the test format (multiple choice, listening, essay, etc.) so the individual tasks won’t get you down. Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher. Here are the most popular types of test: Multiple choice – choose one or more right answers from a list of options.

How to pass multiple choice exam?

How to pass a multiple choice exam: While reading the question, try to answer it first without looking at the given answers. Next, read all of them, dismiss the wrong ones, and examine the distractors (state ments that are true but don’t quite answer the question).

How to maximize performance?

To maximize your performance, take into consideration the context of your testing environment while studying. It’ll be easier to recall the information during the exam if you learned it in a similar environment. That’s why many students prefer preparing for a test in a classroom or library.

What is the study material in a syllabus?

Study material in a syllabus can be divided into core material and elaborative material. While core material consists of important principles, theorems, formulae, important diagrams and graphs, elaborative material consists of examples, quotes, illustrations etc. As much as 80 per cent of the questions asked in an exam are likely to come from ...

What happens if you don't take a break?

If your mind doesn't take a break, the next round of studying is not going to be as effective .

How long does it take to study for an exam?

These six steps will help you study for an exam in 24 hours or less. Make a list of important terms, concepts, and ideas. Look for summaries in the textbook.

What to do if you left studying for a test?

Remain Calm. If you've left studying to the day before the test, it's likely that you're panicking about how you're going to get all of the work done in such a small amount of time. No matter what your circumstances are, it's absolutely important that you don't panic.

How to get over stress when studying?

If you're feeling overly stressed, take 15 minutes before studying to clear your mind and relax. Try some yoga, listen to a favorite song, or make a quick call to a supportive friend .

How to know if something is important?

In general, you know something is important if: 1 The instructor has explicitly said it will be on the exam. 2 It has come up a lot in the textbook and/or lectures. 3 It is fundamental to understanding other topics in the course. 4 It is highlighted, underlined, or bolded in a course syllabus or textbook.

How to create a break schedule for yourself?

During your break, feel free to check your email, use your phone, or get up and walk around. One way of creating a break schedule for yourself is the 50/10 method. Study diligently for 50 minutes, without distractions. Hold yourself accountable.

Why do you use the syllabus?

You can also use the syllabus to guide your study. There is a good chance that your professor organized the material in a specific way to guide your learning. Use the syllabus to help you find ways to look at the course material from a larger perspective , and figure out how to best organize this mass of information.

How to keep information in your brain?

Make sure to copy the fact or idea at least three times for this method to work. Use mnemonic devices . Mnemonic devices are techniques that help your brain retain information.

How to stop getting distracted while studying?

Turn off your phone. Unless you need it to study, try turning off your phone for long periods at a time while you study. This will allow you to be focused for longer without stopping, and reduces the chances of you getting distracted. ...

Why is it important to study with a small group?

However, it is sometimes helpful to work with a small group in order to compare notes and talk through concepts together. If you decide a study group will help you, make sure to choose classmates who are at least as smart as you so they don't slow you down. Be careful of studying with friends.

Does rereading a textbook help you retain information?

Simply re-reading your textbook will not help you retain information, especially when you only have one day to study. Look for chapter summaries and bolded keywords as you review and pay attention to chapter introductions and conclusions, as they usually contain essential summarizing information.
