how to use penguin agility course

by Katheryn Jacobs 3 min read

The course

  • The start of the course is north of the group of penguins; may need to click on the western part of the northern tip to...
  • After the ice crushers, climb the stepping stones just north of the ice crushers to go to the Icicles. Jump from one...
  • Click on the Tread-softly Icicles to pass.
  • Then Cross Ice to the south of the last icicle.

Full Answer

Where can I find a penguin agility course?

Penguin Agility Course. By: Data/Loggy and PieCakes. This is a members-only feature. Location: North of the Penguin outpost on the Iceberg. Requirements: 30 Agility, must have completed the Cold War Quest. Extra Info: You'll need to be in your penguin disguise to gain access to the outpost and thus the course; minimum food required - something like tuna will do, probably …

How do you get a penguin agility pet in Animal Crossing?

Open. Examine. A gate. Map. Advanced data. Object ID. 21172. The gate is the final Agility obstacle found within the Penguin Agility Course. An Agility level of 30 is required to pass the obstacle, which will then grant the player 65 Agility experience.

What level do you have to be to do the Penguin course?

Aug 07, 2017 · My second attempt at this guideHope it helps, whether you're a qt noob that wants a qt pet, or a completionist going for Totus points. Big thank you to Magyk...

How much experience do I get from the agility course?

Nov 05, 2008 · The penguin course was too much of a hassle for me, as that icy slope at the end kept harming me, and it took quite a while to get up it. I'd stick with the barbarian course until you can pot into wildy course. ~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~.

How do you use Penguin agility course Osrs?

Part of a video titled Giant Squirrel Guide - Penguin Course! - YouTube
You click travel on the boat. Go to the iceberg. From the iceberg you'll talk to Larry. And selectMoreYou click travel on the boat. Go to the iceberg. From the iceberg you'll talk to Larry. And select penguin time when is right click options.

How do I access Penguin agility course?

The Penguin agility course is located on the Iceberg, and requires an Agility level of 30. Players also need partial completion of the quest Cold War, and must be wearing the clockwork suit.

How do you use the Barbarian Outpost agility course?

  1. Teleport using a games necklace.
  2. Walk west from the Seers' Village lodestone.
  3. Walk north-west from the Ardougne lodestone.
  4. Use the shortcut to the north-east of the Grand Tree in the Gnome Stronghold (level 37 Agility)
  5. Teleport using Barbarian Teleport spell (requires level 75 Magic and the Lunar spellbook)

How do you get to Dorgesh Kaan agility course?

Getting there

The course is located in the far south of the city on the top level, and can be reached by climbing the southernmost stairs to reach the south dungeon's upper level. The fastest way to get to the course is to break a Dorgesh-Kaan teleport sphere and run to the course.

Is giant squirrel rare Osrs?

A player's actual chances of receiving it is 1 in B - (Lvl * 25), where B is the base chance and Lvl is the player's Agility level.

How do I get a squirrel pet Osrs?

The giant squirrel is a skilling pet that can be obtained after completion of an agility course, as well as from ticket dispensers within the Brimhaven Agility Arena. The chances of getting it are dependent on the player's Agility level, and the agility course the player is training on.

How long does it take to get agile top?

Obtaining the agile top

At one bite per lap, it will take between 130 and 170 summer pies to get 250 perfect laps if starting the course at level 85 Agility. These perfect laps do not need to be done consecutively.

How do I teleport to Barbarian Outpost?

There are four main ways of getting to the Outpost:
  1. Teleport using a games necklace.
  2. Walk from Seers' Village.
  3. Use the shortcut to the north-east of the Grand Tree in the Gnome Stronghold (level 37 Agility).
  4. Teleport using Barbarian Teleport spell (requires level 75 Magic and Lunar Magicks).

How do I teleport to the wilderness agility course?

Transportation. The Wilderness sword 4 provides unlimited teleports to the course after the Wilderness achievements have been completed. Players can use teleports from Ancient Magicks (Ghorrock Teleport with 96 Magic) or Lunar Spells (Ice Plateau Teleport with 89 magic) to teleport themselves due west of the course.

How can I go to Dorgesh-Kaan bank?

Dorgesh-Kaan can only be accessed after completion of Death to the Dorgeshuun quest. It seems likely that further quests in the series will reveal more about the city. You can get to the city by first going from the Lumbridge Castle cellar to Dorgeshuun Mine and then south past Mistag and the weapon shop.

How do I make a light orb Osrs?

Empty light orbs can be made with level 87 Crafting by blowing molten glass, granting 70 experience. Attaching a cave goblin wire to an empty orb creates a light orb, which can be used to repair broken lamps in Dorgesh-Kaan. This gives an additional 104 Crafting experience.Oct 20, 2020

Where is the Burthorpe agility course?

The Burthorpe Agility Course was introduced as part of the members tutorial, Troll Warzone, on 31 January 2012. It's a novice training area, only requiring 1 Agility to use, and can be found in the northeastern-most point of Burthorpe.

Getting there

Find Larry, who is stationed by his boat to the north-east of Rellekka on the pier (outside the fence area), and talk to him.

The course

This course offers much higher experience than the Barbarian Agility Course, but requires a lower Agility level. Three of the four obstacles on the course can be failed - the crushers can deal damage, but it is not necessary to do them again - however the damage taken is negligible.


When doing the crushers, players should click on the first stepping stone just as the all 3 northern crushers finish moving down.

Update history

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included - see here for how to help out!


Players cannot drop anything while swimming. Also, if a player is moving and tries to eat or drink while swimming, the player will stop.

Getting there

Find Larry who is stationed by his boat to the north-east of Rellekka on the pier (outside the fence area), and talk to him.

The course

This course offers slightly higher experience than the Barbarian Agility Course, but requires a lower Agility level. However, all four obstacles can be failed, so food and agility potions are recommended if the Agility level is low. Players are also recommended to bring Boots of lightness to decrease their weight as well as to run longer.


When doing the crushers, players should click on the first stepping stone just as the first crusher comes out to block them.


Players cannot drop anything while swimming. Also, if a player is moving and tries to eat or drink while swimming, the player will stop.
