how to hide a started course from your home page on khan academy

by Leonie Leffler 4 min read

How do I use Khan Academy with my students?

Follow these four steps to begin using Khan Academy with your students. Step 1: Create your account. Go to Select Teachers, start here and follow the prompts to create your account. Note: No matter what you select, once you start creating your account you’ll have the option to identify yourself as a learner, coach, or parent.

How do I log out of my child's Khan Academy account?

If you and your child are sharing a computer, you’ll need to log out of your parent account any time your child wants to learn on Khan Academy. You can log out from any page by clicking on your name in the upper right corner and then Log Out. Your child can then log in using the username and password you created for them.

How can I view my child’s progress on Khan Academy?

You can view your child’s progress on Khan Academy from your Parent Dashboard. Click on your child’s name to view their activity. You'll be taken directly to your child's Progress page, but you can also go to their Profile page or their Teachers page from the left side menu.

How do I Change my Child's settings in Khan Academy?

Log into your own Khan Academy account and click your name at the top right. A menu will open. Scroll down to Child accounts and click Settings for the child whose settings you want to change.

How do you remove a course from Khan Academy?

1: From the Teacher Dashboard, select the class you want to delete. 2: Once you are in the class, click on Settings under Admin in the left sidebar. 3: On the Settings page, click on Delete this class at the bottom of the page.

How do I change settings on Khan Academy?

You can adjust your Khan Academy account settings at any time by visiting the Settings page. To find the Settings page, click on the navigation button (your name) that appears in the upper right corner of the screen and then select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu.

Can my teacher see my progress on Khan Academy?

Teachers can use Class Reports to see how many students have completed specific assignments, and to view overall progress by skill. You will need a Class Account in the Khan Academy Kids app in order to view student progress.

How many courses can you take on Khan Academy?

The My Courses section allows you to choose up to 9 courses to be displayed on your Learning Home page.

Where is the Edit Profile button on Khan Academy?

Hover your mouse over Coaches in the upper right corner of your Showcase....Click on Edit Profile (you can also click on your name on the left).A pop-up menu asking you to Edit basic info will appear.Here, you can change your nickname, username, location, and bio.Once you do, click Save.

How do I delete my child on Khan Academy?

Child accounts can be deleted on the same page by following these steps:In the Settings page, scroll up to Child accounts.Select Settings, found on the right side of your child's account.Scroll down and click on Delete (child account username)More items...•

How do you get your percentage up fast on Khan Academy?

As you practice skills and answer questions, your mastery level for each skill will go up, if you answered correctly, or down, if you miss questions. If you want to make progress more quickly, try a Mastery challenge. Mastery challenges allow you to strengthen the skills you've already practiced in just six questions.

What can teachers see on Khan?

Teachers can view score history, assign lessons, and email the reports from the Class Reports section in the Students tab—read more about these features here.

Does Khan Academy keep track of grades?

From your teacher account, you can use Khan Academy's Progress report to track course and unit progress and the Skills report to track skill-specific progress for all the students in your class. You can also encourage students to monitor their own progress and effort on Khan Academy.

Is Khan Academy losing money?

Khan Academy Expenses In 2018 and 2019, Khan Academy was losing money on an annual basis due to an increase in expenses and decrease in Contributions and Grants. But it did have tens of millions in assets and could have sustained this situation for a few years.

Is Khan Academy struggling?

As a non-profit, Khan Academy was already struggling to manage their costs. Now, with COVID-19, the struggle has become worse. Luckily, the Bank of America has stepped up to support the global learning service and combat the financial problems which Khan Academy has been facing.

What is the highest math class?

Though Math 55 bore the official title "Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra," advanced topics in complex analysis, point set topology, group theory, and differential geometry could be covered in depth at the discretion of the instructor, in addition to single and multivariable real analysis as well as abstract ...

How to create a Khan Academy account?

Step 1: Create your account. Go to Select Teachers, start here and follow the prompts to create your account.

Where is the teacher dashboard on Khan Academy?

The Teacher Dashboard is the teachers' homepage on Khan Academy. You can always get back to it by clicking the top-center Khan Academy logo or by clicking Coach dashboard in the username drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen.

How to add a class to Google Classroom?

Go to your Teacher Dashboard, accessible through the username dropdown menu at the top-right of the screen. Click the Add new class button. Either enter your own class name or import a class from Google Classroom. Then, select a subject for your class.

Does Khan Academy add subject?

Note: Adding a subject allows Khan Academy to suggest relevant content for you to assign. It will not prevent you from assigning other content to students or prevent students from practicing on other parts of the site.

How to change your child's settings on Khan Academy?

To change your child's settings, follow these steps: Log into your own Khan Academy account and click your name at the top right . A menu will open. Click Settings. Scroll down to Child accounts and click Settings for the child whose settings you want to change. Note: You can also reach these settings by selecting Your children from ...

How old do you have to be to change your name on Khan Academy?

If your child is younger than age 13, you can change their: Username: Your child will use this name to log in to Khan Academy. It’s also the name that will show up on your parent homepage. Gender: This information is optional.

How to see progress on Khan Academy?

You can view your child’s progress on Khan Academy from your Parent Dashboard. Click on your child’s name to view their activity. You'll be taken directly to your child's Progress page, but you can also go to their Profile page or their Teachers page from the left side menu.

What is Khan Academy?

At Khan Academy, we provide a personalized, mastery-based learning system. Mastery learning means that your child will continue to work on a concept until they can master that concept or skill. You can tell your child has mastered a skill when they apply that skill to successfully complete a job or a task that requires it.

How to find your parent dashboard?

First, you can find it by clicking on your name in the upper right corner of the page, and then clicking on Parent Dashboard in the drop-down menu.

How to see if someone has a mastery level?

Additionally, if the activity involved practicing a skill or answering questions, you’ll see their Mastery level, if there was any change in their Mastery level during the activity (i.e., did they level up or down in Mastery), and how many problems they got correct versus the total number of problems in the activity.

What to do if your teacher isn't available?

If their teacher isn't available, look at your child’s homework and ask them questions about the topics they’re covering in class. Look for online resources that match those topics.

Can students choose any video on the unit page?

Now that they’re on the unit page, they can choose any video, article, or exercise in the lesson they’d like to work on. In this example, they chose the Overview and history of algebra video under Algebra Foundations.

Is Khan Academy for parents?

Welcome to Khan Academy! Parents are key in supporting their children’s learning on Khan Academy, and so we want to help you and your child get to learning and growing on Khan Academy as quickly and easily as possible.

How many questions are in mastery challenges?

Mastery Challenges always consist of 6 questions that review 3 skills. Mastery Challenges are personalized to you, reviewing skills that you’ve worked on across the entire course.

How to remember new things?

Set a schedule for yourself, and study at least a few times a week. That way, you’re more likely to remember the new things that you’re learning.
