identify at least two best practices for scripting. explain why they are best practices course hero

by Dr. Dejuan Reynolds 8 min read

What are best practices?

Identify at least two best practices for scripting. Explain why they are best practices. Start your scripts with a standard set of comments, and add comments as much as possible. This helps to keep a basic outline and find what is needed later when something isn’t working properly. This will also come in handy if anybody has to contact you about your script. Use simple but meaningful …

What are the best practices in web development?

Aug 13, 2010 · A guide makes it easier for you to read other people's code and for them to read yours. Start every script with a comment block that tells what the script does and what parameters it takes ...

Why do we use best practices in similar projects?

Jul 17, 2016 · Jack Z. Dikici CIS 321 Unit 5 Reading Questions 1) Identify at least two best practices for. Study Resources. Main Menu; by School; by Literature Title ... Identify at least two best practices for scripting. Explain why they. Dikici_U5_Reading_Questions - Jack Z. Dikici CIS 321 Unit 5... School ECPI University, Virginia Beach; Course Title CIS ...

Should you consider a trial period before implementing a program?

Mar 27, 2017 · Best practices are used to maintain quality as an alternative to mandatory legislated standards and can be based on self-assessment or benchmarking. A best practice is a feature of accredited management standards such as ISO 9000 and ISO 14001.”. According to Investopedia, “Best practices are a set of guidelines, ethics or ideas that ...

Why are Best Practices Important?

Best practices are important for processes that you need to work correctly. They are simply the best way to do things and have been worked out thro...

What are Best Practices?

Finding best practices is simply taking the time to research what you are planning to do and finding the best way to go about getting it done. Esta...

What is the Purpose of Using Best Practices?

Regardless of the complexity of your best practices, the aim is to make whatever you are doing work out better, faster, and more efficiently with f...

Where are Best Practices Applied?

This concept is extensively used in project management, auditing, healthcare, construction, or software development projects, among others.


Train Human Resources managers and all employees on EEO laws. Implement a strong EEO policy that is embraced at the top levels of the organization. Train managers, supervisors and employees on its contents, enforce it, and hold them accountable.

Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion

Recruit, hire, and promote with EEO principles in mind, by implementing practices designed to widen and diversify the pool of candidates considered for employment openings, including openings in upper level management.

Terms, Conditions, and Privileges of Employment

Monitor compensation practices and performance appraisal systems for patterns of potential discrimination. Make sure performance appraisals are based on employees' actual job performance.


Adopt a strong anti-harassment policy, periodically train each employee on its contents, and vigorously follow and enforce it. The policy should include:


  1. Train Human Resources managers and all employees on EEO laws. Implement a strong EEO policy that is embraced at the top levelsof the organization. Train managers, supervisors and employees on its c...
  2. Promote an inclusive culturein the workplace by fostering an environment of professionalism and respect for personal differences.
  1. Train Human Resources managers and all employees on EEO laws. Implement a strong EEO policy that is embraced at the top levelsof the organization. Train managers, supervisors and employees on its c...
  2. Promote an inclusive culturein the workplace by fostering an environment of professionalism and respect for personal differences.
  3. Foster open communication and early dispute resolution. This may minimize the chance of misunderstandings escalating into legally actionable EEO problems. An alternative dispute-resolution (ADR) pr...
  4. Establish neutral and objective criteria to avoid subjective employment decisions based on personal stereotypes or hidden biases.

Recruitment, Hiring, and Promotion

  1. Recruit, hire, and promote with EEO principles in mind, by implementing practices designed to widen and diversify the pool of candidatesconsidered for employment openings, including openings in upp...
  2. Monitor for EEO compliance by conducting self-analysesto determine whether current employment practices disadvantage people of color, treat them differently, or leave uncorrec…
  1. Recruit, hire, and promote with EEO principles in mind, by implementing practices designed to widen and diversify the pool of candidatesconsidered for employment openings, including openings in upp...
  2. Monitor for EEO compliance by conducting self-analysesto determine whether current employment practices disadvantage people of color, treat them differently, or leave uncorrected the effects of his...
  3. Analyze the duties, functions, and competencies relevant to jobs. Then create objective, job-related qualification standardsrelated to those duties, functions, and competencies. Make sure they are...
  4. Ensure selection criteriado not disproportionately exclude certain racial groups unless the cri…

Terms, Conditions, and Privileges of Employment

  1. Monitor compensation practices and performance appraisal systems for patterns of potential discrimination. Make sure performance appraisals are based on employees' actual job performance. Ensure co...
  2. Develop the potential of employees, supervisors, and managers with EEO in mind, by providing training and mentoring that provides workers of all backgrounds the opportunity, skill, experi…
  1. Monitor compensation practices and performance appraisal systems for patterns of potential discrimination. Make sure performance appraisals are based on employees' actual job performance. Ensure co...
  2. Develop the potential of employees, supervisors, and managers with EEO in mind, by providing training and mentoring that provides workers of all backgrounds the opportunity, skill, experience, and...
  3. Protect against retaliation. Provide clear and credible assurances that if employees make complaints or provide information related to complaints, the employer will protect employees from retaliati...


  • Adopt a strong anti-harassment policy, periodically train each employee on its contents, and vigorously follow and enforceit. The policy should include: 1. A clear explanationof prohibited conduct, including examples; 2. Clear assurance that employees who make complaints or provide information related to complaints will be protected against retaliation; 3. A clearly described co…
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