how to get through a college course that sucks reddit

by Dr. Reese Brakus 4 min read

What should I do if I can't get through a class?

I am also currently going back to college to get a CS degree as well, while working. Short answer: No, a degree is not required to get a CS job. I got a job doing web development, before I even finished my web development class! I'm still staying in school for a couple of reasons: 1) I am learning how to learn.

Is it okay to be sad about not getting into college?

God the lab portion of that course drove me fucking nuts. After that D on the first test I got in the course, I vowed to myself I’ll get out of this course alive with at least a B-. So I got to work and hoped that my lab grad would pull my overall grade up, but holy shit I spent countless hours in that laboratory memorizing those wretched rocks.

What should you do when you get rejected from a college?

college sucks I'm a freshman who is attending the college of their dreams. Everytime a relative or friend asks how I like it I lie and tell them I love it, when in reality these have been the hardest and darkest 5 months of my life.

Should you drop or retake a class?

My college experience was even more boring than yours OP. I'm about to graduate with a bachelors after attending school for 6 and 1/2 years. I worked full time through most it and made no friends what so ever. Never partied, never hooked up. On the bright side I'm graduating with less than 2000$ in debt.

How do you get through a college class you hate?

Here are six ways to like the course you hate:Go to the class. Skipping classes will only make the situation worse. ... Try. ... Don't procrastinate. ... Talk to the professor. ... Engage with other students. ... Try to connect the class to something you do like.Nov 9, 2017

Are C's normal in college?

Most students (and most parents) don't realize that in college, a C is a great grade. When the student who pulled a 4.0 in high school ends up with a 2.5 GPA in their first semester in college, their shock is real.Dec 6, 2016

How do you get through the classes you hate on Reddit?

find / make a friend. Having an ally in class makes it easier to get through. You can vent together and you will go to class for each other. This can also evolve into forming a study group with other classmates.find different sources to help you study the material. The internet is a powerful thing. Edit: format.

Can you bounce back from an F in college?

“If you get an F factored into your GPA, it's zero credits… It could or could not affect your academic standing. ... It depends on the class, on how many credits you were taking and on what your other grades were,” said Assistant Dean at Columbia's Berick Center for Student Advising Erica Siegel.Nov 14, 2019

What does a 3.03 GPA mean?

A 3.0 GPA, or Grade Point Average, is equivalent to a B letter grade on a 4.0 GPA scale. This means is equivalent to an 83-86%. The national average GPA is 3.0 which means your 3.0 is a perfectly average and with a bit of work can easily be improved to stand out from the crowd.

Is a 3.0 GPA good in college?

"I encourage people to go for a 3.0 (GPA) or higher," Campbell says, which is equivalent to a B average. Experts say a 4.0 GPA, which is an A letter grade average, can be difficult to maintain throughout college.Jan 28, 2019

How do you deal with a class you hate?

5 Ways to Deal With a Class You HateChange Your Attitude to the Class You Dislike. Each subject you learn is valuable in some way. ... Connect the Subject with Something You Do Like. ... Create an Action Plan. ... Study with Students Who are Interested in the Subject. ... Prioritize Your Schedule.Mar 22, 2017

How do you get through a terrible class?

Find one thing to enjoy about class.Find a friend in the class. Spend the class thinking of good stuff to talk about after class, as you're leaving.Try to find something about the subject to enjoy as well. If it's history, sit through the boring stuff about legislation to get to the juicy stuff about battles.

Why do most students hate school?

A lot of children dislike school because they do not like being told what to do all day long. There are then children that are too attached to their primary caregivers. These children are scared and quite anxious when their parents or siblings are not with them.Mar 26, 2021

What happens if you fail a class 3 times in college?

What happens if you fail a class 3 times in college will depend on the college you are attending, but often, you might have to submit a petition to retake the course or you might have to transfer credits or drop the class and make up for it in another way.Apr 30, 2021

What's a perfect GPA?

If your school uses this one, the perfect GPA is a 4.0, which means that you have straightAs. If you have a 3.0, you have straight Bs, and so on and so forth. The unweighted GPA scale also means that each class is scored the same, regardless of its difficulty.Mar 1, 2022

Is Failing a college class the end of the world?

Failing a class is not the end of the world, or even of your college experience. It doesn't mean you're stupid, or that you chose the wrong major and won't be able to cut it in the real world. It simply means that you have something to improve on and a goal to work toward in your education.Oct 26, 2015

Just wanted to thank you all and say goodby my country is shutting down the internet

Hello fellow redditors, I just wanted to say goodby to you guys and every other social media encoding the whole Google and such, I live in iran and they are going to shut down the internet completely in 40 days.

My kids playlist is making me tear up a bit

My wife passed away 14 years ago when my kid was just 7. He was always a nervous kid and had terrible nightmares. There were a lot of songs she used to sing to him when he was having rough nights.

Obesity is a crime against humanity and needs to be treated as such

This is coming from someone who used to be obese and is no longer. I don't need congratulations or anything. I'm actually mad that a system is setup to make people obese (addicted to foods)

I (22m, bi) lost my virginity today

Legit thought it might not ever happen, but the other day, a great looking guy (25m) known for sleeping around (known for the women openly, but those who know him know he's into guys, too), and when he said he didn't understand people's reservation about casual sex, I owned up to being a virgin. He openly offered to pop my cherry, and I agreed.

My boyfriend is taking me out for a date tonight

We've been together for 7 years and I can't remember the last time we did something like this. I'm so excited! He was the one to suggest it too, which rarely happens. Today is gonna be a great day! (We're both vaccinated, there's no mask mandate here, I live in a small coastal town in Sweden)

Put a line under it

Got asked if I was pregnant today. Nope. Just fat. Very fat and unhappy. So I'm gonna get my ass in gear and let it spur me on and make positive changes 😊 This girl can!

What to do when you hate class?

If you hate class because it's very difficult, or because you're unable to pay attention, talk to your parents, a guidance counselor, or your teacher to try to figure things out.

How to get energy before school?

If you're about to drift off, everything will seem so much more boring. Try getting a tiny amount of exercise to keep your energy levels up before class. Hide in the bathroom and do fifteen jumping-jacks.

How to keep your mind busy?

If you want to keep your mind busy, try coming up with a little game for yourself to pass the time. As long as it's not loud or obvious enough to get you a reprimand from the teacher, you can play a little game by yourself every now and then to help survive a terrible class.

How does your look affect how you feel?

Instead, wear a cool new outfit, or take some extra time getting ready for school on days that you have a class you don't like , so you'll be able to feel confident and fresh, instead of bored and tired.

How to get through dungeons?

1. Psych yourself up each day. Even if you have to head off to your least favorite class of all time, it doesn't have to be a dungeon if you go in with the right attitude. Develop a little ritual for yourself when you know you have to go to class to give yourself the strength to get through it. You've got this.

Who is Daron Cam?

Daron Cam is an Academic Tutor and the Founder of Bay Area Tutors, Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area-based tutoring service that provides tutoring in mathematics, science, and overall academic confidence building.

Is it fun to take a class?

No class is fun all the time, but sometimes you can pick out one thing that you enjoy, to help keep yourself more focused and give yourself a reason to enjoy being there. Even if it's not something involved in the content of the class itself, but in the room, the student body, or your own brain.

What are the factors that affect your chances of getting rejected from college?

The other major factor that affects your chances of getting rejected from college is the strength of your application . A strong college application usually has the following features: A high GPA and rigorous, challenging course load. High test scores on the SAT / ACT , AP exams , IB tests , etc.

What happens if you don't get accepted to top choice school?

If you didn't get accepted to your top-choice school, a gap year can help you figure out what kind of education you want in life while also providing you with some interesting experiences (which could potentially strengthen future college applications!).

What is a good SAT score?

For example, if you were applying to Harvard, you'd want to aim for 1590 on the SAT or 35 on the ACT . These are the 75th percentile scores for admitted applicants to Harvard.

How long should I spend on college applications?

Turning in subpar materials, such as a poorly written essay. I advise spending at least a few months on your college applications. And while all applications are equally important, it's OK to spend a little extra time on the application for your top choice, if only because it's the school you're most interested in.

Where did Hannah Goelman go to college?

Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

When is the early decision deadline for high school?

Most early action/early decision deadlines are November 1 or November 15.

Is it tempting to rush through the application process?

Whether you're applying early action/early decision or regular decision, it can be tempting to rush through the application process, especially since most students are extremely busy at the start of senior year.

How to keep your GPA?

1. Maintaining Your GPA. The stress of maintaining your GPA is enough to keep you in on the weekends, to keep you from eating dinner, and to basically ruin your life. You'll spend 2 hours on a 5 question quiz to make sure you get them all right.

What does "I don't even know what I don't know" mean?

This phrase arises when you realize you have officially fallen far, far behind and will probably be unable to catch back up with the rest of the class, especially because you don't even know what questions to ask.