how to get platinum on assault course in dirty bomb 2018

by Giovanny Brekke 3 min read

Skyhammer: Entering the Tutorial

On first entering the tutorial, Skyhammer will be presented with a cutscene of the Dirty Bomb wasteland. This cutscene is completed by zooming into the player's head. This then allows the person playing the tutorial, which we'll call the player, to take control of Skyhammer.

Tutorial Part 1: Jumping

This is the part of the tutorial where the player will learn the basics of Mercenary control. Each character that the player uses is called a Mercenary, or Merc for short.

Tutorial Part 4: Combat

This is the main part of the tutorial. As a new player, you'll most likely be playing with Skyhammer for a while until you can afford another Merc and/or feel comfortable enough to experiment with the Free Rotation mercs. For the latest Mercs on free Rotation, please visit the Home Page, where 'Free Rotation' will be on the right.

Tutorial Part 4a: Helping Up

After completing the mini Assault course, you will come across this room. To complete this room, you need to fix the generator. The Generator is the yellow box over on the right, by the wall. To fix the generator, Hold down F while crouching.

Tutorial Part 5: Medic! (Aura)

After you have completed Stage 1 of training with Skyhammer, you will learn how to use Medic abilities. After repairing the Generator in the last part of the Skyhammer tutorial, you will come onto learning Aura's abilities. The image above is part of a cut scene that the players sees after switching to Aura. This only happens in the Tutorial.

Tutorial Part 6: Airstrike!

After switching back to Skyhammer, the player will find themselves in this room, with a balcony in front of them.

Tutorial Complete!

You've completed the tutorial! Welcome to Dirty Bomb, Have fun and Remember to Play Dirty!

Culprit Cards Released

The games lore was updated based off the results of the Rogue en Vogue. Proxy was found to be the culprit and has received to new skins + a new in-game model. The new loadout cards include 'Culprit Obsidian' and 'Culprit'.

Free Aimee Detective Loadout

Users that logged-in during May 19th to May 23rd recvied a free Aimee 'Detective' Card.

Case-A-Day May Event

Case-A-Day May is an event that offers players a chance to get a free Combined Expert Cases each day during May 19, 2016 to May 30, 2016. Combined Expert Cases contains all possible drops from all the expert cases, but combined.

Second Edition Loadout Cards

Splash Damage attemped to balance the loadout cards by introducing 'Second Edition Loadotu Cards'. These cards remove less-used augments and helped to round out the pool of loadout cards for all playable mercs.

Refreshed Tutorial

New players' first experience of Dirty Bomb has been fine tuned, starting with a refreshed tutorial. We've removed some of the 'tutorialisms' unnecessary for PC shooter players, and added extra sections to expand on the core mechanics and key details that set Dirty Bomb apart from the crowd.

Assault Course

The new Assault Course is designed to give both new and experienced players a space to improve their speed and accuracy. The first run, unlocked after a player's first match, teaches the basics of wall jumping and long jumping.

Arsenal Crates

Once players reach level 7 they will begin unlocking 'Arsenal Crates' after leveling. These crates drop better cases, boosters and bundles of regular cases. Once users pass level 10 leveling takes 400,000 xp so gaining more cases the higher you level should not be 'harder':